123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- import os
- from flask import (Blueprint, current_app, flash, jsonify, redirect, request,
- send_from_directory, url_for)
- from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
- from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
- articles_api_bp = Blueprint(
- "articles", __name__, template_folder="templates")
- cors = CORS(articles_api_bp, resources={
- r"/articles": {"origins": "http://localhost:5500"}})
- @articles_api_bp.route("/<path:article>")
- @cross_origin(origin="localhost", headers=["Content-Type", "Authorization"])
- def send_text_file(article):
- return send_from_directory(directory="articles_files", path=article)
- @articles_api_bp.route('/')
- @cross_origin(origin="localhost", headers=["Content-Type", "Authorization"])
- def index():
- # List files in articles directory
- files = list()
- for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(
- current_app.root_path, "articles_files")):
- path = os.path.join(os.path.join(
- current_app.root_path, "articles_files"), filename)
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- files.append(filename)
- return jsonify(files)
- @articles_api_bp.route("/upload", methods=("POST",))
- @cross_origin(origin="localhost", headers=["Content-Type", "Authorization"])
- def upload_file():
- if request.method == "POST":
- if "file" not in request.files:
- flash("No file part")
- return redirect(request.url)
- file = request.files["file"]
- if file.filename == '':
- flash("No selected file")
- return redirect(request.url)
- if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
- filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
- file.save(os.path.join(
- current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], filename))
- return redirect(url_for("articles.send_text_file",
- article=filename))
- def allowed_file(filename):
- return '.' in filename and \
- filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower(
- ) in current_app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"]