\hypertarget{main_8cpp}{}\section{main.\+cpp File Reference} \label{main_8cpp}\index{main.\+cpp@{main.\+cpp}} {\ttfamily \#include $<$Q\+Application$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include \char`\"{}mainwindow.\+h\char`\"{}}\\* {\ttfamily \#include \char`\"{}bird.\+h\char`\"{}}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$cstdlib$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$time.\+h$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$Q\+Timer$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$Q\+Object$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$Q\+Debug$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$Q\+Time$>$}\\* {\ttfamily \#include $<$Qt\+Multimedia/\+Q\+Sound$>$}\\* \subsection*{Functions} \begin{DoxyCompactItemize} \item \hypertarget{main_8cpp_a0562ff282c6bf5401ae3e5278f891953}{}void {\bfseries Filter\+Birds} (\hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird} birds\mbox{[}$\,$\mbox{]}, int N)\label{main_8cpp_a0562ff282c6bf5401ae3e5278f891953} \item void \hyperlink{main_8cpp_a3ddfcfeefb8fdb24bb5db043f09e72d9}{birth} (\hyperlink{class_main_window}{Main\+Window} \&w, const \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird} \&mom, const \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird} \&dad, \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird} \&child) \begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Function that given references to objects mom, dad and child, uses the D\+N\+A of the father and the mother to generate D\+N\+A of the child. This function is edited by the student. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item \hypertarget{main_8cpp_a0ddf1224851353fc92bfbff6f499fa97}{}int {\bfseries main} (int argc, char $\ast$argv\mbox{[}$\,$\mbox{]})\label{main_8cpp_a0ddf1224851353fc92bfbff6f499fa97} \end{DoxyCompactItemize} \subsection{Function Documentation} \hypertarget{main_8cpp_a3ddfcfeefb8fdb24bb5db043f09e72d9}{}\index{main.\+cpp@{main.\+cpp}!birth@{birth}} \index{birth@{birth}!main.\+cpp@{main.\+cpp}} \subsubsection[{birth}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}void birth ( \begin{DoxyParamCaption} \item[{{\bf Main\+Window} \&}]{w, } \item[{const {\bf Bird} \&}]{mom, } \item[{const {\bf Bird} \&}]{dad, } \item[{{\bf Bird} \&}]{child} \end{DoxyParamCaption} )}\label{main_8cpp_a3ddfcfeefb8fdb24bb5db043f09e72d9} Function that given references to objects mom, dad and child, uses the D\+N\+A of the father and the mother to generate D\+N\+A of the child. This function is edited by the student. \begin{DoxyParams}{Parameters} {\em w} & Reference to the main window \\ \hline {\em mom} & Reference to const object of type \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird}. \\ \hline {\em dad} & Reference to const object of the \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird}. \\ \hline {\em child} & Reference to object child that will be modified. $\sim$\+Spanish Funcion que dado referencias a los objetos mom, dad, y child, usa el A\+D\+N de el padre (dad) y la madre (mom) para generar el A\+D\+N del nino (child). Esta funcion es editada por el estudiante. \\ \hline {\em w} & Referencia a la pantalla principal \\ \hline {\em mom} & Referencia al objeto constante de tipo \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird}. \\ \hline {\em dad} & Referencia al objeto constante de tipo \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird}. \\ \hline {\em child} & Referencia al objeto de tipo \hyperlink{class_bird}{Bird} a ser modificado. \\ \hline \end{DoxyParams}