#include #include #include #include #include "cypher.h" using namespace std; /// /// \brief cypher- Function that recieves the plaintext message /// and the keyword provided by the user and encrypts the message /// /// \param message- Message to be encrypted provided by the user /// /// \param key- keyword that the user provides, used to encrypt plain text /// /// string cypher(string message, string key){ // YOUR CODE HERE return cypheredMsg ; } void test_cypher1() { string plainTextSt = "Erase"; string keySt = "torTu"; assert(decypher(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt), keySt) == "ERASE"); plainTextSt = "ERAS"; keySt = "UPRR"; assert(decypher(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt), keySt) == "ERAS"); plainTextSt = "Largo"; keySt = "Maslargo"; assert(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt)== "MENSAJE O CLAVE INVALIDA"); plainTextSt = "L@rgo"; keySt = "Largo"; assert(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt) == "MENSAJE O CLAVE INVALIDA"); cout << "Passed unit test!" << endl; } void test_cypher2() { string plainTextSt = "Erase una vez"; string keySt = "UPRRPCC@M"; assert(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt) == "MENSAJE O CLAVE INVALIDA"); plainTextSt = "Erase una vez"; keySt = "torTuga"; assert(decypher(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt), keySt) == "ERASE UNA VEZ"); plainTextSt = "Er@se una ve$"; keySt = "UPRRPCCOM"; assert(decypher(cypher(plainTextSt, keySt), keySt) == "ER@SE UNA VE$"); cout << "Passed unit test!" << endl; } /// /// \brief decypherCyclic - Function that deciphers Vigenere ciphertext, /// receives the ciphertext and the keyword and returns the plaintext. /// Works for messages and keys of different lengths. /// /// \param message- ciphertext to be deciphered, provided by the user /// /// \param key- keyword provided by the user, used to decipher the message /// /// This function is obfuscated on purpose to disencourage students from trying to /// copy the cypher function from it. #define FIUHED if( #define PIOIWE isalpha( #define z341 string #define u83 return #define H_H_H int #define if_ toupper #define retur length() #define q else z341 decypher(string a, string r){ z341 f = ""; H_H_H j = 0; char d, c; for(H_H_H i=0 ; i < (H_H_H) a.retur; i++){ FIUHED PIOIWE r[j])){ FIUHED PIOIWE a[i])){ c=if_(a[i]) -'A' ;d = if_(r[j]) - 'A'; c = ( c + 26 - d) % 26 + 'A' ; } q c = a[i]; j = (j + 1) % r.retur ; f.push_back(c);} else { u83 "MENSAJE O CLAVE INVALIDA"; } } u83 f ; }