#ifndef DIALOG_H #define DIALOG_H #include "grid.h" #include namespace Ui { class Dialog; } class Dialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: /// \fn Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) /// \~English /// \brief The constructor sets the undo and redo to disable so it cant be pressed /// also sets the connections between the buttons and their respective signals. /// \~Spanish /// \brief El constructor ajusta el boton de deshacer (undo) y rehacer (redo) para que no /// puedan ser apretados, tambien ajusta las conecciones entre los botones y sus senales. explicit Dialog(QWidget *parent = 0); /// \fn Dialog::~Dialog() /// \~English /// \brief Destructor /// \~Spanish /// \brief Destructor ~Dialog(); private slots: /// \fn void Dialog::on_frontcolorComboBox_activated(const QString &color) /// \~English /// \brief Sets the color of the brush /// \param color color of the brush /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta el color de la brocha /// \param color color de la brocha void on_frontcolorComboBox_activated(const QString &color); /// \fn void Dialog::on_backgroundComboBox_activated(const QString &color) /// \~English /// \brief Sets the color of the background /// \param color color del background /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta el color del fondo /// \param color color del fondo void on_backgroundComboBox_activated(const QString &color); /// \fn void Dialog::on_lapizButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to dot /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herramienta a usar la punta void on_lapizButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_cleargridButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Clears the grid. Erase the grid /// \~Spanish /// \brief Limpia la cuadricula Borra la cuadricula. void on_cleargridButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_rowmajorfillButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to Row fill /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herramienta a llenar fila void on_rowmajorfillButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_colmajorfillButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to Column fill /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herramienta a llenar columna void on_colmajorfillButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_diagonalleftButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to Diagonal Left fill /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herrramienta a llenar la diagonal hacia la izquierda void on_diagonalleftButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_diagonalrightButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to Diagonal Right fill /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herrramienta a llenar la diagonal hacia la derecha void on_diagonalrightButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_drawsquareButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to paint Squares /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herramiento a pintar cuadrados void on_drawsquareButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_drawtriangleButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to paint Triangles /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herramiento a pintar triangulos void on_drawtriangleButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_drawcircleButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool to paint Circles /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta la herramiento a pintar circulos void on_drawcircleButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_speedHorizontalSlider_valueChanged(int value) /// \~English /// \brief Sets the tool point size /// \param value point size /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajusta el tamano de la punta de la herramienta /// \param value tamano de la punta void on_speedHorizontalSlider_valueChanged(int value); /// \fn void Dialog::on_undoButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Undo the previous grid modification /// \~Spanish /// \brief Deshace la modificacion previa de la cuadricula void on_undoButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::on_redoButton_clicked() /// \~English /// \brief Redo the previous grid modification /// \~Spanish /// \brief Rehace la modificacion previa de la cuadricula void on_redoButton_clicked(); /// \fn void Dialog::setUndo(bool can) /// \~English /// \brief Enables the undo button /// \~Spanish /// \brief Permite utilizar el boton de deshacer (undo) void setUndo(bool cannot); /// \fn void Dialog::setRedo(bool can) /// \~English /// \brief Enables the redo button /// \~Spanish /// \brief Permite utilizar el boton de rehacer (redo) void setRedo(bool cannot); void on_floodButton_clicked(); private: Ui::Dialog *ui; GridWidget *grid; }; #endif // DIALOG_H