-5. Create two other objects called `juana` and `alondra` that will appear drawn in the coordinates (100, 300) and (300,300) respectively. Create `juana` using the default constructor so that its properties are assigned randomly. Create `alondra` using the other constructor so that you may specify its properties during its creation. `alondra` should have the same size as `juana`, have the same type of eyebrows, and the same eye color. Its face should be white. Add `alondra` and `juana` to the window where `abelardo` and `piolin` are. The window should look similar to the one in Figure 4.
+5. Create two other objects called `juana` and `alondra` that will appear drawn in the coordinates (100, 300) and (300, 300) respectively. Create `juana` using the default constructor so that its properties are assigned randomly. Create `alondra` using the other constructor so that you may specify its properties during its creation. `alondra` should have the same size as `juana`, have the same type of eyebrows, and the same eye color. Its face should be white. Add `alondra` and `juana` to the window where `abelardo` and `piolin` are. The window should look similar to the one in Figure 4.