// RAN - 2014/06/10 : Clear the textEdit control image is loaded. #include "StegaPanel.h" #include "ui_StegaPanel.h" #include #include #include "steganography.h" StegaPanel::StegaPanel(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::StegaPanel) { leastBits = 1; //initialize to 1 bits used in pixel for message ui->setupUi(this); // } void StegaPanel::hideMessage() { string binMsg ; // Will be used to store the message in a binary String format ui->error_msg_label->clear(); //clear error text orig_msg = ui->textEdit->toPlainText(); //obtain msg from textEdit leastBits = ui->bitBox->value(); //get number of least significant bits to use for msg if(old_image.isNull()){ qDebug() << "Load an image first!"; ui->error_msg_label->setText("NO IMAGE LOADED!"); } else if (orig_msg == NULL){ ui->error_msg_label->setText("No message to hide!"); } else{ binMsg = messageToBinaryString(orig_msg.toStdString(), leastBits) ; if(((old_image.width() * old_image.height()) * 3 * leastBits) < binMsg.length()) { ui->error_msg_label->setText("IMAGE NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR MESSAGE!"); } else { EmbbedMessage(old_image, new_image, orig_msg.toStdString(), leastBits) ; } ui->error_msg_label->setText("Message hidden in Stego Image with " + QString::number(leastBits) + " stego bits."); } } void StegaPanel::revealMessage() { string msg = ExtractMessage(new_image, ui->bitBox->value()) ; if (msg.length() > 0){ ui->textEdit->setText(QString::fromStdString(msg)); ui->error_msg_label->setText("Message extracted!"); } else{ ui->error_msg_label->setText("Could not extract message!"); } } void StegaPanel::on_loadImage_clicked() { QString fname = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Choose an image"), QDir::homePath()); if (!fname.isEmpty()){ QImage image(fname); if (image.isNull()) QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Choose an image"),tr("Cannot load %1.").arg(fname)); old_image=image; new_image=image; repaint(); } ui->old_image->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(old_image)); ui->new_image->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(new_image)); ui->textEdit->setText(""); ui->error_msg_label->setText("Image loaded!"); } void StegaPanel::on_hideMessage_clicked() { hideMessage(); ui->new_image->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(new_image)); } void StegaPanel::on_getMessage_clicked() { revealMessage(); } StegaPanel::~StegaPanel() { delete ui; } void StegaPanel::on_storeImage_clicked() { QPixmap out = QPixmap::grabWidget(this,361,10,481,481); QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Edited Image"), (""), tr("PNG (*.png)" )); new_image.save(fname, "PNG"); ui->error_msg_label->setText("Image saved to" + fname + " !"); }