#include "Llist.h" void Llist::append(ElementType d){ Node *n = new Node(d); // in case of empty list if (!head) { head = n; } // otherwise, non empty list... else { tail->next = n; } tail = n; length++; } void Llist::prepend(ElementType d) { Node *n = new Node(d, head); head = n; // in case of empty list the tail = head = n if (length == 0) tail = n; length++; } void Llist::display(ostream &out) const { Node *p = head; while(p) { out << p->data << " "; p = p->next; } } void Llist::insertAfter(Node *p, ElementType d) { Node *n; if (p == NULL) { n = new Node(d, head); head = n; if (!tail) tail = n; } else { n = new Node (d, p->next); p->next = n; if (tail == p) tail = n; } length++; } Node* Llist::search(ElementType d) const { Node *p = head; while(p) { if (p->data == d) return p; p = p->next; } return NULL; } ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, const Llist& L) { L.display(out); return out; } void Llist::printRev() const { printRev(head); } void Llist::printRev(Node *p) const { if (p != NULL) { printRev(p->next); cout << p->data << endl; } } void Llist::removeAfter(Node *cur) { Node *suc; if (cur == NULL and head != NULL) { suc = head->next; delete head; head = suc; if (suc == NULL) tail = NULL; } else if (cur->next != NULL) { suc = cur->next->next; delete cur->next; cur->next = suc; if (suc == NULL) tail = cur; } length--; } Llist& Llist::operator=(const Llist &L) { if (this != &L) { while(head != NULL) removeAfter(NULL); Node *cur = L.head; while (cur != NULL) { append(cur->data); cur = cur->next; } } return *this; } Llist::Llist(const Llist &L) { head = tail = NULL; length = 0; if (this != &L) { Node *cur = L.head; while (cur != NULL) { append(cur->data); cur = cur->next; } } } Llist::~Llist() { while(head != NULL) removeAfter(NULL); }