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Referencia de la Clase QCPPlotTitle

A layout element displaying a plot title text. Más...

Diagrama de herencias de QCPPlotTitle
QCPLayoutElement QCPLayerable


void selectionChanged (bool selected)

Métodos públicos

 QCPPlotTitle (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
 QCPPlotTitle (QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text)
QString text () const
QFont font () const
QColor textColor () const
QFont selectedFont () const
QColor selectedTextColor () const
bool selectable () const
bool selected () const
void setText (const QString &text)
void setFont (const QFont &font)
void setTextColor (const QColor &color)
void setSelectedFont (const QFont &font)
void setSelectedTextColor (const QColor &color)
void setSelectable (bool selectable)
void setSelected (bool selected)
virtual double selectTest (const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const
- Métodos públicos heredados desde QCPLayoutElement
 QCPLayoutElement (QCustomPlot *parentPlot=0)
QCPLayoutlayout () const
QRect rect () const
QRect outerRect () const
QMargins margins () const
QMargins minimumMargins () const
QCP::MarginSides autoMargins () const
QSize minimumSize () const
QSize maximumSize () const
QCPMarginGroupmarginGroup (QCP::MarginSide side) const
QHash< QCP::MarginSide, QCPMarginGroup * > marginGroups () const
void setOuterRect (const QRect &rect)
void setMargins (const QMargins &margins)
void setMinimumMargins (const QMargins &margins)
void setAutoMargins (QCP::MarginSides sides)
void setMinimumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMinimumSize (int width, int height)
void setMaximumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMaximumSize (int width, int height)
void setMarginGroup (QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group)
virtual void update ()
virtual QList< QCPLayoutElement * > elements (bool recursive) const
- Métodos públicos heredados desde QCPLayerable
 QCPLayerable (QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer="", QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=0)
bool visible () const
QCustomPlotparentPlot () const
QCPLayerableparentLayerable () const
QCPLayerlayer () const
bool antialiased () const
void setVisible (bool on)
bool setLayer (QCPLayer *layer)
bool setLayer (const QString &layerName)
void setAntialiased (bool enabled)
bool realVisibility () const

Métodos protegidos

virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const
virtual void draw (QCPPainter *painter)
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint () const
virtual QSize maximumSizeHint () const
virtual void selectEvent (QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
virtual void deselectEvent (bool *selectionStateChanged)
QFont mainFont () const
QColor mainTextColor () const
- Métodos protegidos heredados desde QCPLayoutElement
virtual int calculateAutoMargin (QCP::MarginSide side)
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event)
virtual void parentPlotInitialized (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
- Métodos protegidos heredados desde QCPLayerable
virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory () const
virtual QRect clipRect () const
void initializeParentPlot (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
void setParentLayerable (QCPLayerable *parentLayerable)
bool moveToLayer (QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend)
void applyAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const

Atributos protegidos

QString mText
QFont mFont
QColor mTextColor
QFont mSelectedFont
QColor mSelectedTextColor
QRect mTextBoundingRect
bool mSelectable
bool mSelected
- Atributos protegidos heredados desde QCPLayoutElement
QSize mMinimumSize
QSize mMaximumSize
QRect mRect
QRect mOuterRect
QMargins mMargins
QMargins mMinimumMargins
QCP::MarginSides mAutoMargins
QHash< QCP::MarginSide, QCPMarginGroup * > mMarginGroups
- Atributos protegidos heredados desde QCPLayerable
bool mVisible
QPointer< QCPLayerablemParentLayerable
bool mAntialiased

Descripción detallada

A layout element displaying a plot title text.

The text may be specified with setText, theformatting can be controlled with setFont and setTextColor.

A plot title can be added as follows:

customPlot->plotLayout()->insertRow(0); // inserts an empty row above the default axis rect
customPlot->plotLayout()->addElement(0, 0, new QCPPlotTitle(customPlot, "Your Plot Title"));

Since a plot title is a common requirement, QCustomPlot offers specialized selection signals for easy interaction with QCPPlotTitle. If a layout element of type QCPPlotTitle is clicked, the signal QCustomPlot::titleClick is emitted. A double click emits the QCustomPlot::titleDoubleClick signal.

Documentación del constructor y destructor

QCPPlotTitle::QCPPlotTitle ( QCustomPlot parentPlot)

Creates a new QCPPlotTitle instance and sets default values. The initial text is empty (setText).

To set the title text in the constructor, rather use QCPPlotTitle(QCustomPlot *parentPlot, const QString &text).

QCPPlotTitle::QCPPlotTitle ( QCustomPlot parentPlot,
const QString &  text 

Esta es una función miembro sobrecargada que se suministra por conveniencia. Difiere de la anterior función solamente en los argumentos que acepta.

Creates a new QCPPlotTitle instance and sets default values. The initial text is set to text.

Documentación de las funciones miembro

QSize QCPPlotTitle::maximumSizeHint ( ) const

Returns the maximum size this layout element (the inner rect) may be expanded to.

if a maximum size (setMaximumSize) was not set manually, parent layouts consult this function to determine the maximum allowed size of this layout element. (A manual maximum size is considered set if it is smaller than Qt's QWIDGETSIZE_MAX.)

Reimplementado de QCPLayoutElement.

QSize QCPPlotTitle::minimumSizeHint ( ) const

Returns the minimum size this layout element (the inner rect) may be compressed to.

if a minimum size (setMinimumSize) was not set manually, parent layouts consult this function to determine the minimum allowed size of this layout element. (A manual minimum size is considered set if it is non-zero.)

Reimplementado de QCPLayoutElement.

void QCPPlotTitle::selectionChanged ( bool  selected)

This signal is emitted when the selection state has changed to selected, either by user interaction or by a direct call to setSelected.

Ver también
setSelected, setSelectable
double QCPPlotTitle::selectTest ( const QPointF &  pos,
bool  onlySelectable,
QVariant *  details = 0 
) const

Layout elements are sensitive to events inside their outer rect. If pos is within the outer rect, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection tolerance. However, layout elements are not selectable by default. So if onlySelectable is true, -1.0 is returned.

See QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.

QCPLayoutElement subclasses may reimplement this method to provide more specific selection test behaviour.

Reimplementado de QCPLayoutElement.

void QCPPlotTitle::setFont ( const QFont &  font)

Sets the font of the title text.

Ver también
setTextColor, setSelectedFont
void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectable ( bool  selectable)

Sets whether the user may select this plot title to selectable.

Note that even when selectable is set to false, the selection state may be changed programmatically via setSelected.

void QCPPlotTitle::setSelected ( bool  selected)

Sets the selection state of this plot title to selected. If the selection has changed, selectionChanged is emitted.

Note that this function can change the selection state independently of the current setSelectable state.

void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectedFont ( const QFont &  font)

Sets the font of the title text that will be used if the plot title is selected (setSelected).

Ver también
void QCPPlotTitle::setSelectedTextColor ( const QColor &  color)

Sets the color of the title text that will be used if the plot title is selected (setSelected).

Ver también
void QCPPlotTitle::setText ( const QString &  text)

Sets the text that will be displayed to text. Multiple lines can be created by insertion of "\n".

Ver también
setFont, setTextColor
void QCPPlotTitle::setTextColor ( const QColor &  color)

Sets the color of the title text.

Ver también
setFont, setSelectedTextColor

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