#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include #include "qcustomplot.h" namespace Ui { class XYPlotWindow; } class XYPlotWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: /// \fn XYPlotWindow::XYPlotWindow(QWidget *parent) /// \~English /// \brief Constructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief Constructor explicit XYPlotWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); /// \fn XYPlotWindow::~XYPlotWindow() /// \~English /// \brief Destructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief Destructor ~XYPlotWindow(); /// \fn void XYPlotWindow::AddPointToGraph(double x, double y) /// \~English /// \brief Adds a coordinate (x,y) to the XX and YY vectors. /// \param x value of the coordinate (x,y) to be added to vector XX. /// \param y value of the coordinate (x,y) to be added to vector YY. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Anade una coordenada (x,y) a los vectores XX y YY. /// \param x valor de la coordenada (x,y) a ser anadido al vector XX. /// \param y valor de la coordenada (x,y) a ser anadido al vector YY. void AddPointToGraph(double x, double y); /// \fn void XYPlotWindow::Plot() /// \~English /// \brief Plots the coordinates inserted in the vectors XX and YY. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Grafica las coordenadas insertadas en los vectores XX y YY. void Plot(); private: Ui::XYPlotWindow *ui; QVector XX, YY; QVector XXN, YYN; }; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H