
README-en.md edited online with Bitbucket

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README-en.md ファイルの表示

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Before coming to the lab session you should have:
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-Cryptography is the area of knowledge that studies the theory and methods that are used for protecting information so that non-authorized persons cannot understand it. A *cryptographic system* is a system that transforms a *clear text message* (a message that is understandable to humans) to a *cyphered* text (text that is unintelligible to unauthorized persons).  Authorized persons can *decypher* the *cyphered* text to obtain the original cleartext.
+*Cryptography* is the area of knowledge that studies the theory and methods that are used for protecting information so that non-authorized persons cannot understand it. A *cryptographic system* is a system that transforms a *clear text message* (a message that is understandable to humans) to a *cyphered* text (text that is unintelligible to unauthorized persons).  Authorized persons can *decypher* the *cyphered* text to obtain the original cleartext.
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 ###The Ceasar Cypher
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