#include "frog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" // Constructor for the frog class frog::frog(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { Ysapo = 190; A = B = C = 0; myTimer= new QTimer(this); flag = xFlag = false; // These are the x positions of the background? temp = 580; temp2 = 0; backFlag = false; moved = false; showText = false; computeNenuPositions(); } void frog::computeNenuPositions() { xnenu = -(rand() % 30); Xsapo = xnenu; initialX = Xsapo; xnenu2 = (rand() % 100) + 100; xnenu3 = xnenu2 + (rand() % 100) + 200; } void frog::reset(){ flag = xFlag = false; Ysapo = 190; A = B = C = 0; temp = 580; temp2 = 0; backFlag = false; moved = false; showText = false; repaint(); myTimer->stop(); delete myTimer; myTimer = new QTimer; connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate())); computeNenuPositions(); } void frog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){ QPainter p(this); QString frogger = ":/images/Frogger1.png"; QString frogger2 = ":/images/Frogger2.png"; QString frogger3 = ":/images/Frogger3.png"; QString leaf = ":/images/Nenufar1.png"; QString back = ":/images/background.jpg"; // Condiciones que permitian un rango de error (no caer en la x exacta de los nenufares) if(backFlag == true || (Xsapo <= (xnenu3 + 55) && Xsapo >= (xnenu3 - 55) && Ysapo == 190) || (Xsapo > xnenu && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu2-55)) || (Xsapo > xnenu2 && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu3-55)) || (Xsapo > xnenu3 && Ysapo == 190)){ if (inter1Label == NULL) delete inter1Label; if (inter2Label == NULL) delete inter2Label; backFlag = true; myTimer->stop(); delete myTimer; myTimer = new QTimer; QThread::msleep(5); connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate())); p.drawPixmap(temp2,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back)); p.drawPixmap(temp,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu2,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); p.drawText(xnenu2+45,290,"x1 = " + QString::number(xnenu2)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu3,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); p.drawText(xnenu3+45,290,"x2 = " + QString::number(xnenu3)); Xsapo=Xsapo-1; xnenu=xnenu-1; xnenu2=xnenu2-1; xnenu3=xnenu3-1; // para que??? temp= temp - 1; temp2 = temp2 -1; repaint(); if(temp == 0 || xnenu3 == -10 || Xsapo == 0){ backFlag = false; temp = 580; temp2 = 0; moved = true; showText = false; computeNenuPositions(); } } else{ QFont font = p.font(); font.setBold(true); p.setFont(font); p.drawPixmap(temp2,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back)); p.drawPixmap(temp,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu2,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu3,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); showText = (Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo == xnenu2); if(showText){ p.drawText(xnenu2+35,290,"x1 = " + QString::number(xnenu2)); p.drawText(xnenu3+35,290,"x2 = " + QString::number(xnenu3)); p.drawPixmap(xnenu,250,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); } else p.drawText(xnenu2+35,290,"x2 = " + QString::number(xnenu2)); } // Cambiada la condicion para que sea exacta la caida en el nenufar if(Xsapo > (xnenu + 55) && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu2-55) || (Xsapo > (xnenu2 + 55) && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu3-55)) || (Xsapo > (xnenu3 + 55) && Ysapo == 190)){ // if(Ysapo == 190 && (Xsapo != xnenu && Xsapo != xnenu2 && Xsapo != xnenu3)){ p.drawPixmap(Xsapo, Ysapo + 30, 100, 80, QPixmap(frogger3)); } else if(Ysapo < 190){ p.drawPixmap(Xsapo,Ysapo,100,100,QPixmap(frogger2)); }else if(Ysapo == 190){ qDebug() << "xsapo: " << Xsapo << "xnenu2: " << xnenu2; p.drawPixmap(Xsapo,Ysapo,100,100,QPixmap(frogger)); if(!showText){ p.drawText(xnenu+45,290,"x1 = " + QString::number(xnenu+10)); } } } frog::~frog(){ delete myTimer; } void frog::animate(){ float interX1 = 0; float interX2 = 0; float y = 0; float xtemp = 0; float xEnd = 0; // use the functions implemented by the programmer to // compute the x-intercept. interX1 = QuadraticMinus(A,B,C); interX2 = QuadraticPlus(A,B,C); if (interX1 > interX2) std::swap(interX1, interX2); if (moved) { moved = false; initialX = Xsapo; } xEnd = interX2 + initialX; y = 1; xtemp = 1; if(!xFlag){ Ysapo = Ysapo - y; Xsapo = Xsapo + xtemp; } else if(xFlag){ Ysapo = Ysapo + y; Xsapo = Xsapo + xtemp; } if(int(Xsapo) == int(xEnd/2)){ xFlag = true; } repaint(); if((int(Xsapo) == int(xEnd) && xFlag == true) || Ysapo == 190){ Ysapo = 190; repaint(); myTimer->stop(); delete myTimer; myTimer = new QTimer; connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate())); initialX = Xsapo; xFlag = false; } } void frog::run(int aa, int bb, int cc){ A = aa; B = bb; C = cc; // buttonCounter++; connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate())); myTimer->start(25); }