// // Copyright 2010-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // A copy of the License is located at // // http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 // // or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed // on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either // express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // #ifndef AWSiOSSDK_AWSServiceEnum_h #define AWSiOSSDK_AWSServiceEnum_h /** * Enums for AWS regions. * * For information about which regions are supported for each service, see the linked website: * http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, AWSRegionType) { /** * Unknown Region */ AWSRegionUnknown NS_SWIFT_NAME(Unknown), /** * US East (N. Virginia) */ AWSRegionUSEast1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(USEast1), /** * US East (Ohio) */ AWSRegionUSEast2 NS_SWIFT_NAME(USEast2), /** * US West (N. California) */ AWSRegionUSWest1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(USWest1), /** * US West (Oregon) */ AWSRegionUSWest2 NS_SWIFT_NAME(USWest2), /** * EU (Ireland) */ AWSRegionEUWest1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(EUWest1), /** * EU (London) */ AWSRegionEUWest2 NS_SWIFT_NAME(EUWest2), /** * EU (Frankfurt) */ AWSRegionEUCentral1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(EUCentral1), /** * Asia Pacific (Singapore) */ AWSRegionAPSoutheast1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(APSoutheast1), /** * Asia Pacific (Tokyo) */ AWSRegionAPNortheast1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(APNortheast1), /** * Asia Pacific (Seoul) */ AWSRegionAPNortheast2 NS_SWIFT_NAME(APNortheast2), /** * Asia Pacific (Sydney) */ AWSRegionAPSoutheast2 NS_SWIFT_NAME(APSoutheast2), /** * Asia Pacific (Mumbai) */ AWSRegionAPSouth1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(APSouth1), /** * South America (Sao Paulo) */ AWSRegionSAEast1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(SAEast1), /** * China (Beijing) */ AWSRegionCNNorth1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(CNNorth1), /** * Canada (Central) */ AWSRegionCACentral1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(CACentral1), /** * AWS GovCloud (US West) */ AWSRegionUSGovWest1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(USGovWest1), /** * China (Ningxia) */ AWSRegionCNNorthWest1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(CNNorthWest1), /** * EU (Paris) */ AWSRegionEUWest3 NS_SWIFT_NAME(EUWest3), /** * AWS GovCloud (US East) */ AWSRegionUSGovEast1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(USGovEast1), /** * EU (Stockholm) */ AWSRegionEUNorth1 NS_SWIFT_NAME(EUNorth1), }; /** * Enums for AWS services. * * For information about which regions are supported for each service, see the linked website: * http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, AWSServiceType) { /** * Unknown service */ AWSServiceUnknown NS_SWIFT_NAME(Unknown), /** * Amazon API Gateway */ AWSServiceAPIGateway NS_SWIFT_NAME(APIGateway), /** * Auto Scaling */ AWSServiceAutoScaling NS_SWIFT_NAME(AutoScaling), /** * Amazon CloudWatch */ AWSServiceCloudWatch NS_SWIFT_NAME(CloudWatch), /** * Amazon Cognito Identity */ AWSServiceCognitoIdentity NS_SWIFT_NAME(CognitoIdentity), /** * Amazon Cognito Identity Provider */ AWSServiceCognitoIdentityProvider NS_SWIFT_NAME(CognitoIdentityProvider), /** * Amazon Cognito Sync */ AWSServiceCognitoSync NS_SWIFT_NAME(CognitoSync), /** * Amazon DynamoDB */ AWSServiceDynamoDB NS_SWIFT_NAME(DynamoDB), /** * Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) */ AWSServiceEC2 NS_SWIFT_NAME(EC2), /** * Elastic Load Balancing */ AWSServiceElasticLoadBalancing NS_SWIFT_NAME(ElasticLoadBalancing), /** * AWS IoT */ AWSServiceIoT NS_SWIFT_NAME(IoT), /** * AWS IoT Data */ AWSServiceIoTData NS_SWIFT_NAME(IoTData), /** * Amazon Kinesis Firehose */ AWSServiceFirehose NS_SWIFT_NAME(Firehose), /** * Amazon Kinesis */ AWSServiceKinesis NS_SWIFT_NAME(Kinesis), /** * AWS Key Management Service (KMS) */ AWSServiceKMS NS_SWIFT_NAME(KMS), /** * AWS Lambda */ AWSServiceLambda NS_SWIFT_NAME(Lambda), /** * Amazon Lex Runtime Service */ AWSServiceLexRuntime NS_SWIFT_NAME(LexRuntime), /** * Amazon Cloudwatch logs */ AWSServiceLogs NS_SWIFT_NAME(Logs), /** * Amazon Machine Learning */ AWSServiceMachineLearning NS_SWIFT_NAME(MachineLearning), /** * Amazon Mobile Analytics */ AWSServiceMobileAnalytics NS_SWIFT_NAME(MobileAnalytics), /** * Amazon Mobile Targeting */ AWSServiceMobileTargeting NS_SWIFT_NAME(MobileTargeting), /** * Amazon Polly */ AWSServicePolly NS_SWIFT_NAME(Polly), /** * Amazon Rekognition */ AWSServiceRekognition NS_SWIFT_NAME(Rekognition), /** * Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) */ AWSServiceS3 NS_SWIFT_NAME(S3), /** * Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) */ AWSServiceSES NS_SWIFT_NAME(SES), /** * Amazon SimpleDB */ AWSServiceSimpleDB NS_SWIFT_NAME(SimpleDB), /** * Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) */ AWSServiceSNS NS_SWIFT_NAME(SNS), /** * Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) */ AWSServiceSQS NS_SWIFT_NAME(SQS), /** * AWS Security Token Service (STS) */ AWSServiceSTS NS_SWIFT_NAME(STS), /** * Amazon Transcribe */ AWSServiceTranscribe NS_SWIFT_NAME(Transcribe), /** * Amazon Translate */ AWSServiceTranslate NS_SWIFT_NAME(Translate), /** * Amazon Comprehend */ AWSServiceComprehend NS_SWIFT_NAME(Comprehend), /** * Amazon Kinesis Video */ AWSServiceKinesisVideo NS_SWIFT_NAME(KinesisVideo), /** * Amazon Kinesis Video Archived Media */ AWSServiceKinesisVideoArchivedMedia NS_SWIFT_NAME(KinesisVideoArchivedMedia), }; #endif