/*! FullCalendar Time Grid Plugin v4.3.0 Docs & License: https://fullcalendar.io/ (c) 2019 Adam Shaw */ import { createFormatter, removeElement, cssToStr, isMultiDayRange, htmlEscape, compareByFieldSpecs, applyStyle, FgEventRenderer, buildSegCompareObj, FillRenderer, memoizeRendering, createDuration, wholeDivideDurations, findElements, PositionCache, startOfDay, asRoughMs, formatIsoTimeString, addDurations, htmlToElement, createElement, multiplyDuration, DateComponent, hasBgRendering, Splitter, diffDays, buildGotoAnchorHtml, getAllDayHtml, ScrollComponent, matchCellWidths, uncompensateScroll, compensateScroll, subtractInnerElHeight, View, memoize, intersectRanges, Slicer, DayHeader, DaySeries, DayTable, createPlugin } from '@fullcalendar/core'; import { DayBgRow, DayGrid, SimpleDayGrid } from '@fullcalendar/daygrid'; /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; /* Only handles foreground segs. Does not own rendering. Use for low-level util methods by TimeGrid. */ var TimeGridEventRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGridEventRenderer, _super); function TimeGridEventRenderer(timeGrid) { var _this = _super.call(this, timeGrid.context) || this; _this.timeGrid = timeGrid; _this.fullTimeFormat = createFormatter({ hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', separator: _this.context.options.defaultRangeSeparator }); return _this; } // Given an array of foreground segments, render a DOM element for each, computes position, // and attaches to the column inner-container elements. TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.attachSegs = function (segs, mirrorInfo) { var segsByCol = this.timeGrid.groupSegsByCol(segs); // order the segs within each column // TODO: have groupSegsByCol do this? for (var col = 0; col < segsByCol.length; col++) { segsByCol[col] = this.sortEventSegs(segsByCol[col]); } this.segsByCol = segsByCol; this.timeGrid.attachSegsByCol(segsByCol, this.timeGrid.fgContainerEls); }; TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.detachSegs = function (segs) { segs.forEach(function (seg) { removeElement(seg.el); }); this.segsByCol = null; }; TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.computeSegSizes = function (allSegs) { var _a = this, timeGrid = _a.timeGrid, segsByCol = _a.segsByCol; var colCnt = timeGrid.colCnt; timeGrid.computeSegVerticals(allSegs); // horizontals relies on this if (segsByCol) { for (var col = 0; col < colCnt; col++) { this.computeSegHorizontals(segsByCol[col]); // compute horizontal coordinates, z-index's, and reorder the array } } }; TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.assignSegSizes = function (allSegs) { var _a = this, timeGrid = _a.timeGrid, segsByCol = _a.segsByCol; var colCnt = timeGrid.colCnt; timeGrid.assignSegVerticals(allSegs); // horizontals relies on this if (segsByCol) { for (var col = 0; col < colCnt; col++) { this.assignSegCss(segsByCol[col]); } } }; // Computes a default event time formatting string if `eventTimeFormat` is not explicitly defined TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.computeEventTimeFormat = function () { return { hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', meridiem: false }; }; // Computes a default `displayEventEnd` value if one is not expliclty defined TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.computeDisplayEventEnd = function () { return true; }; // Renders the HTML for a single event segment's default rendering TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.renderSegHtml = function (seg, mirrorInfo) { var view = this.context.view; var eventRange = seg.eventRange; var eventDef = eventRange.def; var eventUi = eventRange.ui; var allDay = eventDef.allDay; var isDraggable = view.computeEventDraggable(eventDef, eventUi); var isResizableFromStart = seg.isStart && view.computeEventStartResizable(eventDef, eventUi); var isResizableFromEnd = seg.isEnd && view.computeEventEndResizable(eventDef, eventUi); var classes = this.getSegClasses(seg, isDraggable, isResizableFromStart || isResizableFromEnd, mirrorInfo); var skinCss = cssToStr(this.getSkinCss(eventUi)); var timeText; var fullTimeText; // more verbose time text. for the print stylesheet var startTimeText; // just the start time text classes.unshift('fc-time-grid-event'); // if the event appears to span more than one day... if (isMultiDayRange(eventRange.range)) { // Don't display time text on segments that run entirely through a day. // That would appear as midnight-midnight and would look dumb. // Otherwise, display the time text for the *segment's* times (like 6pm-midnight or midnight-10am) if (seg.isStart || seg.isEnd) { var unzonedStart = seg.start; var unzonedEnd = seg.end; timeText = this._getTimeText(unzonedStart, unzonedEnd, allDay); // TODO: give the timezones fullTimeText = this._getTimeText(unzonedStart, unzonedEnd, allDay, this.fullTimeFormat); startTimeText = this._getTimeText(unzonedStart, unzonedEnd, allDay, null, false); // displayEnd=false } } else { // Display the normal time text for the *event's* times timeText = this.getTimeText(eventRange); fullTimeText = this.getTimeText(eventRange, this.fullTimeFormat); startTimeText = this.getTimeText(eventRange, null, false); // displayEnd=false } return '<a class="' + classes.join(' ') + '"' + (eventDef.url ? ' href="' + htmlEscape(eventDef.url) + '"' : '') + (skinCss ? ' style="' + skinCss + '"' : '') + '>' + '<div class="fc-content">' + (timeText ? '<div class="fc-time"' + ' data-start="' + htmlEscape(startTimeText) + '"' + ' data-full="' + htmlEscape(fullTimeText) + '"' + '>' + '<span>' + htmlEscape(timeText) + '</span>' + '</div>' : '') + (eventDef.title ? '<div class="fc-title">' + htmlEscape(eventDef.title) + '</div>' : '') + '</div>' + /* TODO: write CSS for this (isResizableFromStart ? '<div class="fc-resizer fc-start-resizer"></div>' : '' ) + */ (isResizableFromEnd ? '<div class="fc-resizer fc-end-resizer"></div>' : '') + '</a>'; }; // Given an array of segments that are all in the same column, sets the backwardCoord and forwardCoord on each. // Assumed the segs are already ordered. // NOTE: Also reorders the given array by date! TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.computeSegHorizontals = function (segs) { var levels; var level0; var i; levels = buildSlotSegLevels(segs); computeForwardSlotSegs(levels); if ((level0 = levels[0])) { for (i = 0; i < level0.length; i++) { computeSlotSegPressures(level0[i]); } for (i = 0; i < level0.length; i++) { this.computeSegForwardBack(level0[i], 0, 0); } } }; // Calculate seg.forwardCoord and seg.backwardCoord for the segment, where both values range // from 0 to 1. If the calendar is left-to-right, the seg.backwardCoord maps to "left" and // seg.forwardCoord maps to "right" (via percentage). Vice-versa if the calendar is right-to-left. // // The segment might be part of a "series", which means consecutive segments with the same pressure // who's width is unknown until an edge has been hit. `seriesBackwardPressure` is the number of // segments behind this one in the current series, and `seriesBackwardCoord` is the starting // coordinate of the first segment in the series. TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.computeSegForwardBack = function (seg, seriesBackwardPressure, seriesBackwardCoord) { var forwardSegs = seg.forwardSegs; var i; if (seg.forwardCoord === undefined) { // not already computed if (!forwardSegs.length) { // if there are no forward segments, this segment should butt up against the edge seg.forwardCoord = 1; } else { // sort highest pressure first this.sortForwardSegs(forwardSegs); // this segment's forwardCoord will be calculated from the backwardCoord of the // highest-pressure forward segment. this.computeSegForwardBack(forwardSegs[0], seriesBackwardPressure + 1, seriesBackwardCoord); seg.forwardCoord = forwardSegs[0].backwardCoord; } // calculate the backwardCoord from the forwardCoord. consider the series seg.backwardCoord = seg.forwardCoord - (seg.forwardCoord - seriesBackwardCoord) / // available width for series (seriesBackwardPressure + 1); // # of segments in the series // use this segment's coordinates to computed the coordinates of the less-pressurized // forward segments for (i = 0; i < forwardSegs.length; i++) { this.computeSegForwardBack(forwardSegs[i], 0, seg.forwardCoord); } } }; TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.sortForwardSegs = function (forwardSegs) { var objs = forwardSegs.map(buildTimeGridSegCompareObj); var specs = [ // put higher-pressure first { field: 'forwardPressure', order: -1 }, // put segments that are closer to initial edge first (and favor ones with no coords yet) { field: 'backwardCoord', order: 1 } ].concat(this.context.view.eventOrderSpecs); objs.sort(function (obj0, obj1) { return compareByFieldSpecs(obj0, obj1, specs); }); return objs.map(function (c) { return c._seg; }); }; // Given foreground event segments that have already had their position coordinates computed, // assigns position-related CSS values to their elements. TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.assignSegCss = function (segs) { for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = segs_1[_i]; applyStyle(seg.el, this.generateSegCss(seg)); if (seg.level > 0) { seg.el.classList.add('fc-time-grid-event-inset'); } // if the event is short that the title will be cut off, // attach a className that condenses the title into the time area. if (seg.eventRange.def.title && seg.bottom - seg.top < 30) { seg.el.classList.add('fc-short'); // TODO: "condensed" is a better name } } }; // Generates an object with CSS properties/values that should be applied to an event segment element. // Contains important positioning-related properties that should be applied to any event element, customized or not. TimeGridEventRenderer.prototype.generateSegCss = function (seg) { var shouldOverlap = this.context.options.slotEventOverlap; var backwardCoord = seg.backwardCoord; // the left side if LTR. the right side if RTL. floating-point var forwardCoord = seg.forwardCoord; // the right side if LTR. the left side if RTL. floating-point var props = this.timeGrid.generateSegVerticalCss(seg); // get top/bottom first var isRtl = this.timeGrid.isRtl; var left; // amount of space from left edge, a fraction of the total width var right; // amount of space from right edge, a fraction of the total width if (shouldOverlap) { // double the width, but don't go beyond the maximum forward coordinate (1.0) forwardCoord = Math.min(1, backwardCoord + (forwardCoord - backwardCoord) * 2); } if (isRtl) { left = 1 - forwardCoord; right = backwardCoord; } else { left = backwardCoord; right = 1 - forwardCoord; } props.zIndex = seg.level + 1; // convert from 0-base to 1-based props.left = left * 100 + '%'; props.right = right * 100 + '%'; if (shouldOverlap && seg.forwardPressure) { // add padding to the edge so that forward stacked events don't cover the resizer's icon props[isRtl ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight'] = 10 * 2; // 10 is a guesstimate of the icon's width } return props; }; return TimeGridEventRenderer; }(FgEventRenderer)); // Builds an array of segments "levels". The first level will be the leftmost tier of segments if the calendar is // left-to-right, or the rightmost if the calendar is right-to-left. Assumes the segments are already ordered by date. function buildSlotSegLevels(segs) { var levels = []; var i; var seg; var j; for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { seg = segs[i]; // go through all the levels and stop on the first level where there are no collisions for (j = 0; j < levels.length; j++) { if (!computeSlotSegCollisions(seg, levels[j]).length) { break; } } seg.level = j; (levels[j] || (levels[j] = [])).push(seg); } return levels; } // For every segment, figure out the other segments that are in subsequent // levels that also occupy the same vertical space. Accumulate in seg.forwardSegs function computeForwardSlotSegs(levels) { var i; var level; var j; var seg; var k; for (i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { level = levels[i]; for (j = 0; j < level.length; j++) { seg = level[j]; seg.forwardSegs = []; for (k = i + 1; k < levels.length; k++) { computeSlotSegCollisions(seg, levels[k], seg.forwardSegs); } } } } // Figure out which path forward (via seg.forwardSegs) results in the longest path until // the furthest edge is reached. The number of segments in this path will be seg.forwardPressure function computeSlotSegPressures(seg) { var forwardSegs = seg.forwardSegs; var forwardPressure = 0; var i; var forwardSeg; if (seg.forwardPressure === undefined) { // not already computed for (i = 0; i < forwardSegs.length; i++) { forwardSeg = forwardSegs[i]; // figure out the child's maximum forward path computeSlotSegPressures(forwardSeg); // either use the existing maximum, or use the child's forward pressure // plus one (for the forwardSeg itself) forwardPressure = Math.max(forwardPressure, 1 + forwardSeg.forwardPressure); } seg.forwardPressure = forwardPressure; } } // Find all the segments in `otherSegs` that vertically collide with `seg`. // Append into an optionally-supplied `results` array and return. function computeSlotSegCollisions(seg, otherSegs, results) { if (results === void 0) { results = []; } for (var i = 0; i < otherSegs.length; i++) { if (isSlotSegCollision(seg, otherSegs[i])) { results.push(otherSegs[i]); } } return results; } // Do these segments occupy the same vertical space? function isSlotSegCollision(seg1, seg2) { return seg1.bottom > seg2.top && seg1.top < seg2.bottom; } function buildTimeGridSegCompareObj(seg) { var obj = buildSegCompareObj(seg); obj.forwardPressure = seg.forwardPressure; obj.backwardCoord = seg.backwardCoord; return obj; } var TimeGridMirrorRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGridMirrorRenderer, _super); function TimeGridMirrorRenderer() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } TimeGridMirrorRenderer.prototype.attachSegs = function (segs, mirrorInfo) { this.segsByCol = this.timeGrid.groupSegsByCol(segs); this.timeGrid.attachSegsByCol(this.segsByCol, this.timeGrid.mirrorContainerEls); this.sourceSeg = mirrorInfo.sourceSeg; }; TimeGridMirrorRenderer.prototype.generateSegCss = function (seg) { var props = _super.prototype.generateSegCss.call(this, seg); var sourceSeg = this.sourceSeg; if (sourceSeg && sourceSeg.col === seg.col) { var sourceSegProps = _super.prototype.generateSegCss.call(this, sourceSeg); props.left = sourceSegProps.left; props.right = sourceSegProps.right; props.marginLeft = sourceSegProps.marginLeft; props.marginRight = sourceSegProps.marginRight; } return props; }; return TimeGridMirrorRenderer; }(TimeGridEventRenderer)); var TimeGridFillRenderer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGridFillRenderer, _super); function TimeGridFillRenderer(timeGrid) { var _this = _super.call(this, timeGrid.context) || this; _this.timeGrid = timeGrid; return _this; } TimeGridFillRenderer.prototype.attachSegs = function (type, segs) { var timeGrid = this.timeGrid; var containerEls; // TODO: more efficient lookup if (type === 'bgEvent') { containerEls = timeGrid.bgContainerEls; } else if (type === 'businessHours') { containerEls = timeGrid.businessContainerEls; } else if (type === 'highlight') { containerEls = timeGrid.highlightContainerEls; } timeGrid.attachSegsByCol(timeGrid.groupSegsByCol(segs), containerEls); return segs.map(function (seg) { return seg.el; }); }; TimeGridFillRenderer.prototype.computeSegSizes = function (segs) { this.timeGrid.computeSegVerticals(segs); }; TimeGridFillRenderer.prototype.assignSegSizes = function (segs) { this.timeGrid.assignSegVerticals(segs); }; return TimeGridFillRenderer; }(FillRenderer)); /* A component that renders one or more columns of vertical time slots ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // potential nice values for the slot-duration and interval-duration // from largest to smallest var AGENDA_STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS = [ { hours: 1 }, { minutes: 30 }, { minutes: 15 }, { seconds: 30 }, { seconds: 15 } ]; var TimeGrid = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGrid, _super); function TimeGrid(context, el, renderProps) { var _this = _super.call(this, context, el) || this; _this.isSlatSizesDirty = false; _this.isColSizesDirty = false; _this.renderSlats = memoizeRendering(_this._renderSlats); var eventRenderer = _this.eventRenderer = new TimeGridEventRenderer(_this); var fillRenderer = _this.fillRenderer = new TimeGridFillRenderer(_this); _this.mirrorRenderer = new TimeGridMirrorRenderer(_this); var renderColumns = _this.renderColumns = memoizeRendering(_this._renderColumns, _this._unrenderColumns); _this.renderBusinessHours = memoizeRendering(fillRenderer.renderSegs.bind(fillRenderer, 'businessHours'), fillRenderer.unrender.bind(fillRenderer, 'businessHours'), [renderColumns]); _this.renderDateSelection = memoizeRendering(_this._renderDateSelection, _this._unrenderDateSelection, [renderColumns]); _this.renderFgEvents = memoizeRendering(eventRenderer.renderSegs.bind(eventRenderer), eventRenderer.unrender.bind(eventRenderer), [renderColumns]); _this.renderBgEvents = memoizeRendering(fillRenderer.renderSegs.bind(fillRenderer, 'bgEvent'), fillRenderer.unrender.bind(fillRenderer, 'bgEvent'), [renderColumns]); _this.renderEventSelection = memoizeRendering(eventRenderer.selectByInstanceId.bind(eventRenderer), eventRenderer.unselectByInstanceId.bind(eventRenderer), [_this.renderFgEvents]); _this.renderEventDrag = memoizeRendering(_this._renderEventDrag, _this._unrenderEventDrag, [renderColumns]); _this.renderEventResize = memoizeRendering(_this._renderEventResize, _this._unrenderEventResize, [renderColumns]); _this.processOptions(); el.innerHTML = '<div class="fc-bg"></div>' + '<div class="fc-slats"></div>' + '<hr class="fc-divider ' + _this.theme.getClass('widgetHeader') + '" style="display:none" />'; _this.rootBgContainerEl = el.querySelector('.fc-bg'); _this.slatContainerEl = el.querySelector('.fc-slats'); _this.bottomRuleEl = el.querySelector('.fc-divider'); _this.renderProps = renderProps; return _this; } /* Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Parses various options into properties of this object TimeGrid.prototype.processOptions = function () { var slotDuration = this.opt('slotDuration'); var snapDuration = this.opt('snapDuration'); var snapsPerSlot; var input; slotDuration = createDuration(slotDuration); snapDuration = snapDuration ? createDuration(snapDuration) : slotDuration; snapsPerSlot = wholeDivideDurations(slotDuration, snapDuration); if (snapsPerSlot === null) { snapDuration = slotDuration; snapsPerSlot = 1; // TODO: say warning? } this.slotDuration = slotDuration; this.snapDuration = snapDuration; this.snapsPerSlot = snapsPerSlot; // might be an array value (for TimelineView). // if so, getting the most granular entry (the last one probably). input = this.opt('slotLabelFormat'); if (Array.isArray(input)) { input = input[input.length - 1]; } this.labelFormat = createFormatter(input || { hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', omitZeroMinute: true, meridiem: 'short' }); input = this.opt('slotLabelInterval'); this.labelInterval = input ? createDuration(input) : this.computeLabelInterval(slotDuration); }; // Computes an automatic value for slotLabelInterval TimeGrid.prototype.computeLabelInterval = function (slotDuration) { var i; var labelInterval; var slotsPerLabel; // find the smallest stock label interval that results in more than one slots-per-label for (i = AGENDA_STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { labelInterval = createDuration(AGENDA_STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS[i]); slotsPerLabel = wholeDivideDurations(labelInterval, slotDuration); if (slotsPerLabel !== null && slotsPerLabel > 1) { return labelInterval; } } return slotDuration; // fall back }; /* Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype.render = function (props) { var cells = props.cells; this.colCnt = cells.length; this.renderSlats(props.dateProfile); this.renderColumns(props.cells, props.dateProfile); this.renderBusinessHours(props.businessHourSegs); this.renderDateSelection(props.dateSelectionSegs); this.renderFgEvents(props.fgEventSegs); this.renderBgEvents(props.bgEventSegs); this.renderEventSelection(props.eventSelection); this.renderEventDrag(props.eventDrag); this.renderEventResize(props.eventResize); }; TimeGrid.prototype.destroy = function () { _super.prototype.destroy.call(this); // should unrender everything else too this.renderSlats.unrender(); this.renderColumns.unrender(); }; TimeGrid.prototype.updateSize = function (isResize) { var _a = this, fillRenderer = _a.fillRenderer, eventRenderer = _a.eventRenderer, mirrorRenderer = _a.mirrorRenderer; if (isResize || this.isSlatSizesDirty) { this.buildSlatPositions(); this.isSlatSizesDirty = false; } if (isResize || this.isColSizesDirty) { this.buildColPositions(); this.isColSizesDirty = false; } fillRenderer.computeSizes(isResize); eventRenderer.computeSizes(isResize); mirrorRenderer.computeSizes(isResize); fillRenderer.assignSizes(isResize); eventRenderer.assignSizes(isResize); mirrorRenderer.assignSizes(isResize); }; TimeGrid.prototype._renderSlats = function (dateProfile) { var theme = this.theme; this.slatContainerEl.innerHTML = '<table class="' + theme.getClass('tableGrid') + '">' + this.renderSlatRowHtml(dateProfile) + '</table>'; this.slatEls = findElements(this.slatContainerEl, 'tr'); this.slatPositions = new PositionCache(this.el, this.slatEls, false, true // vertical ); this.isSlatSizesDirty = true; }; // Generates the HTML for the horizontal "slats" that run width-wise. Has a time axis on a side. Depends on RTL. TimeGrid.prototype.renderSlatRowHtml = function (dateProfile) { var _a = this, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, theme = _a.theme, isRtl = _a.isRtl; var html = ''; var dayStart = startOfDay(dateProfile.renderRange.start); var slotTime = dateProfile.minTime; var slotIterator = createDuration(0); var slotDate; // will be on the view's first day, but we only care about its time var isLabeled; var axisHtml; // Calculate the time for each slot while (asRoughMs(slotTime) < asRoughMs(dateProfile.maxTime)) { slotDate = dateEnv.add(dayStart, slotTime); isLabeled = wholeDivideDurations(slotIterator, this.labelInterval) !== null; axisHtml = '<td class="fc-axis fc-time ' + theme.getClass('widgetContent') + '">' + (isLabeled ? '<span>' + // for matchCellWidths htmlEscape(dateEnv.format(slotDate, this.labelFormat)) + '</span>' : '') + '</td>'; html += '<tr data-time="' + formatIsoTimeString(slotDate) + '"' + (isLabeled ? '' : ' class="fc-minor"') + '>' + (!isRtl ? axisHtml : '') + '<td class="' + theme.getClass('widgetContent') + '"></td>' + (isRtl ? axisHtml : '') + '</tr>'; slotTime = addDurations(slotTime, this.slotDuration); slotIterator = addDurations(slotIterator, this.slotDuration); } return html; }; TimeGrid.prototype._renderColumns = function (cells, dateProfile) { var _a = this, theme = _a.theme, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, view = _a.view; var bgRow = new DayBgRow(this.context); this.rootBgContainerEl.innerHTML = '<table class="' + theme.getClass('tableGrid') + '">' + bgRow.renderHtml({ cells: cells, dateProfile: dateProfile, renderIntroHtml: this.renderProps.renderBgIntroHtml }) + '</table>'; this.colEls = findElements(this.el, '.fc-day, .fc-disabled-day'); for (var col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) { this.publiclyTrigger('dayRender', [ { date: dateEnv.toDate(cells[col].date), el: this.colEls[col], view: view } ]); } if (this.isRtl) { this.colEls.reverse(); } this.colPositions = new PositionCache(this.el, this.colEls, true, // horizontal false); this.renderContentSkeleton(); this.isColSizesDirty = true; }; TimeGrid.prototype._unrenderColumns = function () { this.unrenderContentSkeleton(); }; /* Content Skeleton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Renders the DOM that the view's content will live in TimeGrid.prototype.renderContentSkeleton = function () { var parts = []; var skeletonEl; parts.push(this.renderProps.renderIntroHtml()); for (var i = 0; i < this.colCnt; i++) { parts.push('<td>' + '<div class="fc-content-col">' + '<div class="fc-event-container fc-mirror-container"></div>' + '<div class="fc-event-container"></div>' + '<div class="fc-highlight-container"></div>' + '<div class="fc-bgevent-container"></div>' + '<div class="fc-business-container"></div>' + '</div>' + '</td>'); } if (this.isRtl) { parts.reverse(); } skeletonEl = this.contentSkeletonEl = htmlToElement('<div class="fc-content-skeleton">' + '<table>' + '<tr>' + parts.join('') + '</tr>' + '</table>' + '</div>'); this.colContainerEls = findElements(skeletonEl, '.fc-content-col'); this.mirrorContainerEls = findElements(skeletonEl, '.fc-mirror-container'); this.fgContainerEls = findElements(skeletonEl, '.fc-event-container:not(.fc-mirror-container)'); this.bgContainerEls = findElements(skeletonEl, '.fc-bgevent-container'); this.highlightContainerEls = findElements(skeletonEl, '.fc-highlight-container'); this.businessContainerEls = findElements(skeletonEl, '.fc-business-container'); if (this.isRtl) { this.colContainerEls.reverse(); this.mirrorContainerEls.reverse(); this.fgContainerEls.reverse(); this.bgContainerEls.reverse(); this.highlightContainerEls.reverse(); this.businessContainerEls.reverse(); } this.el.appendChild(skeletonEl); }; TimeGrid.prototype.unrenderContentSkeleton = function () { removeElement(this.contentSkeletonEl); }; // Given a flat array of segments, return an array of sub-arrays, grouped by each segment's col TimeGrid.prototype.groupSegsByCol = function (segs) { var segsByCol = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.colCnt; i++) { segsByCol.push([]); } for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { segsByCol[segs[i].col].push(segs[i]); } return segsByCol; }; // Given segments grouped by column, insert the segments' elements into a parallel array of container // elements, each living within a column. TimeGrid.prototype.attachSegsByCol = function (segsByCol, containerEls) { var col; var segs; var i; for (col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col++) { // iterate each column grouping segs = segsByCol[col]; for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { containerEls[col].appendChild(segs[i].el); } } }; /* Now Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype.getNowIndicatorUnit = function () { return 'minute'; // will refresh on the minute }; TimeGrid.prototype.renderNowIndicator = function (segs, date) { // HACK: if date columns not ready for some reason (scheduler) if (!this.colContainerEls) { return; } var top = this.computeDateTop(date); var nodes = []; var i; // render lines within the columns for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { var lineEl = createElement('div', { className: 'fc-now-indicator fc-now-indicator-line' }); lineEl.style.top = top + 'px'; this.colContainerEls[segs[i].col].appendChild(lineEl); nodes.push(lineEl); } // render an arrow over the axis if (segs.length > 0) { // is the current time in view? var arrowEl = createElement('div', { className: 'fc-now-indicator fc-now-indicator-arrow' }); arrowEl.style.top = top + 'px'; this.contentSkeletonEl.appendChild(arrowEl); nodes.push(arrowEl); } this.nowIndicatorEls = nodes; }; TimeGrid.prototype.unrenderNowIndicator = function () { if (this.nowIndicatorEls) { this.nowIndicatorEls.forEach(removeElement); this.nowIndicatorEls = null; } }; /* Coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype.getTotalSlatHeight = function () { return this.slatContainerEl.getBoundingClientRect().height; }; // Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given date. // A `startOfDayDate` must be given for avoiding ambiguity over how to treat midnight. TimeGrid.prototype.computeDateTop = function (when, startOfDayDate) { if (!startOfDayDate) { startOfDayDate = startOfDay(when); } return this.computeTimeTop(createDuration(when.valueOf() - startOfDayDate.valueOf())); }; // Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given time (a Duration). TimeGrid.prototype.computeTimeTop = function (duration) { var len = this.slatEls.length; var dateProfile = this.props.dateProfile; var slatCoverage = (duration.milliseconds - asRoughMs(dateProfile.minTime)) / asRoughMs(this.slotDuration); // floating-point value of # of slots covered var slatIndex; var slatRemainder; // compute a floating-point number for how many slats should be progressed through. // from 0 to number of slats (inclusive) // constrained because minTime/maxTime might be customized. slatCoverage = Math.max(0, slatCoverage); slatCoverage = Math.min(len, slatCoverage); // an integer index of the furthest whole slat // from 0 to number slats (*exclusive*, so len-1) slatIndex = Math.floor(slatCoverage); slatIndex = Math.min(slatIndex, len - 1); // how much further through the slatIndex slat (from 0.0-1.0) must be covered in addition. // could be 1.0 if slatCoverage is covering *all* the slots slatRemainder = slatCoverage - slatIndex; return this.slatPositions.tops[slatIndex] + this.slatPositions.getHeight(slatIndex) * slatRemainder; }; // For each segment in an array, computes and assigns its top and bottom properties TimeGrid.prototype.computeSegVerticals = function (segs) { var eventMinHeight = this.opt('timeGridEventMinHeight'); var i; var seg; var dayDate; for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { seg = segs[i]; dayDate = this.props.cells[seg.col].date; seg.top = this.computeDateTop(seg.start, dayDate); seg.bottom = Math.max(seg.top + eventMinHeight, this.computeDateTop(seg.end, dayDate)); } }; // Given segments that already have their top/bottom properties computed, applies those values to // the segments' elements. TimeGrid.prototype.assignSegVerticals = function (segs) { var i; var seg; for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { seg = segs[i]; applyStyle(seg.el, this.generateSegVerticalCss(seg)); } }; // Generates an object with CSS properties for the top/bottom coordinates of a segment element TimeGrid.prototype.generateSegVerticalCss = function (seg) { return { top: seg.top, bottom: -seg.bottom // flipped because needs to be space beyond bottom edge of event container }; }; /* Sizing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype.buildPositionCaches = function () { this.buildColPositions(); this.buildSlatPositions(); }; TimeGrid.prototype.buildColPositions = function () { this.colPositions.build(); }; TimeGrid.prototype.buildSlatPositions = function () { this.slatPositions.build(); }; /* Hit System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype.positionToHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop) { var _a = this, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, snapsPerSlot = _a.snapsPerSlot, slatPositions = _a.slatPositions, colPositions = _a.colPositions; var colIndex = colPositions.leftToIndex(positionLeft); var slatIndex = slatPositions.topToIndex(positionTop); if (colIndex != null && slatIndex != null) { var slatTop = slatPositions.tops[slatIndex]; var slatHeight = slatPositions.getHeight(slatIndex); var partial = (positionTop - slatTop) / slatHeight; // floating point number between 0 and 1 var localSnapIndex = Math.floor(partial * snapsPerSlot); // the snap # relative to start of slat var snapIndex = slatIndex * snapsPerSlot + localSnapIndex; var dayDate = this.props.cells[colIndex].date; var time = addDurations(this.props.dateProfile.minTime, multiplyDuration(this.snapDuration, snapIndex)); var start = dateEnv.add(dayDate, time); var end = dateEnv.add(start, this.snapDuration); return { col: colIndex, dateSpan: { range: { start: start, end: end }, allDay: false }, dayEl: this.colEls[colIndex], relativeRect: { left: colPositions.lefts[colIndex], right: colPositions.rights[colIndex], top: slatTop, bottom: slatTop + slatHeight } }; } }; /* Event Drag Visualization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype._renderEventDrag = function (state) { if (state) { this.eventRenderer.hideByHash(state.affectedInstances); if (state.isEvent) { this.mirrorRenderer.renderSegs(state.segs, { isDragging: true, sourceSeg: state.sourceSeg }); } else { this.fillRenderer.renderSegs('highlight', state.segs); } } }; TimeGrid.prototype._unrenderEventDrag = function (state) { if (state) { this.eventRenderer.showByHash(state.affectedInstances); this.mirrorRenderer.unrender(state.segs, { isDragging: true, sourceSeg: state.sourceSeg }); this.fillRenderer.unrender('highlight'); } }; /* Event Resize Visualization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGrid.prototype._renderEventResize = function (state) { if (state) { this.eventRenderer.hideByHash(state.affectedInstances); this.mirrorRenderer.renderSegs(state.segs, { isResizing: true, sourceSeg: state.sourceSeg }); } }; TimeGrid.prototype._unrenderEventResize = function (state) { if (state) { this.eventRenderer.showByHash(state.affectedInstances); this.mirrorRenderer.unrender(state.segs, { isResizing: true, sourceSeg: state.sourceSeg }); } }; /* Selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Renders a visual indication of a selection. Overrides the default, which was to simply render a highlight. TimeGrid.prototype._renderDateSelection = function (segs) { if (segs) { if (this.opt('selectMirror')) { this.mirrorRenderer.renderSegs(segs, { isSelecting: true }); } else { this.fillRenderer.renderSegs('highlight', segs); } } }; TimeGrid.prototype._unrenderDateSelection = function (segs) { this.mirrorRenderer.unrender(segs, { isSelecting: true }); this.fillRenderer.unrender('highlight'); }; return TimeGrid; }(DateComponent)); var AllDaySplitter = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(AllDaySplitter, _super); function AllDaySplitter() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeyInfo = function () { return { allDay: {}, timed: {} }; }; AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeysForDateSpan = function (dateSpan) { if (dateSpan.allDay) { return ['allDay']; } else { return ['timed']; } }; AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeysForEventDef = function (eventDef) { if (!eventDef.allDay) { return ['timed']; } else if (hasBgRendering(eventDef)) { return ['timed', 'allDay']; } else { return ['allDay']; } }; return AllDaySplitter; }(Splitter)); var TIMEGRID_ALL_DAY_EVENT_LIMIT = 5; var WEEK_HEADER_FORMAT = createFormatter({ week: 'short' }); /* An abstract class for all timegrid-related views. Displays one more columns with time slots running vertically. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Is a manager for the TimeGrid subcomponent and possibly the DayGrid subcomponent (if allDaySlot is on). // Responsible for managing width/height. var TimeGridView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGridView, _super); function TimeGridView(context, viewSpec, dateProfileGenerator, parentEl) { var _this = _super.call(this, context, viewSpec, dateProfileGenerator, parentEl) || this; _this.splitter = new AllDaySplitter(); /* Header Render Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Generates the HTML that will go before the day-of week header cells _this.renderHeadIntroHtml = function () { var _a = _this, theme = _a.theme, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv; var range = _this.props.dateProfile.renderRange; var dayCnt = diffDays(range.start, range.end); var weekText; if (_this.opt('weekNumbers')) { weekText = dateEnv.format(range.start, WEEK_HEADER_FORMAT); return '' + '<th class="fc-axis fc-week-number ' + theme.getClass('widgetHeader') + '" ' + _this.axisStyleAttr() + '>' + buildGotoAnchorHtml(// aside from link, important for matchCellWidths _this, { date: range.start, type: 'week', forceOff: dayCnt > 1 }, htmlEscape(weekText) // inner HTML ) + '</th>'; } else { return '<th class="fc-axis ' + theme.getClass('widgetHeader') + '" ' + _this.axisStyleAttr() + '></th>'; } }; /* Time Grid Render Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Generates the HTML that goes before the bg of the TimeGrid slot area. Long vertical column. _this.renderTimeGridBgIntroHtml = function () { var theme = _this.theme; return '<td class="fc-axis ' + theme.getClass('widgetContent') + '" ' + _this.axisStyleAttr() + '></td>'; }; // Generates the HTML that goes before all other types of cells. // Affects content-skeleton, mirror-skeleton, highlight-skeleton for both the time-grid and day-grid. _this.renderTimeGridIntroHtml = function () { return '<td class="fc-axis" ' + _this.axisStyleAttr() + '></td>'; }; /* Day Grid Render Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Generates the HTML that goes before the all-day cells _this.renderDayGridBgIntroHtml = function () { var theme = _this.theme; return '' + '<td class="fc-axis ' + theme.getClass('widgetContent') + '" ' + _this.axisStyleAttr() + '>' + '<span>' + // needed for matchCellWidths getAllDayHtml(_this) + '</span>' + '</td>'; }; // Generates the HTML that goes before all other types of cells. // Affects content-skeleton, mirror-skeleton, highlight-skeleton for both the time-grid and day-grid. _this.renderDayGridIntroHtml = function () { return '<td class="fc-axis" ' + _this.axisStyleAttr() + '></td>'; }; _this.el.classList.add('fc-timeGrid-view'); _this.el.innerHTML = _this.renderSkeletonHtml(); _this.scroller = new ScrollComponent('hidden', // overflow x 'auto' // overflow y ); var timeGridWrapEl = _this.scroller.el; _this.el.querySelector('.fc-body > tr > td').appendChild(timeGridWrapEl); timeGridWrapEl.classList.add('fc-time-grid-container'); var timeGridEl = createElement('div', { className: 'fc-time-grid' }); timeGridWrapEl.appendChild(timeGridEl); _this.timeGrid = new TimeGrid(_this.context, timeGridEl, { renderBgIntroHtml: _this.renderTimeGridBgIntroHtml, renderIntroHtml: _this.renderTimeGridIntroHtml }); if (_this.opt('allDaySlot')) { // should we display the "all-day" area? _this.dayGrid = new DayGrid(// the all-day subcomponent of this view _this.context, _this.el.querySelector('.fc-day-grid'), { renderNumberIntroHtml: _this.renderDayGridIntroHtml, renderBgIntroHtml: _this.renderDayGridBgIntroHtml, renderIntroHtml: _this.renderDayGridIntroHtml, colWeekNumbersVisible: false, cellWeekNumbersVisible: false }); // have the day-grid extend it's coordinate area over the <hr> dividing the two grids var dividerEl = _this.el.querySelector('.fc-divider'); _this.dayGrid.bottomCoordPadding = dividerEl.getBoundingClientRect().height; } return _this; } TimeGridView.prototype.destroy = function () { _super.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.timeGrid.destroy(); if (this.dayGrid) { this.dayGrid.destroy(); } this.scroller.destroy(); }; /* Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Builds the HTML skeleton for the view. // The day-grid and time-grid components will render inside containers defined by this HTML. TimeGridView.prototype.renderSkeletonHtml = function () { var theme = this.theme; return '' + '<table class="' + theme.getClass('tableGrid') + '">' + (this.opt('columnHeader') ? '<thead class="fc-head">' + '<tr>' + '<td class="fc-head-container ' + theme.getClass('widgetHeader') + '"> </td>' + '</tr>' + '</thead>' : '') + '<tbody class="fc-body">' + '<tr>' + '<td class="' + theme.getClass('widgetContent') + '">' + (this.opt('allDaySlot') ? '<div class="fc-day-grid"></div>' + '<hr class="fc-divider ' + theme.getClass('widgetHeader') + '" />' : '') + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>'; }; /* Now Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGridView.prototype.getNowIndicatorUnit = function () { return this.timeGrid.getNowIndicatorUnit(); }; // subclasses should implement // renderNowIndicator(date: DateMarker) { // } TimeGridView.prototype.unrenderNowIndicator = function () { this.timeGrid.unrenderNowIndicator(); }; /* Dimensions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TimeGridView.prototype.updateSize = function (isResize, viewHeight, isAuto) { _super.prototype.updateSize.call(this, isResize, viewHeight, isAuto); // will call updateBaseSize. important that executes first this.timeGrid.updateSize(isResize); if (this.dayGrid) { this.dayGrid.updateSize(isResize); } }; // Adjusts the vertical dimensions of the view to the specified values TimeGridView.prototype.updateBaseSize = function (isResize, viewHeight, isAuto) { var _this = this; var eventLimit; var scrollerHeight; var scrollbarWidths; // make all axis cells line up this.axisWidth = matchCellWidths(findElements(this.el, '.fc-axis')); // hack to give the view some height prior to timeGrid's columns being rendered // TODO: separate setting height from scroller VS timeGrid. if (!this.timeGrid.colEls) { if (!isAuto) { scrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(viewHeight); this.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight); } return; } // set of fake row elements that must compensate when scroller has scrollbars var noScrollRowEls = findElements(this.el, '.fc-row').filter(function (node) { return !_this.scroller.el.contains(node); }); // reset all dimensions back to the original state this.timeGrid.bottomRuleEl.style.display = 'none'; // will be shown later if this <hr> is necessary this.scroller.clear(); // sets height to 'auto' and clears overflow noScrollRowEls.forEach(uncompensateScroll); // limit number of events in the all-day area if (this.dayGrid) { this.dayGrid.removeSegPopover(); // kill the "more" popover if displayed eventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit'); if (eventLimit && typeof eventLimit !== 'number') { eventLimit = TIMEGRID_ALL_DAY_EVENT_LIMIT; // make sure "auto" goes to a real number } if (eventLimit) { this.dayGrid.limitRows(eventLimit); } } if (!isAuto) { // should we force dimensions of the scroll container? scrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(viewHeight); this.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight); scrollbarWidths = this.scroller.getScrollbarWidths(); if (scrollbarWidths.left || scrollbarWidths.right) { // using scrollbars? // make the all-day and header rows lines up noScrollRowEls.forEach(function (rowEl) { compensateScroll(rowEl, scrollbarWidths); }); // the scrollbar compensation might have changed text flow, which might affect height, so recalculate // and reapply the desired height to the scroller. scrollerHeight = this.computeScrollerHeight(viewHeight); this.scroller.setHeight(scrollerHeight); } // guarantees the same scrollbar widths this.scroller.lockOverflow(scrollbarWidths); // if there's any space below the slats, show the horizontal rule. // this won't cause any new overflow, because lockOverflow already called. if (this.timeGrid.getTotalSlatHeight() < scrollerHeight) { this.timeGrid.bottomRuleEl.style.display = ''; } } }; // given a desired total height of the view, returns what the height of the scroller should be TimeGridView.prototype.computeScrollerHeight = function (viewHeight) { return viewHeight - subtractInnerElHeight(this.el, this.scroller.el); // everything that's NOT the scroller }; /* Scroll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Computes the initial pre-configured scroll state prior to allowing the user to change it TimeGridView.prototype.computeDateScroll = function (duration) { var top = this.timeGrid.computeTimeTop(duration); // zoom can give weird floating-point values. rather scroll a little bit further top = Math.ceil(top); if (top) { top++; // to overcome top border that slots beyond the first have. looks better } return { top: top }; }; TimeGridView.prototype.queryDateScroll = function () { return { top: this.scroller.getScrollTop() }; }; TimeGridView.prototype.applyDateScroll = function (scroll) { if (scroll.top !== undefined) { this.scroller.setScrollTop(scroll.top); } }; // Generates an HTML attribute string for setting the width of the axis, if it is known TimeGridView.prototype.axisStyleAttr = function () { if (this.axisWidth != null) { return 'style="width:' + this.axisWidth + 'px"'; } return ''; }; return TimeGridView; }(View)); TimeGridView.prototype.usesMinMaxTime = true; // indicates that minTime/maxTime affects rendering var SimpleTimeGrid = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(SimpleTimeGrid, _super); function SimpleTimeGrid(context, timeGrid) { var _this = _super.call(this, context, timeGrid.el) || this; _this.buildDayRanges = memoize(buildDayRanges); _this.slicer = new TimeGridSlicer(); _this.timeGrid = timeGrid; context.calendar.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, { el: _this.timeGrid.el }); return _this; } SimpleTimeGrid.prototype.destroy = function () { _super.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.calendar.unregisterInteractiveComponent(this); }; SimpleTimeGrid.prototype.render = function (props) { var dateProfile = props.dateProfile, dayTable = props.dayTable; var dayRanges = this.dayRanges = this.buildDayRanges(dayTable, dateProfile, this.dateEnv); this.timeGrid.receiveProps(__assign({}, this.slicer.sliceProps(props, dateProfile, null, this.timeGrid, dayRanges), { dateProfile: dateProfile, cells: dayTable.cells[0] })); }; SimpleTimeGrid.prototype.renderNowIndicator = function (date) { this.timeGrid.renderNowIndicator(this.slicer.sliceNowDate(date, this.timeGrid, this.dayRanges), date); }; SimpleTimeGrid.prototype.buildPositionCaches = function () { this.timeGrid.buildPositionCaches(); }; SimpleTimeGrid.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop) { var rawHit = this.timeGrid.positionToHit(positionLeft, positionTop); if (rawHit) { return { component: this.timeGrid, dateSpan: rawHit.dateSpan, dayEl: rawHit.dayEl, rect: { left: rawHit.relativeRect.left, right: rawHit.relativeRect.right, top: rawHit.relativeRect.top, bottom: rawHit.relativeRect.bottom }, layer: 0 }; } }; return SimpleTimeGrid; }(DateComponent)); function buildDayRanges(dayTable, dateProfile, dateEnv) { var ranges = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = dayTable.headerDates; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var date = _a[_i]; ranges.push({ start: dateEnv.add(date, dateProfile.minTime), end: dateEnv.add(date, dateProfile.maxTime) }); } return ranges; } var TimeGridSlicer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGridSlicer, _super); function TimeGridSlicer() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } TimeGridSlicer.prototype.sliceRange = function (range, dayRanges) { var segs = []; for (var col = 0; col < dayRanges.length; col++) { var segRange = intersectRanges(range, dayRanges[col]); if (segRange) { segs.push({ start: segRange.start, end: segRange.end, isStart: segRange.start.valueOf() === range.start.valueOf(), isEnd: segRange.end.valueOf() === range.end.valueOf(), col: col }); } } return segs; }; return TimeGridSlicer; }(Slicer)); var TimeGridView$1 = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TimeGridView, _super); function TimeGridView(_context, viewSpec, dateProfileGenerator, parentEl) { var _this = _super.call(this, _context, viewSpec, dateProfileGenerator, parentEl) || this; _this.buildDayTable = memoize(buildDayTable); if (_this.opt('columnHeader')) { _this.header = new DayHeader(_this.context, _this.el.querySelector('.fc-head-container')); } _this.simpleTimeGrid = new SimpleTimeGrid(_this.context, _this.timeGrid); if (_this.dayGrid) { _this.simpleDayGrid = new SimpleDayGrid(_this.context, _this.dayGrid); } return _this; } TimeGridView.prototype.destroy = function () { _super.prototype.destroy.call(this); if (this.header) { this.header.destroy(); } this.simpleTimeGrid.destroy(); if (this.simpleDayGrid) { this.simpleDayGrid.destroy(); } }; TimeGridView.prototype.render = function (props) { _super.prototype.render.call(this, props); // for flags for updateSize var dateProfile = this.props.dateProfile; var dayTable = this.buildDayTable(dateProfile, this.dateProfileGenerator); var splitProps = this.splitter.splitProps(props); if (this.header) { this.header.receiveProps({ dateProfile: dateProfile, dates: dayTable.headerDates, datesRepDistinctDays: true, renderIntroHtml: this.renderHeadIntroHtml }); } this.simpleTimeGrid.receiveProps(__assign({}, splitProps['timed'], { dateProfile: dateProfile, dayTable: dayTable })); if (this.simpleDayGrid) { this.simpleDayGrid.receiveProps(__assign({}, splitProps['allDay'], { dateProfile: dateProfile, dayTable: dayTable, nextDayThreshold: this.nextDayThreshold, isRigid: false })); } }; TimeGridView.prototype.renderNowIndicator = function (date) { this.simpleTimeGrid.renderNowIndicator(date); }; return TimeGridView; }(TimeGridView)); function buildDayTable(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator) { var daySeries = new DaySeries(dateProfile.renderRange, dateProfileGenerator); return new DayTable(daySeries, false); } var main = createPlugin({ defaultView: 'timeGridWeek', views: { timeGrid: { class: TimeGridView$1, allDaySlot: true, slotDuration: '00:30:00', slotEventOverlap: true // a bad name. confused with overlap/constraint system }, timeGridDay: { type: 'timeGrid', duration: { days: 1 } }, timeGridWeek: { type: 'timeGrid', duration: { weeks: 1 } } } }); export default main; export { TimeGridView as AbstractTimeGridView, TimeGrid, TimeGridSlicer, TimeGridView$1 as TimeGridView, buildDayRanges, buildDayTable };