// // ConsentTask.swift // EncuestaMarle // // Created by Tatiana Castro on 5/20/19. // Copyright © 2019 Marle. All rights reserved. // import ResearchKit let date = Date() print date public var ConsentTask: ORKOrderedTask { let consentDocument = ORKConsentDocument() consentDocument.title = "MARLE Consent" consentDocument.signaturePageTitle = "Signature" consentDocument.signaturePageContent = NSLocalizedString("I agree to participate in this research study.", comment: "") /* Add the participant signature, which will be filled in during the consent review process. This signature initially does not have a signature image or a participant name; these are collected during the consent review step. */ let participantSignatureTitle = "Participant" let participantSignature = ORKConsentSignature(forPersonWithTitle: participantSignatureTitle, dateFormatString: nil, identifier: "participant_signature") consentDocument.addSignature(participantSignature) /* Add the investigator signature. This is pre-populated with the investigator's signature image and name, and the date of their signature. If you need to specify the date as now, you could generate a date string with code here. This signature is only used for the generated PDF. */ let signatureImage = UIImage(named: "signature")! let investigatorSignatureTitle = NSLocalizedString("Investigator", comment: "") let investigatorSignatureGivenName = NSLocalizedString("Jonny", comment: "") let investigatorSignatureFamilyName = NSLocalizedString("Appleseed", comment: "") let investigatorSignatureDateString = "3/10/15" let investigatorSignature = ORKConsentSignature(forPersonWithTitle: investigatorSignatureTitle, dateFormatString: nil, identifier: String(describing:Identifier.consentDocumentInvestigatorSignature), givenName: investigatorSignatureGivenName, familyName: investigatorSignatureFamilyName, signatureImage: signatureImage, dateString: investigatorSignatureDateString) consentDocument.addSignature(investigatorSignature) /* This is the HTML content for the "Learn More" page for each consent section. In a real consent, this would be your content, and you would have different content for each section. If your content is just text, you can use the `content` property instead of the `htmlContent` property of `ORKConsentSection`. */ let htmlContentString = "



" /* These are all the consent section types that have pre-defined animations and images. We use them in this specific order, so we see the available animated transitions. */ let consentSectionTypes: [ORKConsentSectionType] = [ .overview, .dataGathering, .privacy, .dataUse, .timeCommitment, .studySurvey, .studyTasks, .withdrawing ] /* For each consent section type in `consentSectionTypes`, create an `ORKConsentSection` that represents it. In a real app, you would set specific content for each section. */ var consentSections: [ORKConsentSection] = consentSectionTypes.map { contentSectionType in let consentSection = ORKConsentSection(type: contentSectionType) consentSection.summary = loremIpsumShortText if contentSectionType == .overview { consentSection.htmlContent = htmlContentString } else { consentSection.content = loremIpsumLongText } return consentSection } /* This is an example of a section that is only in the review document or only in the generated PDF, and is not displayed in `ORKVisualConsentStep`. */ let consentSection = ORKConsentSection(type: .onlyInDocument) consentSection.summary = NSLocalizedString(".OnlyInDocument Scene Summary", comment: "") consentSection.title = NSLocalizedString(".OnlyInDocument Scene", comment: "") consentSection.content = loremIpsumLongText consentSections += [consentSection] // Set the sections on the document after they've been created. consentDocument.sections = consentSections return ORKOrderedTask(identifier: "ConsentTask", steps: steps) }