# Development of a User-Friendly, Cost-Effective Network Situational Awareness and Vulnerability Scanner for Resource-Constrained Organizations This project automates network discovery, port scanning, target creation, task management, and report generation using OpenVAS and Python scripts. It also includes a web application for visualizing reports and provides instructions for accessing OpenVAS via the web interface and API. --- ## **Prerequisites** ### **1. Install Dependencies** #### **Required Software** - **Nmap**: A network discovery and scanning tool. ```bash sudo apt install nmap # For Ubuntu/Debian brew install nmap # For MacOS ``` - **Docker**: Used to run OpenVAS as a containerized service. - Install Docker: [Docker Installation Guide](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) - Install Docker Compose: ```bash sudo apt install docker-compose # Ubuntu/Debian brew install docker-compose # MacOS ``` #### **Python Libraries** Install the required Python libraries: ```bash pip install pandas dash plotly gvm-tools psutil nmap ``` --- ## **Project Setup** ### **1. Setup OpenVAS with Docker** 1. Navigate to the `docker` directory: ```bash cd docker ``` 2. Build the OpenVAS Docker container: ```bash docker compose build ``` 3. Start the OpenVAS container: ```bash docker compose up -d ``` 4. **Wait 30 minutes** for OpenVAS to complete its database setup and updates. ### **Accessing OpenVAS** #### **Web Interface** 1. Open a browser and go to `https://localhost:9392` (or replace `localhost` with your server's IP address). 2. Log in using the default credentials: - Username: `admin` - Password: `admin` (or the password you set during installation). #### **Using the OpenVAS API** 1. The OpenVAS API listens on port `9390` (default). 2. Use tools like `gvm-cli` or Python's `gvm-tools` library to interact with the API. ## **Scripts Workflow** Run the scripts in the following order: ### **Step 1: Network Discovery** Run `networkdiscovery.py` to identify active hosts on the network: ```bash sudo python networkdiscovery.py ``` This script: - Uses Nmap to discover active hosts in your local network. - Generates a CSV file named `active_hosts.csv` containing the discovered hosts. --- ### **Step 2: Port Scanning** Run `portscanner.py` to scan open ports on the discovered hosts: ```bash sudo python portscanner.py ``` This script: - Reads the `active_hosts.csv` file. - Scans the specified ports for each host. - Outputs results in `ports.csv`. --- ### **Step 3: Create Targets in OpenVAS** Run `createtargets.py` to create OpenVAS targets for each active host: ```bash python createtargets.py ``` This script: - Reads the `active_hosts.csv` file. - Creates targets in OpenVAS for each discovered host. - Outputs target IDs in `target_id.csv`. --- ### **Step 4: Create Tasks in OpenVAS** Run `taskmaker.py` to create OpenVAS tasks for each target: ```bash python taskmaker.py ``` This script: - Reads `target_id.csv`. - Creates OpenVAS tasks using the "Full and Fast" scan configuration. - Outputs task IDs in `task_id.csv`. --- ### **Step 5: Start Tasks in OpenVAS** Run `starttask.py` to start all the created OpenVAS tasks: ```bash python starttask.py ``` This script: - Reads `task_id.csv`. - Starts each task in OpenVAS. --- ### **Step 6: Generate Reports** Run `getreports.py` to check task statuses and generate reports: ```bash python getreports.py ``` This script: - Checks the status of each task in `task_id.csv`. - If a task is completed, generates a CSV report for the task. - Combines all reports into a single consolidated file: `consolidated_reports.csv`. --- ### **Step 7: Launch the Web Application** Run `webapp.py` to launch the web interface for visualizing reports: ```bash python webapp.py ``` This script: - Starts a Dash web application. - Access the web application at `` or replace `` with your server's IP address. - Visualize, filter, and analyze vulnerability data interactively. --- ## **File Outputs** ### **Generated Files** 1. **`active_hosts.csv`**: - Hosts discovered by `networkdiscovery.py`. - Format: ```csv IP,Discovery Timestamp,2024-11-20 15:16:09 ``` 2. **`ports.csv`**: - Open ports discovered by `portscanner.py`. - Format: ```csv IP,Port,Service,80,HTTP ``` 3. **`target_id.csv`**: - Target IDs created by `createtargets.py`. - Format: ```csv IP,Target ID,abc123 ``` 4. **`task_id.csv`**: - Task IDs created by `taskmaker.py`. - Format: ```csv Target ID,Task ID abc123,task001 ``` 5. **`task_reports.csv`**: - Reports generated by `getreports.py`. - Format: ```csv Task ID,Report File task001,report_task001.csv ``` 6. **`consolidated_reports.csv`**: - Combined report generated by `getreports.py`. - Format: ```csv Task ID,Host,Port,Vulnerability,Severity task001,,80,Example Vulnerability,High ``` --- ## **Usage Notes** - The OpenVAS database setup might take up to **30 minutes** after starting the Docker container. - Ensure `task_id.csv` exists before running `starttask.py`. - The `getreports.py` script might take time to execute, depending on the number of tasks and their completion status. --- ## **Troubleshooting** ### **Docker Issues** - If OpenVAS doesn't start correctly, check Docker logs: ```bash docker logs ``` ### **OpenVAS Login Issues** - Ensure OpenVAS is running and accessible on port `9392`. ### **Network Discovery Errors** - Ensure you have the necessary permissions to run Nmap with `sudo`. ---