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  1. \section{Class List}
  2. Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions\+:\begin{DoxyCompactList}
  3. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classethernet__packet}{ethernet\+\_\+packet} \\*Function to change the ethernet information in bytes from the ethernet packet header to human readable data types (strings) }{\pageref{classethernet__packet}}{}
  4. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classimagepacket}{imagepacket} \\*Used to determine if an http packet is an image request }{\pageref{classimagepacket}}{}
  5. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{classip__packet}{ip\+\_\+packet} \\*Information extracted from a packet received using pcap for packets that are I\+P/\+T\+C\+P or I\+P/\+U\+D\+P. We only save src and dst addresses and ports, and type of Transport protocol. The class hinerates the fields hardware address field because every I\+P packet is part of a ethernet packet. The remaining packet is stored as payload }{\pageref{classip__packet}}{}
  6. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{class_main_window}{Main\+Window} }{\pageref{class_main_window}}{}
  7. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{structsniff__ethernet}{sniff\+\_\+ethernet} \\*The \hyperlink{structsniff__ethernet}{sniff\+\_\+ethernet} struct defines the header of an ethernet frame, and is used to parse the packet received with pcap. Used to extract Ethernet layer information from a packet }{\pageref{structsniff__ethernet}}{}
  8. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{structsniff__ip}{sniff\+\_\+ip} \\*The \hyperlink{structsniff__ip}{sniff\+\_\+ip} struct defines the packet header of a tcp internet packet. Used to extract I\+P layer information from a packet }{\pageref{structsniff__ip}}{}
  9. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{structsniff__tcp}{sniff\+\_\+tcp} \\*The \hyperlink{structsniff__tcp}{sniff\+\_\+tcp} struct contains the T\+C\+P header. We use the first two members to extract the src and dst port. Used to extract T\+C\+P transport layer information from a packet }{\pageref{structsniff__tcp}}{}
  10. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{structsniff__udp}{sniff\+\_\+udp} \\*The \hyperlink{structsniff__tcp}{sniff\+\_\+tcp} struct contains the U\+D\+P header. We use the first two members to extract the src and dst port. Used to extract T\+C\+P transport layer information from a packet }{\pageref{structsniff__udp}}{}
  11. \item\contentsline{section}{\hyperlink{class_sniffer}{Sniffer} \\*One that use the pcap library to extract the packet information. It discards any packet that is not Ethernet-\/$>$I\+P-\/$>$(T\+C\+P$\vert$\+U\+D\+P), and pass up to the G\+U\+I the packets that are Ethernet-\/$>$I\+P-\/$>$(T\+C\+P$\vert$\+U\+D\+P) }{\pageref{class_sniffer}}{}
  12. \end{DoxyCompactList}