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MainWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MainWindow:

Public Member Functions

 MainWindow (QWidget *parent=0)
 Constructor. More...
void GrayScale (QImage &)
 Function that applies a greyscale filter in the edited image. It works by turning each pixel into the color grey. More...
void VerticalFlip (QImage &)
 Function that applies a vertical flip to the edited image. It works by putting the pixel from the original image in the heigth-1-j position of the edited image. More...
void HorizontalFlip (QImage &)
 Function that applies a horizontal flip to the edited image. It works by putting the pixel from the original image in the width-1-i position of the edited image. More...
void ThresholdFilter (QImage &, QImage &, unsigned int, bool)
 Function that applies a theshold filter to the edited image. It works by creating a black and white image where the color of the new pixel is white or black depending on a threshold value and the average of the colors of the pixel of the original image. More...
 MainWindow (QWidget *parent=0)
void GrayScale (QImage &)
void VerticalFlip (QImage &)
void HorizontalFlip (QImage &)
void ThresholdFilter (QImage &, QImage &, unsigned int, bool)

Private Slots

void on_actionLoad_Image_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnLoadImage_clicked() More...
void on_actionSave_Image_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnSaveImage_clicked()
void on_actionClose_Window_triggered ()
void on_actionInvert_Threshold_Colors_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnInvertThreshold_clicked()
void on_actionFlip_Image_Horizontally_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnFlipImageHorizontally_clicked()
void on_actionFlip_Image_Vertically_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnFlipImageVertically_clicked()
void on_actionApply_Grey_Scale_Filter_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnGreyScaleFilter_clicked()
void on_actionRevert_Edited_Image_to_Original_triggered ()
 Invokes function on_btnRevertImage_clicked()
void on_actionInstructions_triggered ()
 To display the instructions.
void applyThresholdFilter ()
 To apply the threshold filter.
void instructions ()
 To display the instructions.
void on_thresholdSlider_sliderReleased ()
 To apply the threshold filter and load the edited image to the GUI when the GUI slider is moved.
void on_btnLoadImage_clicked ()
 To load an image to the GUI when the load image option is selected.
void on_btnSaveImage_clicked ()
 To save an image to the file system when the save image option is selected.
void on_chboxThreshold_clicked ()
 To apply the threshold filter and load the edited image to the GUI.
void on_btnInvertThreshold_clicked ()
 To apply the threshold filter and load the edited image to the GUI when the threshold color is inverted.
void on_btnFlipImageHorizontally_clicked ()
 To call the horizontal flip image filter.
void on_btnFlipImageVertically_clicked ()
 To call the vertical flip image filter.
void on_btnGreyScaleFilter_clicked ()
 To call the Gray Scale image filter.
void on_btnRevertImage_clicked ()
 To reset the edited image to the original image.
void on_actionLoad_Image_triggered ()
void on_actionSave_Image_triggered ()
void on_actionClose_Window_triggered ()
void on_actionInvert_Threshold_Colors_triggered ()
void on_actionFlip_Image_Horizontally_triggered ()
void on_actionFlip_Image_Vertically_triggered ()
void on_actionApply_Grey_Scale_Filter_triggered ()
void on_actionRevert_Edited_Image_to_Original_triggered ()
void on_actionInstructions_triggered ()
void applyThresholdFilter ()
void instructions ()
void on_thresholdSlider_sliderReleased ()
void on_btnLoadImage_clicked ()
void on_btnSaveImage_clicked ()
void on_chboxThreshold_clicked ()
void on_btnInvertThreshold_clicked ()
void on_btnFlipImageHorizontally_clicked ()
void on_btnFlipImageVertically_clicked ()
void on_btnGreyScaleFilter_clicked ()
void on_btnRevertImage_clicked ()

Private Attributes

Ui::MainWindow * ui
QImage originalImage
QImage editedImage
bool invertColor

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MainWindow::MainWindow ( QWidget *  parent = 0)



KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Loads a image with cmd + o Carga una imagen con cmd + o

Saves a image with cmd + s Guarda una imagen con cmd + s

Closes window with cmd + w Cierra la ventana con cmd + w

Inverts threshold color with cmd + t Invierte el color umbral con cmd + t

Flips horizontally a image with cmd + f Rota horizontalmente una imagen con cmd + f

Flips vertically a image with cmd + v Rota verticalmente una imagen con cmd + v

Applies greyscale filter to a image with cmd + g Aplica el filtro de tonos grises a una imagen con cmd + g

Resets an edited image to the orignal one to a image with cmd + r Devuelve la imagen editada a su estado original con cmd + r

Display the instructions with cmd + i Despliega las instrucciones con cmd + i

Member Function Documentation

void MainWindow::GrayScale ( QImage &  editedImage)

Function that applies a greyscale filter in the edited image. It works by turning each pixel into the color grey.

Function that applies a greyscale filter to the edited image. It works by turning each pixel into the color grey. For this we use two for loops to access the pixels of the edited image.

originalImageReference to the original image (no filter)
editedImageReference to the destination image with the filter applied.
void MainWindow::HorizontalFlip ( QImage &  editedImage)

Function that applies a horizontal flip to the edited image. It works by putting the pixel from the original image in the width-1-i position of the edited image.

Function that applies a horizontal flip to the edited image For this we use two for loops to access the pixels of the images. In the first loop we go through the x axis and in the second we go through the y axis and inside of it we put the pixel from the original image in the width-1-i position of the edited image.

originalImageReference to the original image (no filter)
editedImageReference to the destination image with the filter applied.
void MainWindow::on_actionLoad_Image_triggered ( )

Invokes function on_btnLoadImage_clicked()


void MainWindow::ThresholdFilter ( QImage &  originalImage,
QImage &  editedImage,
unsigned int  threshold,
bool  color 

Function that applies a theshold filter to the edited image. It works by creating a black and white image where the color of the new pixel is white or black depending on a threshold value and the average of the colors of the pixel of the original image.

originalImageReference to the original image (no filter)
editedImageReference to the destination image with the filter applied.
thresholdInteger value that serves as a black or white color threshold
colorboolean value to select which color white or black if the color average is under or over the threshold.

Function that applies a threshold filter to the edited image. For this we use two for loops to access the pixels of the images. In the first loop we go through the x axis and in the second we go through the y axis.

void MainWindow::VerticalFlip ( QImage &  editedImage)

Function that applies a vertical flip to the edited image. It works by putting the pixel from the original image in the heigth-1-j position of the edited image.

Function that applies a vertical flip to the edited image. For this we use two for loops to access the pixels of the images. In the first loop we go through the x axis and in the second we go through the y axis and inside of it we put the pixel from the original image in the heigth-1-j position of the edited image.

originalImageReference to the original image (no filter)
editedImageReference to the destination image with the filter applied.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: