123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337 |
- #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
- #include "catch.hpp"
- #include <queue>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class BTNode {
- public:
- int key;
- BTNode *left, *right;
- BTNode(int k = 0, BTNode *l = NULL, BTNode *r = NULL) : key(k), left(l), right(r) {}
- };
- class BST {
- private:
- BTNode *root;
- public:
- BST(): root(NULL) {}
- void insert(int k);
- void insertRec(int k);
- void insertRec(int k, BTNode *r);
- void remove(int k);
- void remove(int k, BTNode *r);
- void recDisplay(ostream &out) const;
- void recDisplay(ostream &out, BTNode *cur, int dist) const;
- BTNode *search(int k) const;
- BTNode *searchRec(int k) const;
- BTNode *searchRec(int k, BTNode *r) const;
- int getHeight() const;
- int getHeight(BTNode *r) const;
- int sum() const;
- int sum(BTNode *r) const;
- int leafQty() const;
- int leafQty(BTNode *n) const;
- int parentsOfTwo() const;
- int parentsOfTwo(BTNode *n) const;
- string InOrder() const;
- void InOrder(BTNode *n, string &st) const;
- string BFS() const;
- };
- // function search:
- // Given k, a key to search, returns a pointer to the first
- // node that contains such key. If not found returns a NULL pointer.
- BTNode* BST::search(int k) const {
- BTNode* cur = root;
- while (cur) {
- if (k == cur->key) {return cur;}
- // Found
- else if (k < cur->key) { cur = cur->left; }
- else { cur = cur->right; }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // function insert:
- // Given k, a key to insert, inserts into the BST.
- // In this implementation if the key already exists in the tree
- // it will be inserted in the RIGHT subtree of the existing key.
- void BST::insert(int k) {
- BTNode *cur;
- BTNode *n = new BTNode(k);
- if (!root) {
- // This tree is empty, the new node is the root!
- root = n;
- }
- else {
- // Lets search the tree for a place to insert....
- cur = root;
- while (cur) {
- if (k < cur->key){
- // The value to insert is less than current node
- if (cur->left == NULL) {
- // If we have reached a node who lacks a left child
- // then our new node will be the left child
- cur->left = n;
- cur = NULL;
- }
- else {
- // keep looking for a place to insert, on the left subtree
- cur = cur->left;
- }
- }
- else {
- // The value to insert is greater or equal than current node
- if (cur->right == NULL){
- // If we have reached a node who lacks a right child
- // then our new node will be the right child
- cur->right = n;
- cur = NULL;
- }
- else {
- // keep looking for a place to insert, on the right subtree
- cur = cur->right;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // functions recDisplay:
- // Print the tree to the standard output.
- void BST::recDisplay(ostream &out) const {
- recDisplay(out, root, 0);
- }
- void BST::recDisplay(ostream &out, BTNode *cur, int dist) const{
- if (cur) {
- if (cur->right) recDisplay(out, cur->right, dist + 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < dist; i++) cout << " ";
- out << cur->key << endl;
- if (cur->left) recDisplay(out, cur->left, dist + 1);
- }
- }
- // functions remove:
- // Given k, a key to remove, removes the first node that it finds with
- // such key.
- void BST::remove(int k) {
- remove(k, root);
- }
- void BST::remove(int k, BTNode *r) {
- BTNode *parent = NULL;
- BTNode *cur = r;
- while (cur) { // Search for node
- if (cur->key == k) { // Node found
- if (cur->left == NULL && cur->right == NULL) { // Remove leaf
- cout << "cur is a leaf: " << cur->key << endl;
- if (!parent) { // Node is root
- root = NULL;
- }
- else if (parent->left == cur)
- parent->left = NULL;
- else
- parent->right = NULL;
- delete cur;
- }
- else if (cur->left && cur->right == NULL) { // Remove node with only left child
- if (!parent) // Node is root
- root = cur->left;
- else if (parent->left == cur)
- parent->left = cur->left;
- else
- parent->right = cur->left;
- delete cur;
- }
- else if (cur->left == NULL && cur->right) { // Remove node with only right child
- if (!parent) // Node is root
- root = cur->right;
- else if (parent->left == cur)
- parent->left = cur->right;
- else
- parent->right = cur->right;
- delete cur;
- }
- else { // Remove node with two children
- // Find successor (leftmost child of right subtree)
- BTNode *suc = cur->right;
- while (suc->left )
- suc = suc->left;
- int successorData = suc->key;
- remove(suc->key, cur); // Remove successor
- cur->key = successorData;
- }
- return; // Node found and removed
- }
- else if (cur->key < k) { // Search right
- parent = cur;
- cur = cur->right;
- }
- else { // Search left
- parent = cur;
- cur = cur->left;
- }
- }
- return; // Node not found
- }
- // function getHeight:
- // Returns the height of the tree.
- int BST::getHeight() const {
- return getHeight(root);
- }
- int BST::getHeight(BTNode *r) const {
- if (!r) return -1;
- int leftHeight = getHeight(r->left);
- int rightHeight = getHeight(r->right);
- return 1 + max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
- }
- // function sum:
- // Returns the sum of all keys in the tree.
- int BST::sum() const { return sum(root);}
- int BST::sum(BTNode *n) const {
- if (!n) return 0;
- else return n->key + sum(n->left) + sum(n->right);
- }
- // function leafQty:
- // Returns the number of leaves in the tree.
- int BST::leafQty() const { return leafQty(root);}
- int BST::leafQty(BTNode *n) const {
- if (!n) return 0;
- if (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL) return 1;
- else return leafQty(n->left) + leafQty(n->right);
- }
- // function parentsOfTwo:
- // Returns the number of nodes that are parents of two children.
- int BST::parentsOfTwo() const {
- return parentsOfTwo(root);
- }
- int BST::parentsOfTwo(BTNode *n) const {
- if (!n || (!n->left && !n->right)) return 0;
- int resultLeft = parentsOfTwo(n->left);
- int resultRight = parentsOfTwo(n->right);
- if (n->left && n->right) return 1 + resultLeft + resultRight;
- else return resultLeft + resultRight;
- }
- // function InOrder:
- // Will return a string containing the sequence of visited keys
- // during an in-order traversal (BFS) of the tree.
- string BST::InOrder() const {
- string st;
- InOrder(root, st);
- return st;
- }
- void BST::InOrder(BTNode *n, string &st) const {
- if (n) {
- InOrder(n->left, st);
- st = st + to_string(n->key) + " ";
- InOrder(n->right, st);
- }
- }
- // function BFS:
- // Will return a string containing the sequence of visited keys
- // during a breadth-first traversal of the tree.
- string BST::BFS() const {
- string st;
- queue<BTNode*> q;
- if(root!=NULL) q.push(root);
- while(!q.empty()) {
- BTNode *f = q.front();
- st.append(to_string(f->key));
- st.append(" ");
- if (f->left != NULL) q.push(f->left);
- if (f->right != NULL) q.push(f->right);
- q.pop();
- }
- return st;
- }
- // function searchRec:
- // A recursive version of the search algorithm.
- BTNode* BST::searchRec(int k) const { return searchRec(k,root); }
- BTNode* BST::searchRec(int k, BTNode *r) const {
- if (r) {
- if (k == r->key) return r;
- else if (k < r->key)
- return searchRec(k, r->left);
- else
- return searchRec(k, r->right);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // function insertRec:
- // A recursive version of the insert algorithm.
- void BST::insertRec(int k) {
- if (!root) root = new BTNode(k);
- else insertRec(k, root);
- }
- void BST::insertRec(int k, BTNode *r) {
- if (k < r->key) {
- if (r->left == NULL) r->left = new BTNode(k);
- else insertRec(k, r->left);
- }
- else { // k is greater than r->key
- if (r->right == NULL) r->right = new BTNode(k);
- else insertRec(k, r->right);
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE( "BST is tested", "[BST]" ) {
- vector<int> v = {8, 9, 5, 2, 4, 10, 1};
- BST B;
- for (auto e: v) B.insert(e);
- REQUIRE (B.InOrder() == "1 2 4 5 8 9 10 ");
- REQUIRE (B.BFS() == "8 5 9 2 10 1 4 ");
- // REQUIRE( infix2Postfix("(3 + 4) * 9") == "3 4 + 9 *" );
- // REQUIRE( infix2Postfix("3 + 4 * 9") == "3 4 9 * +" );
- // REQUIRE( infix2Postfix("3 + 4 * (9 + 5)") == "3 4 9 5 + * +" );
- // REQUIRE( infix2Postfix("(3 + 4) * (9 + 5)") == "3 4 + 9 5 + *" );
- }