123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296 |
- ///
- /// Modifications:
- /// - 2015-06-05 [Ian Davila] - Changed Frogger's location
- ///
- #include "frog.h"
- #include <QDebug>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <cassert>
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include "mainwindow.h"
- #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
- /// \fn frog::frog(QWidget *parent)
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Default constructor.
- /// * Ysapo: Y coordinate of the frog, set at 190 so it sits on top of the leaf
- /// * Xsapo: X coordinate of the frog, a random number from 0 to -30
- /// * xnenu, xnenu2, xnenu3: X coordinates of the leafs
- /// * textBool: Boolean for the labels on the leafs
- /// * temp, temp2: X coordinate of the background
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \ brief Constructor por defecto.
- /// * Ysapo: Coordenada Y del sapo, inicializado a 190 para que aparesca encima del nenufar
- /// * Xsapo: Coordenada X del sapo, un numero aleatorio de 0 a -30
- /// * xnenu, xnenu2, xnenu3: coordenadas x de las hojas
- /// * textBool: Booleana para las etiquetas de los nenufares
- /// * temp, temp2: Coordenada X del fondo
- ///
- frog::frog(QWidget *parent) :
- QWidget(parent)
- {
- myTimer= new QTimer(this);
- flag = xFlag = backFlag = moved = textBool = false;
- Ysapo = 190;
- A = B = C = 0;
- temp = 580;
- temp2 = 0;
- xnenu = -(rand()%30);
- initialX = Xsapo = xnenu;
- xnenu2 = (rand() % 100) + 100;
- xnenu3 = xnenu2 + (rand() % 100) + 200;
- }
- /// \fn void frog::updatenenu()
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Function that updates the position of the frog and the leafs
- /// when the frog reaches the end of the screen when it's sliding back.
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \brief Funcion que actualiza la posicion del sapo y los nenufares
- /// cuando el sapo llega al final de la pantalla cuando se desliza hacia atras.
- ///
- void frog::updatenenu(){
- xnenu = -(rand() % 30);
- initialX = Xsapo = xnenu;
- xnenu2 = (rand() % 100) + 100;
- xnenu3 = xnenu2 + (rand() % 100) + 200;
- }
- /// \fn void frog::reset()
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Function that is invoked when the retry button is clicked, resets
- /// the frog and the leafs to a random starting position.
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \brief Funcion que es invocada cuando el boton de "retry" es presionado,
- /// restablece el sapo y los nenufares a una posicion de partida aleatoria.
- ///
- void frog::reset(){
- flag = xFlag = backFlag = moved = textBool = false;
- Ysapo = 190;
- A = B = C = 0;
- temp = 580;
- temp2 = 0;
- repaint();
- myTimer->stop();
- delete myTimer;
- myTimer = new QTimer;
- connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mySlot()));
- xnenu = -(rand() %30);
- initialX = Xsapo = xnenu;
- xnenu2 = (rand() % 100) + 100;
- xnenu3 = xnenu2 + (rand() % 100) + 200;
- }
- /// \fn void frog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Function that is invoked each time the widget or
- /// its parent receives a repaint signal.
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \brief Funcion que es invocada automaticamente cada vez que el widget
- /// o su padre recive una senal de repintar.
- ///
- void frog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){
- QPainter p(this);
- QString frogger = ":/images/Frogger1.png";
- QString frogger2 = ":/images/Frogger2.png";
- QString frogger3 = ":/images/Frogger3.png";
- QString leaf = ":/images/Nenufar1.png";
- QString back = ":/images/background.jpg";
- //Conditions that allow a margin of error (not landing in the exact x calculated)
- if(backFlag == true || (Xsapo <= (xnenu3 + 55) && Xsapo >= (xnenu3 - 55) && Ysapo == 190)
- || (Xsapo > xnenu && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu2-55))
- || (Xsapo > xnenu2 && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu3-55))
- || (Xsapo > xnenu3 && Ysapo == 190)){
- backFlag = true;
- myTimer->stop();
- delete myTimer;
- myTimer = new QTimer;
- QThread::msleep(5);
- connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mySlot()));
- // Draw background
- p.drawPixmap(temp2,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back));
- p.drawPixmap(temp,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back));
- // Draw leaves
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf));
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu2,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf));
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu3,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf));
- // Draw text labels
- p.drawText(xnenu2+45,310,"x1 = " + QString::number(xnenu2));
- p.drawText(xnenu3+45,310,"x2 = " + QString::number(xnenu3));
- // Moves everything on the screen back on the x-axis
- Xsapo=Xsapo-1;
- xnenu=xnenu-1;
- xnenu2=xnenu2-1;
- xnenu3=xnenu3-1;
- temp= temp - 1;
- temp2 = temp2 -1;
- repaint();
- // When the frog reaches the end of the screen reset everything to a start position
- if(temp == 0 || xnenu3 == -10 || Xsapo == 0){
- backFlag = false;
- temp = 580;
- temp2 = 0;
- moved = true;
- textBool = false;
- updatenenu();
- }
- }else{
- QFont font = p.font();
- font.setBold(true);
- p.setFont(font);
- // Draw background
- p.drawPixmap(temp2,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back));
- p.drawPixmap(temp,-5,600,400,QPixmap(back));
- // Draw leaves
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf));
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu2,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf));
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu3,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf));
- //Cambiada la condicion para que sea exacta la caida en el nenufar // Funciona con esta condición
- if(Xsapo < (xnenu2 + 55) && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo > (xnenu2-55)){
- textBool = true;
- }
- // When the frog lands on the second leaf, change labels to next leaf
- if(Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo == xnenu2){
- textBool = true;
- }
- if(textBool){
- // Redraw the text labels
- p.drawText(xnenu2+35,310,"x1 = " + QString::number(xnenu2)); // de 290 a 310
- p.drawText(xnenu3+35,310,"x2 = " + QString::number(xnenu3));
- p.drawPixmap(xnenu,230,125,60,QPixmap(leaf)); // 250 a 230
- }else{
- p.drawText(xnenu2+35,310,"x2 = " + QString::number(xnenu2)); // de 290 a 310
- }
- }
- //Cambiada la condicion para que sea exacta la caida en el nenufar
- if((Xsapo > (xnenu + 55) && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu2-55))
- || (Xsapo > (xnenu2 + 55) && Ysapo == 190 && Xsapo < (xnenu3-55))
- || (Xsapo > (xnenu3 + 55) && Ysapo == 190)){
- p.drawPixmap(Xsapo, Ysapo + 30, 100, 80, QPixmap(frogger3));
- }else if(Ysapo < 190){
- p.drawPixmap(Xsapo,Ysapo,100,100,QPixmap(frogger2));
- }else if(Ysapo == 190){
- qDebug() << "xsapo: " << Xsapo << "xnenu2: " << xnenu2;
- p.drawPixmap(Xsapo + 15,Ysapo - 20 ,100,100,QPixmap(frogger)); //+15 a la Xsapo, -20 a Ysapo
- if(!textBool){
- p.drawText(xnenu+45,310,"x1 = " + QString::number(xnenu+10));
- }
- }
- }
- /// \fun frog::~frog()
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Default destructor.
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \brief Destructor por defecto.
- ///
- frog::~frog(){
- delete myTimer;
- }
- /// \fun void frog::mySlot()
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Function connected to a timer, used to simulate the
- /// frog's jump.
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \brief Funcion conectada a un reloj, utilizada para simular
- /// el brinco del sapo
- ///
- void frog::mySlot(){
- float interX1 = 0;
- float interX2 = 0;
- float temp = 0;
- float y = 0;
- float xtemp = 0;
- float xEnd = 0;
- interX1 = QuadraticMinus(A,B,C);
- interX2 = QuadraticPlus(A,B,C);
- if(interX1 > interX2){
- temp = interX1;
- interX1 = interX2;
- interX2 = temp;
- }
- if(moved){
- moved = false;
- initialX = Xsapo;
- }
- xEnd = interX2 + initialX;
- y = 1;
- xtemp = 1;
- if(!xFlag){
- Ysapo = Ysapo - y;
- Xsapo = Xsapo + xtemp;
- }
- else if(xFlag){
- Ysapo = Ysapo + y;
- Xsapo = Xsapo + xtemp;
- }
- if(int(Xsapo) == int(xEnd/2)){
- xFlag = true;
- }
- repaint();
- if((int(Xsapo) == int(xEnd) && xFlag == true) || Ysapo == 190){
- Ysapo = 190;
- repaint();
- myTimer->stop();
- delete myTimer;
- myTimer = new QTimer;
- connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mySlot()));
- initialX = Xsapo;
- xFlag = false;
- }
- }
- /// \fn void frog::run(int aa, int bb, int cc)
- /// \~English
- /// \brief Function that is invoked when the jump button is
- /// pressed, makes the frog jump to the coordinates calculated
- /// with the a, b, c values provided by the user.
- /// \param aa value provided by user to complete the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c
- /// \param bb value provided by user to complete the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c
- /// \param cc value provided by user to complete the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c
- /// \~Spanish
- /// \brief Funcion que es invocada cuando el boton de brincar es
- /// presionado, hace que el sapo salte a las coordenadas calculadas
- /// con los valores de a, b, c proporcionados por el usuario.
- /// \param aa valor proporcionado por el usuario utilizado para completar la ecuacion cuadratica ax^2 + bx + c
- /// \param bb valor proporcionado por el usuario utilizado para completar la ecuacion cuadratica ax^2 + bx + c
- /// \param cc valor proporcionado por el usuario utilizado para completar la ecuacion cuadratica ax^2 + bx + c
- ///
- void frog::run(int aa, int bb, int cc){
- A = aa;
- B = bb;
- C = cc;
- connect(myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mySlot()));
- myTimer->start(25);
- }