/* * Copyright 2019 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDConstants.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDKeyPair.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDKeyPairUtilities.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDKeychain.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDLogger.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDUtilities.h" #import "NSError+FIRInstanceID.h" // NOTE: These values should be in sync with what InstanceID saves in as. static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairStoreFileName = @"com.google.iid-keypair"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyGenerationTime = @"cre"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPrefix = @"com.google.iid-"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPublic = @"|P|"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPrivate = @"|K|"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeySubtype = @"|S|"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairPublicTagPrefix = @"com.google.iid.keypair.public-"; static NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairPrivateTagPrefix = @"com.google.iid.keypair.private-"; static const int kMaxMissingEntitlementErrorCount = 3; NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType = @""; // Query the key with NSData format NSData *FIRInstanceIDKeyDataWithTag(NSString *tag) { if (![tag length]) { return NULL; } NSDictionary *queryKey = FIRInstanceIDKeyPairQuery(tag, YES, YES); CFTypeRef result = [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] itemWithQuery:queryKey]; if (!result) { return NULL; } return (__bridge NSData *)result; } // Query the key given a tag SecKeyRef FIRInstanceIDCachedKeyRefWithTag(NSString *tag) { if (!tag.length) { return NULL; } NSDictionary *queryKey = FIRInstanceIDKeyPairQuery(tag, YES, NO); CFTypeRef result = [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] itemWithQuery:queryKey]; return (SecKeyRef)result; } // Check if keypair has been migrated from the legacy to the new version BOOL FIRInstanceIDHasMigratedKeyPair(NSString *legacyPublicKeyTag, NSString *newPublicKeyTag) { NSData *oldPublicKeyData = FIRInstanceIDKeyDataWithTag(legacyPublicKeyTag); NSData *newPublicKeyData = FIRInstanceIDKeyDataWithTag(newPublicKeyTag); return [oldPublicKeyData isEqualToData:newPublicKeyData]; } // The legacy value is hardcoded to be the same key. This is a potential problem in shared keychain // environments. NSString *FIRInstanceIDLegacyPublicTagWithSubtype(NSString *subtype) { NSString *prefix = kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPrefix; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@", prefix, subtype, kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPublic]; } // The legacy value is hardcoded to be the same key. This is a potential problem in shared keychain // environments. NSString *FIRInstanceIDLegacyPrivateTagWithSubtype(NSString *subtype) { NSString *prefix = kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPrefix; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@", prefix, subtype, kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyPrivate]; } NSString *FIRInstanceIDPublicTagWithSubtype(NSString *subtype) { static NSString *publicTag; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ NSString *mainAppBundleID = FIRInstanceIDAppIdentifier(); publicTag = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairPublicTagPrefix, mainAppBundleID]; }); return publicTag; } NSString *FIRInstanceIDPrivateTagWithSubtype(NSString *subtype) { static NSString *privateTag; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ NSString *mainAppBundleID = FIRInstanceIDAppIdentifier(); privateTag = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairPrivateTagPrefix, mainAppBundleID]; }); return privateTag; } NSString *FIRInstanceIDCreationTimeKeyWithSubtype(NSString *subtype) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@", subtype, kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeySubtype, kFIRInstanceIDStoreKeyGenerationTime]; } @interface FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore () @property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist *plist; @property(atomic, readwrite, strong) FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *keyPair; @property(nonatomic, readwrite, assign) NSInteger keychainEntitlementsErrorCount; @end @implementation FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { NSString *fileName = [[self class] keyStoreFileName]; _plist = [[FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist alloc] initWithFileName:fileName subDirectory:kFIRInstanceIDSubDirectoryName]; } return self; } - (BOOL)invalidateKeyPairsIfNeeded { // Currently keypairs are always invalidated if self.plist is missing. This normally indicates // a fresh install (or an uninstall/reinstall). In those situations the key pairs should be // deleted. // NOTE: Although this class refers to multiple key pairs, with different subtypes, in practice // only a single subtype is currently supported. (b/64906549) if (![self.plist doesFileExist]) { // A fresh install, clear all the key pairs in the key chain. Do not perform migration as all // key pairs are gone. [self deleteSavedKeyPairWithSubtype:kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType handler:nil]; return YES; } // Not a fresh install, perform migration at early state. [self migrateKeyPairCacheIfNeededWithHandler:nil]; return NO; } - (BOOL)hasCachedKeyPairs { NSError *error; if ([self cachedKeyPairWithSubtype:kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType error:&error] == nil) { if (error) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerDebug(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore000, @"Failed to get the cached keyPair %@", error); } error = nil; [self removeKeyPairCreationTimePlistWithError:&error]; if (error) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerDebug(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore001, @"Failed to remove keyPair creationTime plist %@", error); } return NO; } return YES; } - (NSString *)appIdentityWithError:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error { // Load the keyPair from Keychain (or generate a key pair, if this is the first run of the app). FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *keyPair = [self loadKeyPairWithError:error]; if (!keyPair) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStoreCouldNotLoadKeyPair, @"Keypair could not be loaded from Keychain. Error: %@", (*error)); return nil; } if (error) { *error = nil; } NSString *appIdentity = FIRInstanceIDAppIdentity(keyPair); if (!appIdentity.length) { if (error) { *error = [NSError errorWithFIRInstanceIDErrorCode:kFIRInstanceIDErrorCodeUnknown]; } } return appIdentity; } - (FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *)loadKeyPairWithError:(NSError **)error { // In case we call this from different threads we don't want to generate or fetch the // keyPair multiple times. Once we have a keyPair in the cache it would mostly be used // from there. @synchronized(self) { if ([self.keyPair isValid]) { return self.keyPair; } if (self.keychainEntitlementsErrorCount >= kMaxMissingEntitlementErrorCount) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerDebug(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore002, @"Keychain not accessible, Entitlements missing error (-34018). " @"Will not check token in cache."); return nil; } if (!self.keyPair) { self.keyPair = [self validCachedKeyPairWithSubtype:kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType error:error]; } if ((*error).code == kFIRInstanceIDSecMissingEntitlementErrorCode) { self.keychainEntitlementsErrorCount++; } if (!self.keyPair) { self.keyPair = [self generateAndSaveKeyWithSubtype:kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType creationTime:FIRInstanceIDCurrentTimestampInSeconds() error:error]; } } return self.keyPair; } // TODO(chliangGoogle: Remove subtype support, as it's not being used. - (FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *)generateAndSaveKeyWithSubtype:(NSString *)subtype creationTime:(int64_t)creationTime error:(NSError **)error { NSString *publicKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPublicTagWithSubtype(subtype); NSString *privateKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPrivateTagWithSubtype(subtype); FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *keyPair = [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] generateKeyPairWithPrivateTag:privateKeyTag publicTag:publicKeyTag]; if (![keyPair isValid]) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore003, @"Unable to generate keypair."); return nil; } NSString *creationTimeKey = FIRInstanceIDCreationTimeKeyWithSubtype(subtype); NSDictionary *keyPairData = @{creationTimeKey : @(creationTime)}; if (error) { *error = nil; } NSMutableDictionary *allKeyPairs = [[self.plist contentAsDictionary] mutableCopy]; if (allKeyPairs.count) { [allKeyPairs addEntriesFromDictionary:keyPairData]; } else { allKeyPairs = [keyPairData mutableCopy]; } if (![self.plist writeDictionary:allKeyPairs error:error]) { [FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore deleteKeyPairWithPrivateTag:privateKeyTag publicTag:publicKeyTag handler:nil]; FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore004, @"Failed to save keypair data to plist %@", error ? *error : @""); return nil; } return keyPair; } - (FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *)validCachedKeyPairWithSubtype:(NSString *)subtype error:(NSError **)error { // On a new install (or if the ID was deleted), the plist will be missing, which should trigger // a reset of the key pairs in Keychain (if they exist). NSDictionary *allKeyPairs = [self.plist contentAsDictionary]; NSString *creationTimeKey = FIRInstanceIDCreationTimeKeyWithSubtype(subtype); if (allKeyPairs[creationTimeKey] > 0) { return [self cachedKeyPairWithSubtype:subtype error:error]; } else { // There is no need to reset keypair again here as FIRInstanceID init call is always // going to be ahead of this call, which already trigger keypair reset if it's new install FIRInstanceIDErrorCode code = kFIRInstanceIDErrorCodeInvalidKeyPairCreationTime; if (error) { *error = [NSError errorWithFIRInstanceIDErrorCode:code]; } return nil; } } - (FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *)cachedKeyPairWithSubtype:(NSString *)subtype error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error { // base64 encoded keys NSString *publicKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPublicTagWithSubtype(subtype); NSString *privateKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPrivateTagWithSubtype(subtype); return [FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore keyPairForPrivateKeyTag:privateKeyTag publicKeyTag:publicKeyTag error:error]; } + (FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *)keyPairForPrivateKeyTag:(NSString *)privateKeyTag publicKeyTag:(NSString *)publicKeyTag error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error { if (![privateKeyTag length] || ![publicKeyTag length]) { if (error) { *error = [NSError errorWithFIRInstanceIDErrorCode:kFIRInstanceIDErrorCodeInvalidKeyPairTags]; } return nil; } SecKeyRef privateKeyRef = FIRInstanceIDCachedKeyRefWithTag(privateKeyTag); SecKeyRef publicKeyRef = FIRInstanceIDCachedKeyRefWithTag(publicKeyTag); if (!privateKeyRef || !publicKeyRef) { if (error) { *error = [NSError errorWithFIRInstanceIDErrorCode:kFIRInstanceIDErrorCodeMissingKeyPair]; } FIRInstanceIDLoggerDebug(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPair000, @"No keypair info is found with tag %@", privateKeyTag); return nil; } NSData *publicKeyData = FIRInstanceIDKeyDataWithTag(publicKeyTag); NSData *privateKeyData = FIRInstanceIDKeyDataWithTag(privateKeyTag); FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *keyPair = [[FIRInstanceIDKeyPair alloc] initWithPrivateKey:privateKeyRef publicKey:publicKeyRef publicKeyData:publicKeyData privateKeyData:privateKeyData]; return keyPair; } // Migrates from keypair saved under legacy keys (hardcoded value) to dynamic keys (stable, but // unique for the app's bundle id - (void)migrateKeyPairCacheIfNeededWithHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))handler { // Attempt to load keypair using legacy keys NSString *legacyPublicKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDLegacyPublicTagWithSubtype(kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType); NSString *legacyPrivateKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDLegacyPrivateTagWithSubtype(kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType); NSError *error; FIRInstanceIDKeyPair *keyPair = [FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore keyPairForPrivateKeyTag:legacyPrivateKeyTag publicKeyTag:legacyPublicKeyTag error:&error]; if (![keyPair isValid]) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerDebug(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairNoLegacyKeyPair, @"There's no legacy keypair so no need to do migration."); if (handler) { handler(nil); } return; } // Check whether migration already done. NSString *publicKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPublicTagWithSubtype(kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType); if (FIRInstanceIDHasMigratedKeyPair(legacyPublicKeyTag, publicKeyTag)) { if (handler) { handler(nil); } return; } // Also cache locally since we are sure to use the migrated key pair. self.keyPair = keyPair; // Either new key pair doesn't exist or it's different than legacy key pair, start the migration. __block NSError *updateKeyRefError; NSString *privateKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPrivateTagWithSubtype(kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairSubType); [self updateKeyRef:keyPair.publicKey withTag:publicKeyTag handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairMigrationError, @"Unable to migrate key pair from legacy ones."); updateKeyRefError = error; } }]; [self updateKeyRef:keyPair.privateKey withTag:privateKeyTag handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairMigrationError, @"Unable to migrate key pair from legacy ones."); updateKeyRefError = error; } if (handler) { handler(updateKeyRefError); } }]; } // Used for migrating from legacy tags to updated tags. The legacy keychain is not deleted for // backward compatibility. // TODO(chliangGoogle) Delete the legacy keychain when GCM is fully deprecated. - (void)updateKeyRef:(SecKeyRef)keyRef withTag:(NSString *)tag handler:(void (^)(NSError *error))handler { NSData *updatedTagData = [tag dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; __block NSError *keychainError; // Always delete the old keychain before adding a new one to avoid conflicts. NSDictionary *deleteQuery = @{ (__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag : updatedTagData, (__bridge id)kSecClass : (__bridge id)kSecClassKey, (__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyType : (__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA, (__bridge id)kSecReturnRef : @(YES), }; [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] removeItemWithQuery:deleteQuery handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { keychainError = error; } }]; NSDictionary *addQuery = @{ (__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag : updatedTagData, (__bridge id)kSecClass : (__bridge id)kSecClassKey, (__bridge id)kSecValueRef : (__bridge id)keyRef, (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessible : (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly, }; [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] addItemWithQuery:addQuery handler:^(NSError *addError) { if (addError) { keychainError = addError; } if (handler) { handler(keychainError); } }]; } - (void)deleteSavedKeyPairWithSubtype:(NSString *)subtype handler:(void (^)(NSError *error))handler { NSDictionary *allKeyPairs = [self.plist contentAsDictionary]; NSString *publicKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPublicTagWithSubtype(subtype); NSString *privateKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDPrivateTagWithSubtype(subtype); NSString *creationTimeKey = FIRInstanceIDCreationTimeKeyWithSubtype(subtype); // remove the creation time if (allKeyPairs[creationTimeKey] > 0) { NSMutableDictionary *newKeyPairs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:allKeyPairs]; [newKeyPairs removeObjectForKey:creationTimeKey]; NSError *plistError; if (![self.plist writeDictionary:newKeyPairs error:&plistError]) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore006, @"Unable to remove keypair creation time from plist %@", plistError); } } self.keyPair = nil; [FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore deleteKeyPairWithPrivateTag:privateKeyTag publicTag:publicKeyTag handler:^(NSError *error) { // Delete legacy key pairs from GCM/FCM If they exist. All key pairs // should be deleted when app is newly installed. NSString *legacyPublicKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDLegacyPublicTagWithSubtype(subtype); NSString *legacyPrivateKeyTag = FIRInstanceIDLegacyPrivateTagWithSubtype(subtype); [FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore deleteKeyPairWithPrivateTag:legacyPrivateKeyTag publicTag:legacyPublicKeyTag handler:nil]; if (error) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore007, @"Unable to remove RSA keypair, error: %@", error); if (handler) { handler(error); } } else { if (handler) { handler(nil); } } }]; } + (void)deleteKeyPairWithPrivateTag:(NSString *)privateTag publicTag:(NSString *)publicTag handler:(void (^)(NSError *))handler { NSDictionary *queryPublicKey = FIRInstanceIDKeyPairQuery(publicTag, NO, NO); NSDictionary *queryPrivateKey = FIRInstanceIDKeyPairQuery(privateTag, NO, NO); __block NSError *keychainError; // Always remove public key first because it is the key we generate IID. [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] removeItemWithQuery:queryPublicKey handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { keychainError = error; } }]; [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] removeItemWithQuery:queryPrivateKey handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { keychainError = error; } if (handler) { handler(keychainError); } }]; } - (BOOL)removeKeyPairCreationTimePlistWithError:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error { if (![self.plist deleteFile:error]) { FIRInstanceIDLoggerError(kFIRInstanceIDMessageCodeKeyPairStore008, @"Unable to delete keypair creation times plist"); return NO; } return YES; } + (NSString *)keyStoreFileName { return kFIRInstanceIDKeyPairStoreFileName; } @end