Nessuna descrizione

base-site.html 2.1KB

  1. <!--
  2. =========================================================
  3. * * Black Dashboard - v1.0.1
  4. =========================================================
  5. * Product Page:
  6. * Copyright 2019 Creative Tim (
  7. * Coded by Creative Tim
  8. =========================================================
  9. * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  10. -->
  11. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12. <html lang="en">
  13. <head>
  14. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  15. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
  16. <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="/static/assets/img/apple-icon.png">
  17. <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/static/assets/img/favicon.png">
  18. <title>
  19. Flask Dashboard Black - {% block title %}{% endblock %} | AppSeed
  20. </title>
  21. <!-- Fonts and icons -->
  22. <link href=",300,400,600,700,800" rel="stylesheet" />
  23. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  24. <!-- Nucleo Icons -->
  25. <link href="/static/assets/css/nucleo-icons.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  26. <!-- CSS Files -->
  27. <link href="/static/assets/css/black-dashboard.css?v=1.0.0" rel="stylesheet" />
  28. <!-- CSS Just for demo purpose, don't include it in your project -->
  29. <link href="/static/assets/demo/demo.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  30. <!-- Specific Page CSS goes HERE -->
  31. {% block stylesheets %}{% endblock stylesheets %}
  32. </head>
  33. <body class="">
  34. <div class="wrapper">
  35. {% include 'site_template/sidebar.html' %}
  36. <div class="main-panel">
  37. {% include 'site_template/navigation.html' %}
  38. <div class="content">
  39. {% block content %}{% endblock content %}
  40. </div>
  41. {% include 'site_template/footer.html' %}
  42. </div>
  43. </div>
  44. {% include 'site_template/fixed-plugin.html' %}
  45. {% include 'site_template/scripts.html' %}
  46. {% include 'site_template/scripts-sidebar.html' %}
  47. <!-- Specific Page JS goes HERE -->
  48. {% block javascripts %}{% endblock javascripts %}
  49. </body>
  50. </html>