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  11. function onBodyLoad() {
  12. // ons.notification.alert("onload");
  13. document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
  14. bindEvents();
  15. doOpenDatabase();
  16. createStudentTable();
  17. createButtonsMainScreen();
  18. }
  19. function onDeviceReady() {
  20. // ons.notification.alert("Cordova is ready");
  21. // navigator.notification.alert("Cordova is ready!");
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  33. document.addEventListener('init', function(event) {
  34. var page =;
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  36. if ( === 'attendanceSheet') {
  37. // ons.notification.alert('yup:' +;
  38. page.querySelector('ons-toolbar .center').innerHTML =;
  39. var studList =;
  40. for (var i = 0; i < studList.length ; i++) {
  41. $('#studentList').append('<ons-list-item tappable><label class="left"><ons-checkbox value="' + studList[i].id + '" input-id="check-' + studList[i].id + '"></ons-checkbox></label><label for="check-' + studList[i].id + '" class="center">' + studList[i].name + '</label></ons-list-item>');
  42. }
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  45. page.querySelector('#push-button').onclick = function() {
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  51. });
  52. const login = () => {
  53. const username = document.querySelector('#username').value;
  54. const password = document.querySelector('#password').value;
  55. if (username === 'user' && password === 'pass') {
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  57. const navigator = document.querySelector('#navigator');
  58. navigator.resetToPage('home.html');
  59. } else {
  60. ons.notification.alert('Wrong username/password combination');
  61. }
  62. }
  63. function bindEvents () {
  64. // ons.notification.alert('bind events');
  65. //document.getElementById('btnReadCheckboxes').addEventListener('click', this.readCheckboxes);
  66. }
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  71. <ons-page>
  72. <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 200px">
  73. <div id="courses"></div>
  74. <p id="buttonSection">
  75. <!-- <ons-button onclick="addSection()">Add Course</ons-button>
  76. <ons-button onclick="readTables()">dbg</ons-button> -->
  77. </p>
  78. <p id="dbg" style="font-size: 9px;"></p>
  79. </div>
  80. <textarea class="textarea" id="txtDebug" style="width: 100%; height: 100px; font-size:10px; font-family: Courier New; "></textarea>
  81. </ons-page>
  82. <template id="dialog.html">
  83. <ons-dialog id="my-dialog">
  84. <div style="text-align: center; padding: 10px;">
  85. <p>
  86. Please enter Course-Section
  87. </p>
  88. <p>
  89. <ons-input id="sectionName" modifier="underbar" placeholder="Course-Section" float></ons-input>
  90. </p>
  91. <p>
  92. <ons-button onclick="hideDialog('my-dialog')">Save</ons-button>
  93. <ons-button onclick="killDialog('my-dialog')">Cancel</ons-button>
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  95. <p id="sectionDialogError" style="color:red;"></p>
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