#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" /// \fn MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) /// \~English /// \brief Constructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief Constructor MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { vector devices ; ui->setupUi(this); /* Starts the sniffer thread and connect the signals between the sniffer and the GUI Comienza el hilo del sniffer y conecta las sinales entre el sniffer y el GUI */ pause = 0; sniff = new Sniffer(&wait_pause, &mutex, &pause) ; sniff->moveToThread(&sniff_thread); connect(&sniff_thread, SIGNAL(started()), sniff, SLOT(process())); connect(sniff, SIGNAL(resultReady(unsigned long)), this, SLOT(handleResults(unsigned long))) ; connect(&sniff_thread, SIGNAL(finished()), sniff, SLOT(deleteLater())); /* Sets the display of the payload fonts to courier */ /* Ajusta el tipo de letra para desplegar la carga a courier */ ui->packetSummary->setFont (QFont ("Courier", 13)); ui->resetButton->setEnabled(false); /* Fill the devices box with the machine devices Llena la caja de los devices con los devices de la maquina. */ sniff->find_devices(devices); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) ui->selDevices->addItem(QString::fromStdString(devices[i])); /* Set Network manager to search for images */ /* Ajusta al manejador de red para buscar las imagenes */ netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this) ; connect(netManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(slot_netwManagerFinished(QNetworkReply*))) ; } /// \fn void MainWindow::slot_netwManagerFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) /// \~English /// \brief This slot is called when an image is successfuly retreived. /// The image is then added to the GUI display. /// \param reply object that contains the reply to our request. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Este "slot" es llamado cuando se recibe una imagen con exito. /// La imagen entonces es anadida a la vizualizacion en el GUI. /// \param reply objeto que contiene la respuesta a nuestra solicitud void MainWindow::slot_netwManagerFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qDebug() << "Error in" << reply->url() << ":" << reply->errorString(); return; } QVariant attribute = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); if (attribute.isValid()) { QUrl url = attribute.toUrl(); //qDebug() << "must go to:" << url; return; } //qDebug() << "ContentType:" << reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString(); QByteArray jpegData = reply->readAll(); QPixmap pixmap; pixmap.loadFromData(jpegData); ui->imageDisplayList->setIconSize(QSize(ui->imageDisplayList->width(),ui->imageDisplayList->width())); ui->imageDisplayList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pixmap),"")); } /// \fn MainWindow::~MainWindow() /// \~English /// \brief Destructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief Destructor MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } /// \fn void MainWindow::on_capture_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Signal that starts or pause the capture of the packets in the sniffer. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Senal que inicial o pausa la captura de paquetes en el sniffer void MainWindow::on_capture_clicked() { /* if is running then it is not the first time it is sent to capture. */ /* si esta corriendo entonces no es la primra ves que se envia a capturar. */ if(sniff_thread.isRunning()){ if(ui->capture->text() == "Capture"){ qDebug() << "Now Capture" ; sniff->setDevice(ui->selDevices->currentText().toStdString()) ; mutex.lock(); pause = 0 ; wait_pause.wakeAll(); mutex.unlock(); ui->capture->setText("Stop"); ui->resetButton->setEnabled(true); ui->resetButton->setEnabled(false); } else{ mutex.lock(); pause = 1 ; mutex.unlock(); qDebug() << "Now Stop" ; ui->capture->setText("Capture") ; ui->resetButton->setEnabled(true); } } else{ //qDebug() << "First time\n" ; sniff->setDevice(ui->selDevices->currentText().toStdString()) ; //sniff->setFilter(ui->filterText->toPlainText().toStdString()) ; sniff_thread.start() ; ui->capture->setText("Stop"); } } /// \fn void MainWindow::handleResults(unsigned long index) /// \~English /// \brief A signal was received from the sniffer that a packet of the form /// Ethernet -> IP -> (TCP|UDP) has to be displayed in the GUI. /// Also checks if the packet is an http image request to display. /// \param index number of the packet in the table /// \~Spanish /// \brief Una senal es recibida desde el sniffer que un paquete de la forma /// Ethernet ->IP -> (TCP|UDP) tiene que ser desplegado en el GUI. /// Tambien revisa si el paquete es una solicitud a una imagen en http /// para desplegar. /// \param index numero de el paquete en la tabla void MainWindow::handleResults(unsigned long index){ vector *pkt = sniff->getPacketList() ; /* Packet is added to the GUI packet list */ /* Se anade el paquete al la lista de paquete el GUI */ ui->packetDisplay->insertRow(ui->packetDisplay->rowCount()); ui->packetDisplay->setItem(ui->packetDisplay->rowCount()-1, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(pkt->at(index-1).getIPSAddress()))) ; ui->packetDisplay->setItem(ui->packetDisplay->rowCount()-1, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(pkt->at(index-1).getIPDAddress()))) ; ui->packetDisplay->setItem(ui->packetDisplay->rowCount()-1, 2, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(pkt->at(index-1).getIPSPort()))) ; ui->packetDisplay->setItem(ui->packetDisplay->rowCount()-1, 3, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(pkt->at(index-1).getIPDPort()))) ; ui->packetDisplay->setItem(ui->packetDisplay->rowCount()-1, 4, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(pkt->at(index-1).getIPProto()))) ; /* Check if the packet is an http image request */ /* Revisa si el paquete es una solicitud de imagen en http */ imagepacket hrI ; if(pkt->at(index-1).getIPDPort() == 80){ if(hrI.isImage(pkt->at(index-1).getPayload())){ if(!imageList.contains(hrI.getImage())){ QUrl url(QStringLiteral("http://")+hrI.getImage()); QNetworkRequest request(url); netManager->get(request); imageList << hrI.getImage() ; } else{ imageList.removeOne(hrI.getImage()) ; } } } } /// \fn void MainWindow::on_packetDisplay_itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem *item) /// \~English /// \brief When a line of the packets captured is selected from the GUI /// a summary of the payload in ascii is presented in the summary box. /// \param item item selected in the GUI /// \~Spanish /// \brief Cuando una linea de los paquetes es seleccionada desde el GUI /// un resumen de la carga en ascii es presentado en la caja de resumen. /// \param item articulo seleccionado en el GUI void MainWindow::on_packetDisplay_itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem *item) { vector *pkt = sniff->getPacketList() ; string payload = pkt->at(item->row()).getPayload() ; QString summary = "Source Hardware Address: " + QString::fromStdString(pkt->at(item->row()).getEtherSHost()) + "\nDestin Hardware Address: " + QString::fromStdString(pkt->at(item->row()).getEtherDHost()) + "\nSource IP Address: " + QString::fromStdString(pkt->at(item->row()).getIPSAddress()) + "\nSource IP Address: " + QString::fromStdString(pkt->at(item->row()).getIPDAddress()) + "\nTransport Proto: " + QString::number(pkt->at(item->row()).getIPProto()) + "\nSource Port: " + QString::number(pkt->at(item->row()).getIPSPort()) + "\nDestin Port: " + QString::number(pkt->at(item->row()).getIPDPort()) + "\n" + QString::fromStdString(sniff->format_payload(payload.c_str(), payload.size())) ; ui->packetSummary->setText(summary); } /// \fn void MainWindow::on_resetButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Empties the packets vector, resets the GUI packet table and /// summary /// \~Spanish /// \brief Vacia el vector de paquetes, reajusta la tabla de paquetes y /// el resumen del GUI. void MainWindow::on_resetButton_clicked() { vector *pkt = sniff->getPacketList() ; pkt->clear() ; ui->packetDisplay->setRowCount(0); ui->packetSummary->setText(""); }