#12 Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() is deprecated for API Levels 29 and over

aberto por victor.hernandez17 4 anos atrás · 0 comentários

Usage of Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() is deprecated for API Levels 29 and over. Must substitute for some other external storage access method like Context.getExternalFilesDir(String), MediaStore, or Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT.

Luckily, this method is only used to read/write the consent form to device storage, so there are not many occurrences of it across the codebase.

More info here.

Usage of `Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()` is deprecated for API Levels 29 and over. Must substitute for some other external storage access method like `Context.getExternalFilesDir(String)`, `MediaStore`, or `Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT`. Luckily, this method is only used to read/write the consent form to device storage, so there are not many occurrences of it across the codebase. [More info here](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory()).
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