///// !!! GLOBAL FUNCTIONS !!! ///// // CHECKS THAT STRINGS ARE JSON function isJSON(item) { // item = (typeof item !== "string") // ? JSON.stringify(item) // : item; try { item = JSON.parse(item); } catch (e) { return false; } return (typeof item === "object" && item !== null); } // MODAL SWITCHING FUNCTION (home.php & viewExperience.php) function nextModal(name) { // $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('hide'); setTimeout(() => $(name).modal('show'), 100); } // Disable 'enter' key from submitting forms // $('form').keypress(function(event){ if (event.which == '13') { event.preventDefault(); } } ); // $('[form]:not(button[form])').keypress(function(event){ if (event.which == '13') { event.preventDefault(); } } ); // NUMBER INPUT SANITIZATION (home.php & viewExperience.php) $('input[type="number"]').on('change keyup', () => { // Remove invalid characters var sanitized = $(this).val().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); // Update value $(this).val(sanitized); }); // DATE INPUT DATEPICKER (home.php & viewExperience.php) // Taken from: http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/createelementcheck2.shtml // If browser doesn't support input type="date", load files for jQuery UI Date Picker let testDateField = document.createElement("input"); testDateField.setAttribute("type", "date"); if(testDateField.type != "date") { // console.log('Browser does not support input of type date, loading jQuery UI...'); // First load the CSS ("base" theme) for the calendar document.write('\n'); // let objectContainer = document.createElement('div'); // objectContainer.innerHTML = ''; // document.body.appendChild(objectContainer); // // Then load the calendar functionality document.write('\n'); // objectContainer = document.createElement('div'); // objectContainer.innerHTML = ''; // document.body.appendChild(objectContainer); // // Initialize date picker widget (on document.ready) // Help: https://jqueryui.com/datepicker/#min-max window.onload = () => { if($('input[type="date"]').length !== 0) { // jQuery(($) => $('input[type="date"]').datepicker({ minDate: 0, maxDate: "+1Y"})); // console.log('Done!'); } } } // !!! FROM HERE ON DOWN, THERE'S ONLY OLD CODE !!! // // Declaration and initialization of the "naming counter" var selectionCounter = 2; // WHEN WANTING TO ADD MULTIPLE QUESTIONNAIRES TO AN EXPERIENCE (newExperience.php and editExperience.php) function AddQuestionnaire() { // We add two linebreaks so that there is space between each dropdown list var br = document.createElement('br'); document.getElementById('addQuestionnaires').appendChild(br); br = document.createElement('br'); document.getElementById('addQuestionnaires').appendChild(br); // We create a copy of the dropdown list we already have, so multiple questions can be added at the same time var select = document.getElementById('questionnaire'); var clone = select.cloneNode(true); // The clones will have the same name as the original but with a number that will distinguish them var name = select.getAttribute('name') + selectionCounter++; clone.id = name; clone.setAttribute('name', name); document.getElementById('addQuestionnaires').appendChild(clone); //document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = selectionCounter; } // Reinitialization of the "naming counter" selectionCounter = 2; // WHEN WANTING TO ADD MULTIPLE QUESTIONS TO A QUESTIONNAIRE (newQuestionnaire.php and editQuestionnaire.php) function AddQuestion() { // We add a linebreak so that there is space between each dropdown list var br = document.createElement("br"); document.getElementById("addQuestions").appendChild(br) var br2 = document.createElement("br"); document.getElementById("addQuestions").appendChild(br2) // We create a copy of the dropdown list we already have, so multiple questions can be added at the same time. var select = document.getElementById("question"); var clone = select.cloneNode(true); // The clones will have the same name as the original but with a number that will distinguish them var name = select.getAttribute("name") + selectionCounter++; clone.id = name; clone.setAttribute("name", name) document.getElementById("addQuestions").appendChild(clone) //document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = selectionCounter; }