Functions in programming languages are similar. A function has a series of instructions that take the assigned values as parameters and performs a certain task. In C++ and other programming languages, functions return only one result, as it happens in mathematics. The only difference is that a *programming* function could possibly not return any value (in this case the function is declared as `void`). If the function returns a value, we use the instruction `return`. As in math, you need to specify the types of values that the function's parameters and result will have; this is done when declaring the function.
In this laboratory session we will be using a data base of DVD movies maintained by http://www.hometheaterinfo.com/dvdlist.htm. This database contains 44MB of information for movies that have been distributed in DVD. Some of the stored information in the database for each DVD is: DVD title, publishing studio, date of publication, type of sound, versions, price, rating, year and genre. The fields of the information for each movie are stored in text with the following format: