// Todo implement game modes: 1= square upper left, 2 = rect upper left, etc.. #include "maingamewindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include // // Initialices some of the data members // void MainGameWindow::initMembers() { s = new QGraphicsScene(this); s->setSceneRect(0,0,600,600); this->setGeometry(0,0,600,600); v = new QGraphicsView(s,this); v->setGeometry(0,0,600,600); pct_margin = .1; srand(time(NULL)); } // // Starts the timer that is used for animation purposes. // void MainGameWindow::startTheTimer() { timer = new QTimer(s); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), s, SLOT(advance())); timer->start(10); } // // Constructor that accepts a game mode argument. See the modes // definition in the .h. // MainGameWindow::MainGameWindow(Mode gameMode) : QMainWindow(0) { initMembers(); // the initial row/col positions of the robot uint initialX, initialY; _rows = rand() % 9 + 2; switch (gameMode) { case Mode::SQUARE_TOP_LEFT: _cols = _rows; initialX = initialY = 0; break; case Mode::RECT_TOP_LEFT: _cols = rand() % 9 + 2; initialX = initialY = 0; break; case Mode::RECT_RANDOM: _cols = rand() % 9 + 2; initialX = rand() % _cols; initialY = rand() % _rows; break; case Mode::PYRAMID_RANDOM: _cols = (rand() % 4 + 2) * 2 + 1; createPiramid(); assignValidPos(initialX, initialY); break; } // This creates rectangular mazes if (_maze == "") { for (uint r = 0; r < _rows; r++) { for (uint c = 0; c < _cols; c++) { _maze.push_back('x'); } _maze.push_back('\n'); } } qDebug() << "MainGameWindow::MainGameWindow(): width: " << this->width(); qDebug() << "_maze: " << _maze; paintMaze(initialX, initialY); startTheTimer(); v->show(); } // Creates this type of pyramid, e.g. _cols = 7 // 000x000 // 00xxx00 // 0xxxxx0 // xxxxxxx void MainGameWindow::createPiramid() { _maze = ""; _rows = _cols/2; for (uint r = 0; r <= _rows + 1; r++) { for (uint c = 0; c < _cols; c++) { _maze.push_back( abs((int)c - (int)_rows) <= (int)r ? 'x':' '); } _maze.push_back('\n'); } _rows++; } // // Randomly determines a valid initial position for the robot // void MainGameWindow::assignValidPos(uint &initialX, uint &initialY) { qDebug() << _maze; if (_cols <= 0 || _rows <= 0) { qDebug() << "assignValidPos was called with 0 rows or cols!"; exit(1); } // throw the dice to determine initial random position do { initialX = rand() % _cols; initialY = rand() % _rows; } while (_maze.toStdString()[initialY * (_cols + 1) + initialX] != 'x'); } // // Constructor that accepts number of rows and columns. // MainGameWindow::MainGameWindow(uint rows, uint cols) : QMainWindow(0) { _rows = rows; _cols = cols; initMembers(); _maze = ""; for (uint r = 0; r < _rows; r++) { for (uint c = 0; c < _cols; c++) { _maze.push_back('x'); } _maze.push_back('\n'); } qDebug() << "MainGameWindow::MainGameWindow(): width: " << this->width(); qDebug() << "_maze: " << _maze; paintMaze(0,0); startTheTimer(); v->show(); } MainGameWindow::MainGameWindow(const QString &maze) { _maze = maze; initMembers(); if (validMaze() ) { qDebug() << "valid maze!!!!"; paintMaze(0,0); startTheTimer(); } } // // Given a string that represents the maze, determines the number // of rows and cols. Returns false if the maze is malformed. // bool MainGameWindow::validMaze() { char c; uint ctr = 0; _cols = 0; _rows = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _maze.length(); i++){ c = _maze.toStdString()[i]; if (c == 'x' || c == ' ') ctr++; else if (c == '\n') { if (_cols == 0) _cols = ctr; else if (_cols != ctr) return false; ctr = 0; _rows++; } } qDebug() << "rows:" << _rows << " cols: " << _cols; return true; } // // This is a delay that lets other events in the event loop // continue executing. // void delay(int ms) { QTime dieTime= QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(ms); while( QTime::currentTime() < dieTime ) QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents,10); } // // Determines the underlying character of the maze. // This is used to determine if the robot is off the grid // or has entered a wall. // char MainGameWindow::posToChar() { uint r, c; posToRC(r, c); if (r >= _rows || c >= _cols) return -1; return _maze.toStdString()[r * (_cols + 1) + c]; } // // Determines the poisition in row, column, based on the x, y position // of the robot. // void MainGameWindow::posToRC(uint &r, uint &c) { uint realX = robot->myX - s->width() * pct_margin; uint realY = robot->myY - s->height() * pct_margin ; r = round(static_cast(realY) / rowHeight); c = round(static_cast(realX) / colWidth); } // // Given the direction determines if the robot may move in that // direction. // bool MainGameWindow::canMove(char dir) { uint r, c; posToRC(r, c); switch(dir) { case 'W': c--; break; case 'E': c++; break; case 'N': r--; break; case 'S': r++; break; default: display("Bad direction: " + QString(dir)); return false; } if (r >= _rows || c >= _cols) return false; else return _maze.toStdString()[r * (_cols + 1) + c] == 'x'; } // // Given a character 'N', 'S', 'E', or 'W', moves the robot // one cell in that direction. If the target cell was invalid // then it destroys the robot. // void MainGameWindow::moveRobot(char dir) { if (robot->isAlive()) { uint deltaX = colWidth / 10; uint deltaY = rowHeight / 10; qDebug() << "car at:" << robot->myX; switch(dir) { case 'N': robot->toY = robot->myY - rowHeight; robot->myDirY = -deltaY; break; case 'S': robot->toY = robot->myY + rowHeight; robot->myDirY = +deltaY; break; case 'E': robot->toX = robot->myX + colWidth; robot->myDirX = +deltaX; break; case 'W': robot->toX = robot->myX - colWidth; robot->myDirX = -deltaX; break; default: display("Bad direction: " + QString(dir)); return; } qDebug() <<"colwidth" << colWidth; qDebug() << "move to at:" << robot->toX; while (robot->myDirX != 0 || robot->myDirY != 0) delay(500); robot->myDirX = robot->myDirY = 0; if (posToChar() != 'x') robot->kill(); } } // // Given a string, displays it in large letters. // void MainGameWindow::display(const QString &st) { if (robot->isAlive()) { msg->setHtml("
" + st + "
"); msg->show(); delay(500); msg->hide(); } } // // Given an int, displays it in big letters. // void MainGameWindow::display(int n) { display(QString::number(n)); } // Paints the maze based on the contents of the _maze string. // Also creates the robot and the text box for display. void MainGameWindow::paintMaze(uint initialX, uint initialY) { pct_margin = 1.0/( _cols > _rows ? _cols + 2 : _rows + 2); qDebug() << "pct_margin " << pct_margin; uint fromY = s->height()*pct_margin, toY = s->height()*(1-pct_margin); qDebug() << "toX, toY" << fromY << "," << toY ; uint fromX = s->width()*pct_margin, toX = s->width()*(1-pct_margin); rowHeight = (toY - fromY) / _rows; colWidth = (toX - fromX) / _cols; uint strPos = 0; QBrush black(Qt::black); QBrush white(Qt::white); for (uint i = 0; i < _rows; i++) { uint y = i * rowHeight + s->height()*pct_margin; for (uint j = 0; j < _cols; j++) { uint x = j * colWidth + s->width() * pct_margin; qDebug() << x << " " << y; s->addRect(x, y, colWidth, rowHeight, QPen(Qt::SolidLine), _maze.at(strPos) == 'x' ? white : black); strPos++; } strPos++; } // // Create the robot // // int initialX, initialY; // // // throw the dice to determine initial random position // do { // initialX = rand() % _cols; // initialY = rand() % _rows; // // } while (_maze.toStdString()[initialY * (_cols + 1) + initialX] != 'x'); robot = new GenericScrollingObject(":robot.png", s, colWidth * initialX + s->width() * pct_margin, rowHeight * initialY + s->height() * pct_margin, colWidth,rowHeight, QColor(Qt::white), this); // Create the text box that will be used for the display msg = new QGraphicsTextItem; msg->setPos(0, s->height()/2); msg->setTextWidth(s->width()); msg->setHtml("
"); msg->setFont(QFont("Helvetica",90)); msg->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::green); msg->hide(); s->addItem(msg); }