/* * Copyright 2019 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "FIRInstanceIDAuthKeyChain.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDKeychain.h" #import "FIRInstanceIDLogger.h" /** * The error type representing why we couldn't read data from the keychain. */ typedef NS_ENUM(int, FIRInstanceIDKeychainErrorType) { kFIRInstanceIDKeychainErrorBadArguments = -1301, }; NSString *const kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier = @"*"; @interface FIRInstanceIDAuthKeychain () @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *generic; // cachedKeychainData is keyed by service and account, the value is an array of NSData. // It is used to cache the tokens per service, per account, as well as checkin data per service, // per account inside the keychain. @property(nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary *> *> *cachedKeychainData; @end @implementation FIRInstanceIDAuthKeychain - (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier { self = [super init]; if (self) { _generic = [identifier copy]; _cachedKeychainData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } return self; } + (NSMutableDictionary *)keychainQueryForService:(NSString *)service account:(NSString *)account generic:(NSString *)generic { NSDictionary *query = @{(__bridge id)kSecClass : (__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword}; NSMutableDictionary *finalQuery = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:query]; if ([generic length] && ![kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier isEqualToString:generic]) { finalQuery[(__bridge NSString *)kSecAttrGeneric] = generic; } if ([account length] && ![kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier isEqualToString:account]) { finalQuery[(__bridge NSString *)kSecAttrAccount] = account; } if ([service length] && ![kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier isEqualToString:service]) { finalQuery[(__bridge NSString *)kSecAttrService] = service; } return finalQuery; } - (NSMutableDictionary *)keychainQueryForService:(NSString *)service account:(NSString *)account { return [[self class] keychainQueryForService:service account:account generic:self.generic]; } - (NSArray *)itemsMatchingService:(NSString *)service account:(NSString *)account { // If query wildcard service, it asks for all the results, which always query from keychain. if (![service isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier] && ![account isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier] && _cachedKeychainData[service][account]) { // As long as service, account array exist, even it's empty, it means we've queried it before, // returns the cache value. return _cachedKeychainData[service][account]; } NSMutableDictionary *keychainQuery = [self keychainQueryForService:service account:account]; NSMutableArray *results; keychainQuery[(__bridge id)kSecReturnData] = (__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue; #if TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV keychainQuery[(__bridge id)kSecReturnAttributes] = (__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue; keychainQuery[(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit] = (__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitAll; // FIRInstanceIDKeychain should only take a query and return a result, will handle the query here. NSArray *passwordInfos = CFBridgingRelease([[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] itemWithQuery:keychainQuery]); #elif TARGET_OS_OSX keychainQuery[(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit] = (__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitOne; NSData *passwordInfos = CFBridgingRelease([[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] itemWithQuery:keychainQuery]); #endif if (!passwordInfos) { // Nothing was found, simply return from this sync block. // Make sure to label the cache entry empty, signaling that we've queried this entry. if ([service isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier] || [account isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier]) { // Do not update cache if it's wildcard query. return @[]; } else if (_cachedKeychainData[service]) { [_cachedKeychainData[service] setObject:@[] forKey:account]; } else { [_cachedKeychainData setObject:[@{account : @[]} mutableCopy] forKey:service]; } return @[]; } results = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; #if TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV NSInteger numPasswords = passwordInfos.count; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numPasswords; i++) { NSDictionary *passwordInfo = [passwordInfos objectAtIndex:i]; if (passwordInfo[(__bridge id)kSecValueData]) { [results addObject:passwordInfo[(__bridge id)kSecValueData]]; } } #elif TARGET_OS_OSX [results addObject:passwordInfos]; #endif // We query the keychain because it didn't exist in cache, now query is done, update the result in // the cache. if ([service isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier] || [account isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier]) { // Do not update cache if it's wildcard query. return [results copy]; } else if (_cachedKeychainData[service]) { [_cachedKeychainData[service] setObject:[results copy] forKey:account]; } else { NSMutableDictionary *entry = [@{account : [results copy]} mutableCopy]; [_cachedKeychainData setObject:entry forKey:service]; } return [results copy]; } - (NSData *)dataForService:(NSString *)service account:(NSString *)account { NSArray *items = [self itemsMatchingService:service account:account]; // If items is nil or empty, nil will be returned. return items.firstObject; } - (void)removeItemsMatchingService:(NSString *)service account:(NSString *)account handler:(void (^)(NSError *error))handler { if ([service isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier]) { // Delete all keychain items. _cachedKeychainData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } else if ([account isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier]) { // Delete all entries under service, if (_cachedKeychainData[service]) { _cachedKeychainData[service] = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } } else if (_cachedKeychainData[service]) { // We should keep the service/account entry instead of nil so we know // it's "empty entry" instead of "not query from keychain yet". [_cachedKeychainData[service] setObject:@[] forKey:account]; } else { [_cachedKeychainData setObject:[@{account : @[]} mutableCopy] forKey:service]; } NSMutableDictionary *keychainQuery = [self keychainQueryForService:service account:account]; [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] removeItemWithQuery:keychainQuery handler:handler]; } - (void)setData:(NSData *)data forService:(NSString *)service account:(NSString *)account handler:(void (^)(NSError *))handler { if ([service isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier] || [account isEqualToString:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainWildcardIdentifier]) { if (handler) { handler([NSError errorWithDomain:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainErrorDomain code:kFIRInstanceIDKeychainErrorBadArguments userInfo:nil]); } return; } [self removeItemsMatchingService:service account:account handler:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { if (handler) { handler(error); } return; } if (data.length > 0) { NSMutableDictionary *keychainQuery = [self keychainQueryForService:service account:account]; keychainQuery[(__bridge id)kSecValueData] = data; keychainQuery[(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessible] = (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly; [[FIRInstanceIDKeychain sharedInstance] addItemWithQuery:keychainQuery handler:handler]; } }]; // Set the cache value. This must happen after removeItemsMatchingService:account:handler was // called, so the cache value was reset before setting a new value. if (_cachedKeychainData[service]) { if (_cachedKeychainData[service][account]) { _cachedKeychainData[service][account] = @[ data ]; } else { [_cachedKeychainData[service] setObject:@[ data ] forKey:account]; } } else { [_cachedKeychainData setObject:[@{account : @[ data ]} mutableCopy] forKey:service]; } } @end