-Recursion is a technique that is commonly used in programming. With this technique, problems are done by solving similar problems but for smaller cases. We can construct sets of objects or tasks using *recursive rules* and *initial values*. *Recursive functions* are functions that are self-invoking, using smaller sets or elements each time, until reaching a point where an initial value is used instead of self-invoking. In this laboratory experience, you will implement some tools to draw and practice the use of recursive functions to fill with color some figures.
+Recursion is a technique that is commonly used in programming. With this technique, problems are solved by solving similar problems but for smaller cases. We can construct sets of objects or tasks using *recursive rules* and *initial values*. *Recursive functions* are functions that are self-invoking, using smaller sets or elements each time, until reaching a point where an initial value is used instead of self-invoking. In this laboratory experience, you will implement some tools to draw and practice the use of recursive functions to fill with color some figures.