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Searching and Sorting Algorithms - Network Filter

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[Verano 2016 - Ive - Tatiana]

When working with arrays, two common tasks are searching for data and sorting the data using a certain order, ascending or descending, alphabetically or numerically. To efficiently carry out these tasks, searching and sorting algorithms are used. One simple searching algorithm is linear search. Two well known sorting algorithms are Selection Sort and Bubble Sort. In this laboratory experience, you will complete an application to monitor network flow to practice the implementation of algorithms for searching and sorting.


  1. Implement a modification of the linear search algorithm.

  2. Practice sorting arrays with the Selection Sort and the Bubble Sort.

  3. Practice the use of objects, decision and repetition structures.

  4. Learn some methods of the C++ vector class.


Before coming to the laboratory session you should have:

  1. Reviewed the algorithms for linear search, Selection Sort and Bubble Sort.

  2. Studied the method size() of the C++ vector class.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the methods of the Packet class included in the packet.h file of the NetworkAnalyzer project.

  4. Studied the concepts and instructions for the laboratory session.

  5. Taken the Pre-Lab quiz, available in Moodle.

Communication between Computers

Computers communicate with each other through the Internet Protocol (IP). When a computer sends information to another computer it is sent via Internet Packets that contain the Internet address of the sender computer (source address), and the Internet address of the receiving computer (destination address), which is the Internet adrdress of the computer that should receive the message. Internet addresses are used to guide information from one computer to another, but, once a packet arrives to its destination, who is supposed to receive the information? Which application should receive the information?

The internet packets should also specify the application that sends the information and the application that should receive it. We can think that the Internet address is the mailing address of a house, and the applications that send and receive the information are the people that send and receive the correspondence. To send a letter by mail, one must specify to whom the letter is being sent. This corresponds to specifying the application that receives the information. To identify the source application and the destination application, the Internet protocol uses what is known as port numbers. Looking at the information on the packet, the addresses and ports of the source and destination can be identified.

For example, when your computer is in the laboratory contacting the Moodle server, the packets that carry the information from your computer to the Moodle server contain the source address of the laboratory computer and the destination address of the Moodle server. The source port is web browser and the destination port is the web server that serves Moodle.

Internet addresses are stored on 4 bytes (32 bits), normally presented to users as strings of 4 decimal values. Each decimal value between 0 and 255 is the decimal representation of one of the 4 bytes: “(0-255).(0-255).(0-255).(0-255)”. Examples of IP addresses are:,,

Port numbers are stored on 2 bytes (16 bits). Therefore, port numbers range from 0 to 65535. Some port numbers assigned to known service applications are: 22 for ssh, 23 for telnet, 25 smtp, 80 for http.

The application that you will see today can be used to monitor what is known as NetFlows. One NetFlow is composed of the aggregation of the packets of an unidirectional communication between the the applications of two computers. For instance, a NetFlow can be composed of the packets used to send the information from your browser to the http application of the web server running Moodle.

Figure 1 shows the interface for the Network Analyzer application.


Figure 1. Interface to work with the Network Analyzer application.

Each row in the table in Figure 1 is a NetFlow composed of the source and destination address, the source and destination port, the number of packets and the number of octets (8 bits) in one unidirectional communication between the source and destination computer, from the source port to the destination port.

The application that you will complete gives the user the ability to analyze the status of the network. Among others it allows to:

  • identify which communications transmit the largests amount of data
  • identify which applications are running in certain computers
  • identify which computers transmit a large amount of packets compared to the amount of data


For this laboratory experience, you will use objects of class vector, which are similar to arrays, and you will need to know how to use the size() method of the vector class objects. You should also familiarize yourself with the Packet class defined in this project. The Packet.h library contains the setters and getters necessary to fill the information of a NetFlow packet.

Laboratory Session:

The application you will complete today allows the user to open a file that contains the NetFlow records using the “Open NetFlow File” button, stores the records in a vector of packets, and displays them in the table of the interface as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Interface or the Network Analyzer application with the network flow data packets.

The file you will use for the exercises, network_sample.dat, contains the NetFlow packet records with the following format:

Source_Address Destination_Address Source_Port Destination_Port Octects Packets 5 33 764 16 37 40 48 4 45 21 316 9 8 39 795 24 34 21 79 22 58 22 186 5 76 25 614 13 30 39 100 8 57 33 965 14

Exercise 0: Familiarize Yourself with the Packet Class.


  1. Load the project NetworkAnalyzer into QtCreator. There are two ways to do this:

    • Using the virtual machine: Double click the file NetworkAnalyzer.pro located in the folder /home/eip/labs/sorting-networkanalyzer of your virtual machine.
    • Downloading the project’s folder from Bitbucket: Use a terminal and write the command git clone http:/bitbucket.org/eip-uprrp/sorting-networkanalyzer to download the folder sorting-networkanalyzer from Bitbucket. Double click the file NetworkAnalyzer.pro located in the folder that you downloaded to your computer.
  2. Open the packet.cpp file. Study the attributes and methods of the Packet class.

  3. The data that the NetworkAnalyzer application manages are stored in a vector of Packet objects. The vector is a class provided in the C++ Standard Template Library that stores data and objects of the same type. As with arrays, vectors assign an index (starting with the index 0) to each element they store. The i-th element of a vector V can be accessed using V[i]. The main difference between vectors and arrays is that the size of vectors can change, a size doesn’t have to be defined beforehand, contrary to arrays.

  4. A method met of the object in position i in the vector can be accessed writing V[i].met(). The contents of all of the attributes of an object can be assigned to another object of the same class “at once”. For example, you can assign the contents of all of the attributes of the object in the position k of the vector V the corresponding attributes of the object in the position i of the vector V by writing V[i]=V[k].

Exercise 1: Filter Communications


  1. Open the file Filter.cpp. In this exercise you will complete the following functions that can be found in the file:

    • FilterBySrcAddr
    • FilterByDstAddr
    • FilterBySrcPort
    • FilterByDstPort

    Each one of the functions receives a vector of objects of class Packet and a search key. Each function (notice their names) is related to an attribute of the Packet class and should filter the packets in the vector that correspond to the key. To filter these packets you will use a modified version of the linear search algorithm that consists of a sequential search to find each occurrence of a particular record of data. In each of the functions, the algorithm must search through all the packets in the vector and disable the packets that are not equal to the search key. To deactivate the packet use the disable() method of the Packet class. The filter consists of keeping only the packets that correspond to the key.

    For instance, if you are filtering by Source Address and the search key is, the FilterBySrcAddr function will keep only the packets in the vector whose Source Address is and deactivate the others.

    The following figure is an screenshot of the application interface after filtering the data by Source Address with search key


    Figure 3. Interface of the Network Analyzer application with the network flow packets filtered by Source Address with the key

Exercise 2: Sorting Data


  1. Open the Sort.cpp file. In this exercise you will complete the following functions that can be found in the file:

    • SortBySrcAddr
    • SortByDstAddr
    • SortBySrcPort
    • SortByDstPort

    Each one of these functions receives a vector of Packet objects. Each function (notice their names) is related to an attribute of the Packet class and should order the packets in the vector according to the attribute of interest.

    The following figure is a screenshot of the application interface after sorting the data by Source Address.


    Figure 4. Interface of the Network Analyzer application with the network flow packets ordered by Source Address.

  2. Complete the SortBySrcAddr function implementing the Bubble Sort algorithm, sorting the packets by source address.

  3. Complete the SortByDstAddr function implementing the Selection Sort algorithm, sorting the packets by destination addres.

  4. Complete the SortBySrcPort function using the Selection Sort algorithm, sorting the packets by source port.

  5. Complete the SortByDstPort function using the Bubble Sort algorithm, sorting the packets by destination port.


  1. Use “Deliverable 1” in Moodle to upload the Filter.cpp file that you modified in Exercise 1. Remember to use good programming techniques, include the names of the programmers involved, and to document your program.

  2. Use “Deliverable 2” in Moodle to upload the Sort.cpp file that you modified in Exercise 2. Remember to use good programming techniques, include the names of the programmers involved, and to document your program.


[1] http://www.nextgigsystems.com/aggregation_switches/gigamon_filter_packets.html

[2] http://metaanalytics.org/web-analytics/social-network-analysis/

[3] http://www.java2novice.com/java-sorting-algorithms/quick-sort/

[4] http://intranet.deei.fct.ualg.pt/IC/t22.html