#ifndef MAP_H #define MAP_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /// This is the actual widget in charge of drawing the map class Map : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /// \fn Map(QWidget *parent = 0); /// \~English /// \brief default constructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief constructor por defecto /// explicit Map(QWidget *parent = 0); /// \fn drawPoints(GISPOI *v, unsigned int size); /// \~English /// \brief sets the array of GIS locations and sets its size /// \~Spanish /// \brief establece el arreglo de localizaciones de GIS y su tamaño /// void drawPoints(GISPOI *v, unsigned int size) { gisLocations = v; numLocations = size; } /// \fn drawLine(const GISPOI &city01, const GISPOI &city02) /// \~English /// \brief adds a line from poi01 to poi02 /// \~Spanish /// \brief añade una linea entre los centroides de city01 a city02 /// void drawLine(const GISPOI &poi01, const GISPOI &poi02) { this->cityLines.push_back( QPair (&poi01, &poi02)); } /// \fn ~Map)() /// \~English /// \brief destructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief destructor /// ~Map(); signals: private: Country *myCountry; QMap *cityColorMap; GISPOI *gisLocations; unsigned int numLocations; bool drawRoutes; QVector < QPair > cityLines; protected: /// \fn paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); /// \~English /// \brief function that is called every time the map widget /// generates a paint event. It draws the polygons and lines /// of the map. /// \~Spanish /// \brief función que se invoca cada vez que el widget genera un /// evento de pintar. Dibuja los polígonos y las lineas en el /// mapa. /// void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); public slots: }; #endif // MAP_H