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QCPLegend Class Reference

Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot. More...

Inheritance diagram for QCPLegend:
QCPLayoutGrid QCPLayout QCPLayoutElement QCPLayerable

Public Types

enum  SelectablePart { spNone = 0x000, spLegendBox = 0x001, spItems = 0x002 }


void selectionChanged (QCPLegend::SelectableParts selection)

Public Member Functions

 QCPLegend ()
QPen borderPen () const
QBrush brush () const
QFont font () const
QColor textColor () const
QSize iconSize () const
int iconTextPadding () const
QPen iconBorderPen () const
SelectableParts selectableParts () const
SelectableParts selectedParts () const
QPen selectedBorderPen () const
QPen selectedIconBorderPen () const
QBrush selectedBrush () const
QFont selectedFont () const
QColor selectedTextColor () const
void setBorderPen (const QPen &pen)
void setBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setFont (const QFont &font)
void setTextColor (const QColor &color)
void setIconSize (const QSize &size)
void setIconSize (int width, int height)
void setIconTextPadding (int padding)
void setIconBorderPen (const QPen &pen)
void setSelectableParts (const SelectableParts &selectableParts)
void setSelectedParts (const SelectableParts &selectedParts)
void setSelectedBorderPen (const QPen &pen)
void setSelectedIconBorderPen (const QPen &pen)
void setSelectedBrush (const QBrush &brush)
void setSelectedFont (const QFont &font)
void setSelectedTextColor (const QColor &color)
virtual double selectTest (const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const
QCPAbstractLegendItemitem (int index) const
QCPPlottableLegendItemitemWithPlottable (const QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable) const
int itemCount () const
bool hasItem (QCPAbstractLegendItem *item) const
bool hasItemWithPlottable (const QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable) const
bool addItem (QCPAbstractLegendItem *item)
bool removeItem (int index)
bool removeItem (QCPAbstractLegendItem *item)
void clearItems ()
QList< QCPAbstractLegendItem * > selectedItems () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayoutGrid
 QCPLayoutGrid ()
int rowCount () const
int columnCount () const
QList< double > columnStretchFactors () const
QList< double > rowStretchFactors () const
int columnSpacing () const
int rowSpacing () const
void setColumnStretchFactor (int column, double factor)
void setColumnStretchFactors (const QList< double > &factors)
void setRowStretchFactor (int row, double factor)
void setRowStretchFactors (const QList< double > &factors)
void setColumnSpacing (int pixels)
void setRowSpacing (int pixels)
virtual void updateLayout ()
virtual int elementCount () const
virtual QCPLayoutElementelementAt (int index) const
virtual QCPLayoutElementtakeAt (int index)
virtual bool take (QCPLayoutElement *element)
virtual QList< QCPLayoutElement * > elements (bool recursive) const
virtual void simplify ()
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint () const
virtual QSize maximumSizeHint () const
QCPLayoutElementelement (int row, int column) const
bool addElement (int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element)
bool hasElement (int row, int column)
void expandTo (int newRowCount, int newColumnCount)
void insertRow (int newIndex)
void insertColumn (int newIndex)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayout
 QCPLayout ()
virtual void update ()
bool removeAt (int index)
bool remove (QCPLayoutElement *element)
void clear ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayoutElement
 QCPLayoutElement (QCustomPlot *parentPlot=0)
QCPLayoutlayout () const
QRect rect () const
QRect outerRect () const
QMargins margins () const
QMargins minimumMargins () const
QCP::MarginSides autoMargins () const
QSize minimumSize () const
QSize maximumSize () const
QCPMarginGroupmarginGroup (QCP::MarginSide side) const
QHash< QCP::MarginSide, QCPMarginGroup * > marginGroups () const
void setOuterRect (const QRect &rect)
void setMargins (const QMargins &margins)
void setMinimumMargins (const QMargins &margins)
void setAutoMargins (QCP::MarginSides sides)
void setMinimumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMinimumSize (int width, int height)
void setMaximumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMaximumSize (int width, int height)
void setMarginGroup (QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
 QCPLayerable (QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer="", QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=0)
bool visible () const
QCustomPlotparentPlot () const
QCPLayerableparentLayerable () const
QCPLayerlayer () const
bool antialiased () const
void setVisible (bool on)
bool setLayer (QCPLayer *layer)
bool setLayer (const QString &layerName)
void setAntialiased (bool enabled)
bool realVisibility () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void parentPlotInitialized (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory () const
virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
virtual void draw (QCPPainter *painter)
virtual void selectEvent (QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
virtual void deselectEvent (bool *selectionStateChanged)
QPen getBorderPen () const
QBrush getBrush () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayoutGrid
void getMinimumRowColSizes (QVector< int > *minColWidths, QVector< int > *minRowHeights) const
void getMaximumRowColSizes (QVector< int > *maxColWidths, QVector< int > *maxRowHeights) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayout
void sizeConstraintsChanged () const
void adoptElement (QCPLayoutElement *el)
void releaseElement (QCPLayoutElement *el)
QVector< int > getSectionSizes (QVector< int > maxSizes, QVector< int > minSizes, QVector< double > stretchFactors, int totalSize) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayoutElement
virtual int calculateAutoMargin (QCP::MarginSide side)
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
virtual QRect clipRect () const
void initializeParentPlot (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
void setParentLayerable (QCPLayerable *parentLayerable)
bool moveToLayer (QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend)
void applyAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const

Protected Attributes

QPen mBorderPen
QPen mIconBorderPen
QBrush mBrush
QFont mFont
QColor mTextColor
QSize mIconSize
int mIconTextPadding
SelectableParts mSelectedParts
SelectableParts mSelectableParts
QPen mSelectedBorderPen
QPen mSelectedIconBorderPen
QBrush mSelectedBrush
QFont mSelectedFont
QColor mSelectedTextColor
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayoutGrid
QList< QList< QCPLayoutElement * > > mElements
QList< double > mColumnStretchFactors
QList< double > mRowStretchFactors
int mColumnSpacing
int mRowSpacing
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayoutElement
QSize mMinimumSize
QSize mMaximumSize
QRect mRect
QRect mOuterRect
QMargins mMargins
QMargins mMinimumMargins
QCP::MarginSides mAutoMargins
QHash< QCP::MarginSide, QCPMarginGroup * > mMarginGroups
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayerable
bool mVisible
QPointer< QCPLayerablemParentLayerable
bool mAntialiased


class QCustomPlot
class QCPAbstractLegendItem

Detailed Description

Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot.

A legend is a small box somewhere in the plot which lists plottables with their name and icon.

Normally, the legend is populated by calling QCPAbstractPlottable::addToLegend. The respective legend item can be removed with QCPAbstractPlottable::removeFromLegend. However, QCPLegend also offers an interface to add and manipulate legend items directly: item, itemWithPlottable, itemCount, addItem, removeItem, etc.

The QCPLegend derives from QCPLayoutGrid and as such can be placed in any position a QCPLayoutElement may be positioned. The legend items are themselves QCPLayoutElements which are placed in the grid layout of the legend. QCPLegend only adds an interface specialized for handling child elements of type QCPAbstractLegendItem, as mentioned above. In principle, any other layout elements may also be added to a legend via the normal QCPLayoutGrid interface. However, the QCPAbstractLegendItem-Interface will ignore those elements (e.g. itemCount will only return the number of items with QCPAbstractLegendItems type).

By default, every QCustomPlot has one legend (QCustomPlot::legend) which is placed in the inset layout of the main axis rect (QCPAxisRect::insetLayout). To move the legend to another position inside the axis rect, use the methods of the QCPLayoutInset. To move the legend outside of the axis rect, place it anywhere else with the QCPLayout/QCPLayoutElement interface.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Defines the selectable parts of a legend

See also
setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts

0x000 None


0x001 The legend box (frame)


0x002 Legend items individually (see selectedItems)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QCPLegend::QCPLegend ( )

Constructs a new QCPLegend instance with parentPlot as the containing plot and default values.

Note that by default, QCustomPlot already contains a legend ready to be used as QCustomPlot::legend

Member Function Documentation

bool QCPLegend::addItem ( QCPAbstractLegendItem item)

Adds item to the legend, if it's not present already.

Returns true on sucess, i.e. if the item wasn't in the list already and has been successfuly added.

The legend takes ownership of the item.

void QCPLegend::clearItems ( )

Removes all items from the legend.

bool QCPLegend::hasItem ( QCPAbstractLegendItem item) const

Returns whether the legend contains itm.

bool QCPLegend::hasItemWithPlottable ( const QCPAbstractPlottable plottable) const

Returns whether the legend contains a QCPPlottableLegendItem which is associated with plottable (e.g. a QCPGraph*). If such an item isn't in the legend, returns false.

See also
QCPAbstractLegendItem * QCPLegend::item ( int  index) const

Returns the item with index i.

See also
int QCPLegend::itemCount ( ) const

Returns the number of items currently in the legend.

See also
QCPPlottableLegendItem * QCPLegend::itemWithPlottable ( const QCPAbstractPlottable plottable) const

Returns the QCPPlottableLegendItem which is associated with plottable (e.g. a QCPGraph*). If such an item isn't in the legend, returns 0.

See also
bool QCPLegend::removeItem ( int  index)

Removes the item with index index from the legend.

Returns true, if successful.

See also
itemCount, clearItems
bool QCPLegend::removeItem ( QCPAbstractLegendItem item)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Removes item from the legend.

Returns true, if successful.

See also
QList< QCPAbstractLegendItem * > QCPLegend::selectedItems ( ) const

Returns the legend items that are currently selected. If no items are selected, the list is empty.

See also
QCPAbstractLegendItem::setSelected, setSelectable
void QCPLegend::selectionChanged ( QCPLegend::SelectableParts  selection)

This signal is emitted when the selection state of this legend has changed.

See also
setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts
double QCPLegend::selectTest ( const QPointF &  pos,
bool  onlySelectable,
QVariant *  details = 0 
) const

Layout elements are sensitive to events inside their outer rect. If pos is within the outer rect, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection tolerance. However, layout elements are not selectable by default. So if onlySelectable is true, -1.0 is returned.

See QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.

QCPLayoutElement subclasses may reimplement this method to provide more specific selection test behaviour.

Reimplemented from QCPLayoutElement.

void QCPLegend::setBorderPen ( const QPen &  pen)

Sets the pen, the border of the entire legend is drawn with.

void QCPLegend::setBrush ( const QBrush &  brush)

Sets the brush of the legend background.

void QCPLegend::setFont ( const QFont &  font)

Sets the default font of legend text. Legend items that draw text (e.g. the name of a graph) will use this font by default. However, a different font can be specified on a per-item-basis by accessing the specific legend item.

This function will also set font on all already existing legend items.

See also
void QCPLegend::setIconBorderPen ( const QPen &  pen)

Sets the pen used to draw a border around each legend icon. Legend items that draw an icon (e.g. a visual representation of the graph) will use this pen by default.

If no border is wanted, set this to Qt::NoPen.

void QCPLegend::setIconSize ( const QSize &  size)

Sets the size of legend icons. Legend items that draw an icon (e.g. a visual representation of the graph) will use this size by default.

void QCPLegend::setIconSize ( int  width,
int  height 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void QCPLegend::setIconTextPadding ( int  padding)

Sets the horizontal space in pixels between the legend icon and the text next to it. Legend items that draw an icon (e.g. a visual representation of the graph) and text (e.g. the name of the graph) will use this space by default.

void QCPLegend::setSelectableParts ( const SelectableParts &  selectable)

Sets whether the user can (de-)select the parts in selectable by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface. (When QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectLegend.)

However, even when selectable is set to a value not allowing the selection of a specific part, it is still possible to set the selection of this part manually, by calling setSelectedParts directly.

See also
SelectablePart, setSelectedParts
void QCPLegend::setSelectedBorderPen ( const QPen &  pen)

When the legend box is selected, this pen is used to draw the border instead of the normal pen set via setBorderPen.

See also
setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts, setSelectedBrush
void QCPLegend::setSelectedBrush ( const QBrush &  brush)

When the legend box is selected, this brush is used to draw the legend background instead of the normal brush set via setBrush.

See also
setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts, setSelectedBorderPen
void QCPLegend::setSelectedFont ( const QFont &  font)

Sets the default font that is used by legend items when they are selected.

This function will also set font on all already existing legend items.

See also
setFont, QCPAbstractLegendItem::setSelectedFont
void QCPLegend::setSelectedIconBorderPen ( const QPen &  pen)

Sets the pen legend items will use to draw their icon borders, when they are selected.

See also
setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts, setSelectedFont
void QCPLegend::setSelectedParts ( const SelectableParts &  selected)

Sets the selected state of the respective legend parts described by SelectablePart. When a part is selected, it uses a different pen/font and brush. If some legend items are selected and selected doesn't contain spItems, those items become deselected.

The entire selection mechanism is handled automatically when QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectLegend. You only need to call this function when you wish to change the selection state manually.

This function can change the selection state of a part even when setSelectableParts was set to a value that actually excludes the part.

emits the selectionChanged signal when selected is different from the previous selection state.

Note that it doesn't make sense to set the selected state spItems here when it wasn't set before, because there's no way to specify which exact items to newly select. Do this by calling QCPAbstractLegendItem::setSelected directly on the legend item you wish to select.

See also
SelectablePart, setSelectableParts, selectTest, setSelectedBorderPen, setSelectedIconBorderPen, setSelectedBrush, setSelectedFont
void QCPLegend::setSelectedTextColor ( const QColor &  color)

Sets the default text color that is used by legend items when they are selected.

This function will also set color on all already existing legend items.

See also
setTextColor, QCPAbstractLegendItem::setSelectedTextColor
void QCPLegend::setTextColor ( const QColor &  color)

Sets the default color of legend text. Legend items that draw text (e.g. the name of a graph) will use this color by default. However, a different colors can be specified on a per-item-basis by accessing the specific legend item.

This function will also set color on all already existing legend items.

See also

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