#include "line.h" #include #include using namespace std; /// \fn Line::Line(QWidget *parent) /// \~English /// \brief Constructor sets coordinates to 0, pen color to black and pen /// width to 1 /// \~Spanish /// \brief Constructor que ajusta las coordenadas a 0, el color y el ancho del /// boligrafo a negro y 1 respectivamente. Line::Line(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = 0; penColor = Qt::black; penWidth = 1; } /// \fn Line::Line(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY, int w, QColor c, QWidget *parent) /// \~English /// \brief Constructor for a line, specifying the (fromX,fromY) and (toX,toY) /// \param fromX starting x coordinate /// \param fromY starting y coordinate /// \param toX end x coordinate /// \param toY end y coordinate /// \param w pen width /// \param c line color /// \param parent parent of this line /// \~Spanish /// \brief Constructor de una linea, especificando las coordenadas /// (fromX,fromY) y (toX,toY) /// \param fromX coordenada x inicial /// \param fromY coordenada y inicial /// \param toX coordenada x final /// \param toY end coordenada y final /// \param w ancho del boligrafo /// \param c color de la linea. /// \param parent parent of this line Line::Line(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY, int w, QColor c, QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), x0(fromX), y0(fromY), x1(toX), y1(toY), penWidth(w), penColor(c) { resize(max(x0,x1)+1,max(y0,y1)+1); } /// \fn Line::Line(int fromX, int fromY, int length, double angle, int w, QColor c, QWidget *parent) /// \~English /// \brief Constructor for a line, specifying (fromX, fromY) and the /// **length** and **angle**. /// \param fromX starting x coordinate /// \param fromY starting y coordinate /// \param length length of the line /// \param angle angle /// \param w pen width /// \param c line color /// \param parent parent of this line /// \~Spanish /// \brief Constructor de una linea, especificando la coordenada /// (fromX, fromY) and el largo (length) y el angulo (angle). /// \param fromX coordenada x inicial /// \param fromY coordenada y inicia /// \param length largo de la linea /// \param angle angulo de la linea /// \param w ancho de la linea /// \param c color de la linea /// \param parent padre de esta linea Line::Line(int fromX, int fromY, int length, double angle, int w, QColor c, QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), x0(fromX), y0(fromY), penWidth(w), penColor(c) { double angleRad = M_PI * angle / 180.; x1 = x0 + round(length * cos(angleRad)); y1 = y0 + round(length * sin(angleRad)); resize(max(x0,x1)+1,max(y0,y1)+1); } /// \fn void Line::setCoords(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) /// \~English /// \brief Setter for the line coordinates /// \param fromX starting x coordinate /// \param fromY starting y coordinate /// \param toX end x coordinate /// \param toY end y coordinate /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajustador de las coordenadas de la linea /// \param fromX coordenada x inicial /// \param fromY coordenada y inicial /// \param toX coordenada x final /// \param toY end coordenada y final void Line::setCoords(int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) { x0 = fromX; y0 = fromY; x1 = toX; y1 = toY; resize(max(x0,x1)+1,max(y0,y1)+1); } /// \fn void Line::setpenColor(QColor c) /// \~English /// \brief Setter for the pen color /// \param c line color /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajustador del color del boligrafo /// \param c color de la linea void Line::setpenColor(QColor c) { penColor = c; } /// \fn void Line::setPenWidth(int w) /// \~English /// \brief Setter for the pen width /// \param w pen width /// \~Spanish /// \brief Ajustador del ancho del boligrafo /// \param w ancho de la linea void Line::setPenWidth(int w) { penWidth = w; } /// \fn int Line::getX0() /// \~English /// \brief Getter for the starting coordinate x. /// \return starting coordinate x. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Devuelve la coordenada inicial x. /// \return coordenada inicial x int Line::getX0() { return x0; } /// \fn int Line::getY0() /// \~English /// \brief Getter for the starting coordinate y. /// \return starting coordinate y. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Devuelve la coordenada inicial y. /// \return coordenada inicial y int Line::getY0() { return y0; } /// \fn int Line::getX1() /// \~English /// \brief Getter for the ending coordinate x. /// \return ending coordinate x. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Devuelve la coordenada final x. /// \return coordenada final x. int Line::getX1() { return x1; } /// \fn int Line::getY1() /// \~English /// \brief Getter for the ending coordinate y. /// \return ending coordinate y. /// \~Spanish /// \brief Devuelve la coordenada final y. /// \return coordenada final y int Line::getY1() { return y1; } /// \fn void Line::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) /// \~English /// \brief The paint event function is automatically invoked /// whenever a resize or repaint happens. /// \~Spanish /// \brief La funcion para el evento de pintar es invocada automaticamente /// cada ves que evento de repintar ocurre. void Line::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); QPen myPen; myPen.setWidth(penWidth); myPen.setColor(penColor); p.setPen(myPen); p.drawLine(x0,y0,x1,y1); }