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_file_8cpp.tex 2.6KB

  1. \hypertarget{_file_8cpp}{}\section{File.\+cpp File Reference}
  2. \label{_file_8cpp}\index{File.\+cpp@{File.\+cpp}}
  3. {\ttfamily \#include \char`\"{}packet.\+h\char`\"{}}\\*
  4. {\ttfamily \#include $<$string$>$}\\*
  5. {\ttfamily \#include $<$fstream$>$}\\*
  6. {\ttfamily \#include $<$vector$>$}\\*
  7. \subsection*{Functions}
  8. \begin{DoxyCompactItemize}
  9. \item
  10. bool \hyperlink{_file_8cpp_a96e719837f9e8411f62b2f2657a584aa}{Read\+File} (string fname, vector$<$ \hyperlink{class_packet}{Packet} $>$ \&netdata)
  11. \begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Function that reads a file and return a boolean that determines if the file was succesfully opened and read or not. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
  12. bool \hyperlink{_file_8cpp_ac1832c1450b6f14379b397e6f90f3ada}{Save\+File} (string fname, vector$<$ \hyperlink{class_packet}{Packet} $>$ netdata)
  13. \begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Function that saves a file to the computer. It returns true when the file was succesfully saved and false if an error occurred. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
  14. \subsection{Function Documentation}
  15. \hypertarget{_file_8cpp_a96e719837f9e8411f62b2f2657a584aa}{}\index{File.\+cpp@{File.\+cpp}!Read\+File@{Read\+File}}
  16. \index{Read\+File@{Read\+File}!File.\+cpp@{File.\+cpp}}
  17. \subsubsection[{Read\+File}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}bool Read\+File (
  18. \begin{DoxyParamCaption}
  19. \item[{string}]{fname, }
  20. \item[{vector$<$ {\bf Packet} $>$ \&}]{netdata}
  21. \end{DoxyParamCaption}
  22. )}\label{_file_8cpp_a96e719837f9e8411f62b2f2657a584aa}
  23. Function that reads a file and return a boolean that determines if the file was succesfully opened and read or not.
  24. \begin{DoxyParams}{Parameters}
  25. {\em fname} & String that contains the filename of the file. \\
  26. \hline
  27. {\em netdata} & Vector of packets. \\
  28. \hline
  29. \end{DoxyParams}
  30. \begin{DoxyReturn}{Returns}
  31. true if successfuly read a file, false otherwise
  32. \end{DoxyReturn}
  33. \hypertarget{_file_8cpp_ac1832c1450b6f14379b397e6f90f3ada}{}\index{File.\+cpp@{File.\+cpp}!Save\+File@{Save\+File}}
  34. \index{Save\+File@{Save\+File}!File.\+cpp@{File.\+cpp}}
  35. \subsubsection[{Save\+File}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}bool Save\+File (
  36. \begin{DoxyParamCaption}
  37. \item[{string}]{fname, }
  38. \item[{vector$<$ {\bf Packet} $>$}]{netdata}
  39. \end{DoxyParamCaption}
  40. )}\label{_file_8cpp_ac1832c1450b6f14379b397e6f90f3ada}
  41. Function that saves a file to the computer. It returns true when the file was succesfully saved and false if an error occurred.
  42. \begin{DoxyParams}{Parameters}
  43. {\em fname} & String that contains the filename of the file. \\
  44. \hline
  45. {\em netdata} & Vector of packets. \\
  46. \hline
  47. \end{DoxyParams}
  48. \begin{DoxyReturn}{Returns}
  49. true if successfuly read a file, false otherwise
  50. \end{DoxyReturn}