- The line `XYPlotWindow wLine;` creates the object `wLine`, that is the window that will show the plot of a graph, in this case the graph of a segment. Look at the `for` loop. In this cycle several values for $$t$$ are generated and a value for $$x$$ and $$y$$ is computed for each $$t$$. Each ordered pair $$(x,y)$$ is added to the graph of the segment by the method `AddPointToGraph(x,y)`. After the cycle, there is a call to the method `Plot()`, to "draw" the points on the graph, and to the method `show()`, to show the plot. The *methods* are functions that allow us to work with the data of an object. Note that each of the methods is written after `wLine`, and followed by a period. In a future laboratory experience you will learn more about objects and practice how to create them and invoke their methods.
+ The line `XYPlotWindow wLine;` creates the object `wLine`, that is the window that will show the plot of a graph, in this case the graph of a segment. Look at the `for` loop. In this cycle several values for $$t$$ are generated and a value for $$x$$ and $$y$$ is computed for each $$t$$. Each ordered pair $$(x,y)$$ is added to the graph of the segment by the method `AddPointToGraph(x,y)`. After the cycle, there is a call to the method `Plot()`, to "draw" the points on the graph, and to the method `show()`, to show the plot. The *methods* are functions that allow us to work with the data of an object. Note that each of the methods is written after `wLine`, and followed by a period. In a future laboratory experience you will learn more about objects and practice how to create them and invoke their methods.
4. You will now write the code needed to plot a circle. The line `XYPlotWindow wCircle;` creates the object `wCircle` for the window that will contain the plot of the circle. Using the code that plotted the segment as inspiration, write the necessary code for your program to graph a circle of radius 3 and centered at the origin. Run your program and, if it is necessary, modify the code until you get the right plot. Remember that the circle should be plotted inside the `wCircle` object. Thus, when you invoke the `AddPointToGraph(x,y)`, `Plot` and `show` methods, they should be preceeded by `wCircle`; e.g. `wCircle.show()`.
4. You will now write the code needed to plot a circle. The line `XYPlotWindow wCircle;` creates the object `wCircle` for the window that will contain the plot of the circle. Using the code that plotted the segment as inspiration, write the necessary code for your program to graph a circle of radius 3 and centered at the origin. Run your program and, if it is necessary, modify the code until you get the right plot. Remember that the circle should be plotted inside the `wCircle` object. Thus, when you invoke the `AddPointToGraph(x,y)`, `Plot` and `show` methods, they should be preceeded by `wCircle`; e.g. `wCircle.show()`.