# Cordova FileChooser Plugin Requires Cordova >= 2.8.0 ## Install with Cordova CLI $ cordova plugin add http://github.com/ihadeed/cordova-filechooser.git ## Install with Plugman $ plugman --platform android --project /path/to/project \ --plugin http://github.com/ihadeed/cordova-filechooser.git ## API ```javascript fileChooser.open(filter, successCallback, failureCallback); // with mime filter fileChooser.open(successCallback. failureCallback); // without mime filter ``` ### Filter (Optional) ```javascript { "mime": "application/pdf" } // text/plain, image/png, image/jpeg, audio/wav etc ``` The success callback gets the uri of the selected file ```javascript fileChooser.open(function(uri) { alert(uri); }); ``` ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](filechooser.png "Screenshot") ## Supported Platforms - Android - Windows (UWP) TODO rename `open` to pick, select, or choose.