num_rows; // Fetch all the results, depending if all students or a specific one if($studentID === "all") { $sql = "SELECT AS categoryID, C.categoria AS categoryName, A.value AS score, COUNT(id_student) AS `count` FROM category AS C LEFT JOIN question AS Q ON Q.id_category = JOIN answer AS A JOIN subquestionnair_question AS SQ JOIN experience_subquestionnair AS ES -- WHERE Q.id_category = WHERE A.id_question = AND A.id_question = SQ.id_question AND A.id_subquestionnair = SQ.id_subquestionnair AND SQ.id_subquestionnair = ES.id_subquestionnair AND ES.id_experience = '$experienceID' AND SQ.id_subquestionnair = '$momentID' GROUP BY score, categoryID ORDER BY score, categoryID"; } else { $sql = "SELECT AS categoryID, C.categoria AS categoryName, A.value AS score, COUNT(id_student) AS `count` FROM category AS C LEFT JOIN question AS Q ON Q.id_category = JOIN answer AS A JOIN subquestionnair_question AS SQ JOIN experience_subquestionnair AS ES -- WHERE Q.id_category = WHERE A.id_question = AND A.id_question = SQ.id_question AND A.id_subquestionnair = SQ.id_subquestionnair AND SQ.id_subquestionnair = ES.id_subquestionnair AND ES.id_experience = '$experienceID' -- 10 AND SQ.id_subquestionnair = '$momentID' -- 105 AND A.id_student = '$studentID' -- 118 GROUP BY score, categoryID ORDER BY score, categoryID"; } $result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); // Initialize Arrays $datasets = []; $dataLabels = []; $scoreToIndex = []; $i = 0; $categoryIDToIndex = []; $j = 0; // Prepare result while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) { // Parse score (cause if might come from an open question) // or it might be a float, while we should expect an int // then cast it to string to use it as a map key $pointLabel = ($studentID === "all") ? " # of people who answered '" : " # of times student answered '"; if(is_numeric($row->score)) { $score = $pointLabel . strval((int)$row->score) . "'"; // answers may be 5.0 or 5, so first we take out the . } else { continue; } // Create new label if new category is detected if($categoryIDToIndex[$row->categoryID] || $categoryIDToIndex[$row->categoryID] === 0) { // index 0 should be skipped // nothing } else { // Create new category $dataLabels[] = $row->categoryName; // Store category index for $data array (inside dataset) $categoryIDToIndex[$row->categoryID] = $j; $j++; } // Create dataset for corresponding score if($scoreToIndex[$score] || $scoreToIndex[$score] === 0) { // index 0 should be skipped // nothing } else { // serves as a tally to check // which scores have been already // processed AND as a map of // score to index of the // $dataset array $scoreToIndex[$score] = $i; $i++; // Create new dataset for this label $datasets[] = [ 'label' => $score, 'data' => array_fill(0, $countCategories, 0), // array of countCategories 0's 'backgroundColor' => '#' . substr(sha1($score), 0, 6), // 'borderWidth' => 3, // 'borderColor' => '#' . substr(sha1($score), 0, 6), 'stack' => $score // 'fill' => false ]; } // Append data point to corresponding category $datasets[$scoreToIndex[$score]]['data'][$categoryIDToIndex[$row->categoryID]] = (int)$row->count; } /* let data = { labels: dataLabels, datasets: [{ label: auxiliaries['myChart2'].label, data: dataPoints, backgroundColor: auxiliaries['myChart2'].backgroundColor, borderColor: auxiliaries['myChart2'].borderColor, fill: false }] }; */ $arr = [ 'datasets' => $datasets, 'dataLabels' => $dataLabels ]; // Spit out response JSON echo header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); echo json_encode($arr);