################################## # TRW sin reduccion # # Para Data Set de la Uni # ################################ from silk import * startDate = "2018/08/14" endDate = "2018/08/15" p = 2 def Analisis(): counter = 0 # borrar luego sampleHash={} #hash para contener los dip con el numero de conecciones y failed coneccciones flow_counter = 0 for filename in FGlob(classname="all", type="all", start_date=startDate, end_date=endDate, site_config_file="/etc/silk/conf-v9/silk.conf", data_rootdir="/home/scratch/flow/rwflowpack/"): for rec in silkfile_open(filename, READ):#reading the flow file flow_counter += 1 if (':' in str(rec.sip)): continue else: connection = [0] * 2 #Lista para contener los valores de conecciones failed y conecciones buenas sip = str(rec.sip) #Devuelve el ip en notacion punto-decimal flags = str(rec.tcpflags) #print sip, flags #counter +=1 if 'A' in flags: ####arreglar connection[1]=1 #good conections else: connection [0] =1 #failed conections if sip in sampleHash: sampleHash[sip][0]+= connection[0] sampleHash[sip][1]+= connection[1] else: sampleHash[sip] = [connection[0], connection[1]] #print sampleHash #print flow_counter return sampleHash sip_connections_list = Analisis() #print sip_connections_list sipList = {"sipList":[]} for sip in sip_connections_list: if (sip_connections_list[sip][1] != 0) and ((sip_connections_list[sip][0] / sip_connections_list[sip][1]) < 1) : #si la cantidad de succesful #b #g #connections es mas que failed connections #not scanner, ignore continue elif (sip_connections_list[sip][1] != 0) and ((sip_connections_list[sip][0] / sip_connections_list[sip][1]) < p): #mas failed que succesful, pero no llega al threshold #not scanner, ignore continue #se debe tener en cuenta que es suspicious pero no taaanto elif (sip_connections_list[sip][1] == 0 and sip_connections_list[sip][0] > 10): #el ratio de failed a succesful llega al threshold pautado #scanner, oh oh hash = {sip:sip_connections_list[sip]} sipList["sipList"].append(hash) else: #scanner, oh oh hash = {sip:sip_connections_list[sip]} sipList["sipList"].append(hash) print sipList