#include "drawingWindow.h" /// \fn void DrawingWindow::box(int x, int y, int sideLength, QColor c) /// \~English /// \brief Draws a box with sides of size sideLength /// \param x initial x coordinate of the box /// \param y initial y coordinate of the box /// \param sideLength length of the sides of the box /// \param c color of the box /// \~Spanish /// \brief Dibuja una caja con los lados del tamano sideLength /// \param x coordenada inicial x de la caja /// \param y coordenada inicial y de la caja /// \param sideLength largo de los lados de la caja /// \param c color de la caja void DrawingWindow::box(int x, int y, int sideLength, QColor c) { addLine(x,y,x+sideLength,y,1,c); addLine(x+sideLength,y,x+sideLength,y+sideLength,1,c); addLine(x+sideLength,y+sideLength,x,y+sideLength,1,c); addLine(x,y+sideLength,x,y,1,c); } /// \fn void DrawingWindow::boxes(int x, int y, int sideLength, double shrinkFactor, int smallestLength, QColor c) /// \~English /// \brief Recursive function that draws smaller boxes inside the four /// corners of the boxes. /// \param x initial coordinate x /// \param y initial coordinate y /// \param sideLength length of the sides of the box /// \param shrinkFactor factor to decreese the sideLength in /// the recursion for the interior boxes /// \param smallestLength smallest length of the size of the /// side of the boxes /// \param c color of the boxes /// \~Spanish /// \brief Funcion recursiva que dibuja cajas mas pequenas dentro de las cuatro /// esquenas de las cajas. /// \param x coordenada inicial x /// \param y coordenada inicial y /// \param sideLength largo de los lados de la caja /// \param shrinkFactor factor para disminuir el tamano de los lados en /// la recursion para las cajas interiores /// \param smallestLength largo mas pequeno del tamano del /// lado de las cajas /// \param c color de las cajas void DrawingWindow::boxes(int x, int y, int sideLength, double shrinkFactor, int smallestLength, QColor c) { // YOUR CODE HERE }